
!!! danger !prefix clear leaves you without a prefix meaning you have to mention the bot to set a new one. !prefix set <prefix> is most likely a better choice in most cases

!!! info Carl-bot's default prefixes are @Carl-bot#1536, ! and ?

Name Example Usage
prefix !prefix Lists the prefixes currently in use by the server
prefix add <prefix> !prefix add "sudo " Adds a prefix to be used by the bot (limited to 10) NOTE if you want a two word prefix or a prefix with a space after it or an emoji you must use quotes, this is a discord limitation and can't be fixed
prefix set <prefix> !prefix set "haha " Sets the specified prefix to be the ONLY prefix in the server
prefix remove <prefix> !prefix remove ! Removes a prefix, same limits as !prefix add applies here, can't remove mentioning the bot.
prefix clear !prefix clear Removes all prefixes except mentioning the bot. This (obviously) means you need to mention the bot to register more prefixes