Essential curiosities from us and our favorites.

The birthday vacation was grand, but we've got a helluva lot of catching up to do. We're all on an island, basically. ( But at least we have blessings to print. (


» Ye Ole Crate. (

» Butch. (

» Teeth and the wolf. (

» Lola. (

» The dangerousness of a hollow man. (

» Sounds of the populace. (

» Dubai's imminent dystopia. (

» Followed swiftly by the sentient kitchen. (

** ART

» David Roberts. (

» Mapping American climate sentiments. (

» Shife. (

» John... (

» Lest we forget shitty video games. (

» Under the spell of the country's past. (


» How to go potty. (

» We said it first. (


» Errol Email. (

» 15 years of Radiolab ( .

» Careful - don't let The Light charm you into Love at First Site. (

» Tennis Journalism: definitely what's most needed right now. (

» Jia Tolentino's essays. (

» BratShit, ranked. (

» Depression is not on this list? (


» Imagine if Google's most popular misspelling was "googe." ( Itching for more? Read our reading list ( .

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