ftp ls

ftp ls

Applies to: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012

Displays an abbreviated list of files and subdirectories from the remote computer.


ls [<remotedirectory>] [<localfile>]


Parameter Description
[<remotedirectory>] Specifies the directory for which you want to see a listing. If no directory is specified, the current working directory on the remote computer is used.
[<localfile>] Specifies a local file in which to store the listing. If a local file is not specified, results are displayed on the screen.


To display an abbreviated list of files and subdirectories from the remote computer, type:


To get an abbreviated directory listing of dir1 on the remote computer and save it in a local file called dirlist.txt, type:

ls dir1 dirlist.txt

Additional References