
!!! tip Consider using the website at https://carl.gg

Quick Start

  1. Choose a channel with !log channel <#channel>
  2. Select which events you want logged with !log <event> where event is an event found at the bottom of this page
  3. Split up logging into separate channels by using the commands found below

!!! tip "Easy Setup" The !log aio command automatically creates a category, fills it with five channels and splits up logging into them.

???+ tldr "Logging Commands"

| Command | Example | Usage |
| :--- | :--- | :--- |
| **log channel \[\#channel\]** | !log channel \#logs | Sets the default channel where logged events go. Leave empty to clear the channel. |
| **log \[event\]** | !log channelcreate | Toggles an event from being logged or not. Leave blank to see current settings. |
| **log messagechannel \[\#channel\]** | !log messagechannel \#msglog | Sets the channel where message events are logged. |
| **log memberchannel \[\#channel\]** | !log memberchannel \#member-logs | Sets the channel where member events are logged. |
| **log joinchannel \[\#channel\]** | !log joinchannel \#hello-bye | Sets the channel where the bot logs members joining and leaving. |
| **log serverchannel \[\#channel\]** | !log serverchannel \#server-updates | Sets the channel where updates to the server itself are logged. |
| **log voicechannel \[\#channel\]** | !log voicechannel \#spying | Sets the channel where members joining/moving between/leaving voice channels are logged. |
| **log ignore &lt;channels/members...&gt;** | !log ignore @Carl\#0001 \#bilderberg \#secret-shhh | Ignores message events posted in the channels or by the members. |
| **log unignore &lt;channels/members...&gt;** | !log unignore @Carl\#0001 \#bilderberg | Unignores the previous ignores. |
| **log \[prefix\|ip\] &lt;prefix&gt;** | !log ip ! | Ignores message deletions, edits and messages within purges starting with the prefixes. |
| **log \[removeprefix\|up\] &lt;prefix&gt;** | !log up ? | Unignores previously added prefixes. |
| **log export** | !log export | Exports the settings used in this server to be used with the next command. |
| **log \[import\|custom\] &lt;perms&gt;** | !log import 1337 | Imports some settings. |
| **log aio** | !log aio | Creates a category, fills it with five channels and splits up logging into them. |

Event List

???+ tldr "Event List"

Each event that Carl-bot logs has an associated value and channel.<br>The values are only there for ultra-nerds, don't worry about it.

| Event | Associated logging | Value | Channel |
| :--- | :--- | ---: | :---: |
| delete | Deleted messages | 1 | messagechannel |
| edit | Message edits | 2 | messagechannel |
| purge | Bulk message deletion | 4 | messagechannel |
| discord | Discord invites posted | 2097152 | messagechannel |
| role | Member role updates | 8 | memberchannel |
| avatar | Avatar updates | 32 | memberchannel |
| bans | Bans and unbans | 192 | memberchannel |
| ban | Just bans | 64 | memberchannel |
| unban | Just unbans | 128 | memberchannel |
| join | Name or nickname updates | 256 | joinchannel |
| leave | Name or nickname updates | 512 | joinchannel |
| channels | Channel creations, updates and deletions | 7168 | serverchannel |
| channelcreate | Channel creation | 1024 | serverchannel |
| channelupdate | Channel updates | 2048 | serverchannel |
| channeldelete | Channel deletion | 4096 | serverchannel |
| rolecreate | Roles created | 65536 | serverchannel |
| roleupdate | Updates to roles | 131072 | serverchannel |
| roledelete | Roles deleted | 262144 | serverchannel |
| allroles | Roles being created, updated or deleted | 458752 | serverchannel |
| emoji | Emojis being created, updated or deleted | 1048576 | serverchannel |
| server | Updates to the server itself | 524288 | serverchannel |
| voicejoin | Members joining voice channels | 8192 | voicechannel |
| voicemove | Members changing voice channels | 16384 | voicechannel |
| voiceleave | Members leaving voice channels | 32768 | voicechannel |
| voice | All voice events | 57344 | voicechannel |
| everything | Every single event | 4194303 | depends |
| nothing | Nothing! | 0 | -- |
| default | Some messages and member events | 1019 | depends |