


  1. a mark added to a letter to indicate a special pronunciation
    • Synonyms
      • diacritical mark
    • Less specific
      • mark
    • More specific
      • accent
      • accent mark
      • breve
      • cedilla
      • circumflex
      • hacek
      • wedge
      • macron
      • tilde
      • umlaut
      • dieresis
      • diaeresis
    • Related
      • diacritic
      • diacritical
      • diacritic
      • diacritical


  1. capable of distinguishing; “students having superior diacritic powers”; “the diacritic elements in culture”- S.F.Nadel
    • Synonyms
      • diacritical
    • Similar to
      • discriminating
    • Related
      • diacritical mark
      • diacritic
      • diacritical mark
      • diacritic

diacritic - LookUp


  1. Phonetics a sign, such as an accent or cedilla, which when written above or below a letter indicates a difference in pronunciation from the same letter when unmarked or differently marked


  1. Phonetics (of a mark or sign) indicating a difference in pronunciation


late 17th century : from Greek diakritikos , from diakrinein distinguish , from dia- through + krinein to separate

Urban Dictionary

Diacritic: a mark, pointer, sign to distinguish from another form, to give a particular phonetic value

Diacritic: the diacritic on the words between similar spelling had been manually added over the page to modify a letter of the alphabet.
