iOS & iPadOS 16 Beta 3 Release Notes

Notes and Known Issues


Known Issues The pointer won't behave correctly on the external display if the Assistive Touch accessibility feature is enabled. (92302190)

Workaround: Disable it while using an external display.

Users can experience slow animations when using Zoom after leaving the Magnifier app. (93867848)

Workaround: Users can close the Magnifier app in App Switcher.


Known Issues Streaming of photos and videos to Apple TV or an AirPlay 2-enabled smart TV doesn't work if initiated from the Photos app. (93785527)

Workaround: Use Screen Mirroring in the Control Center.

App Intents

Known Issues When returning results from the perform() method, the .result() method and the ReturnsValue, ProvidesDialog, ShowsSnippetView, and OpensIntent protocols aren't available. (93300630)

Workaround: Use the .finished() method and PerformResult as the return type for perform().

Snippet views can't display correctly in dark mode. (94013857)

SiriTipView and SiriTipUIView do not display localized strings, non-localized strings are displayed instead. (94124379)

App Store

Known Issues Reinstalling Apple's system apps can fail when only connected to a cellular network. (94484161)

Workaround: Connect to a Wi-Fi network to reinstall Apple's system apps.

App Tracking Transparency

Known Issues The IDFA isn't provided to apps even if the App Tracking Transparency status is Authorized. (93978371)

Apple ID Authentication

Known Issues In certain cases, such as after unlocking a device from Lost Mode, an Apple ID authentication might be blocked and Apple ID services rendered nonfunctional. The user is redirected to Apple ID Settings to perform an authentication, but no authentication request is ever visible to the user. (93980441)

Workaround: Rebooting the device allows the authentication to proceed.


Known Issues ARBodyTracking fails to detect persons on devices with an A14 or A15 chip. (93852787)

Workaround: Use a device with an A12 or A13 chip.


Known Issues Simulator and Mac Catalyst should be explicitly excluded from developer compilation. (93950572)


Known Issues When the user restores from an iCloud Backup, the restore can fail repeatedly in Setup Assistant if the device restarts while there's an in-progress restore from an iCloud Backup happening in Setup Assistant. (93466172)

Workaround: Set up the device as new, use Erase All Contents and Settings, and then try to restore from an iCloud Backup again.


Known Issues Wireless CarPlay can fail to connect. (95225034)


Known Issues Deleting Clock inadverently deletes Sleep Alarm. (92421164)

Workaround: Re-enable Sleep Alarm in Health.


Known Issues Apps won't launch in simulator. Xcode displays the error "Library not loaded:/usr/lib/swift/libswiftCloudKit.dylib." (94331191)

Workaround: Set your app's Deployment Target to iOS 16.

If a collaborative app isn't installed, the app user won't get a prompt to download and install it. (92980177)


Deprecations To improve security, CGImageCreate enforces parameter correctness on macOS 13 Ventura, iOS 16, iPadOS 16, watchOS 9, and tvOS 16. Passing an incorrect CGImageByteOrderInfo is no longer supported, and will result in images failing to load. (94855401)


Known Issues There's an intermittent issue with Bonjour discovery when connected to the network using Wi-Fi. (94134116)

Workaround: Power cycle the Wi-Fi prior to running your DeviceDiscoveryExtension tests, or disable the Wi-Fi and use Ethernet with a USB-C or Lightning adapter.


Known Issues DriverKit drivers fail to start when hardware is plugged in. (94799311)


Known Issues The search field for the emoji Lock Screen editor is missing. (88603664)

You might not be able to select emoji modifiers when configuring an emoji wallpaper. (93095669)


Known Issues Using the inflection capabilities of AttributedString(localized:…) in conjunction with a quantity won't work for text written in the Spanish language. (93126015)

Hang Detection

Known Issues Notifications don't appear once hang logs are available for viewing in Developer Settings. (93401353)

Hang logs stop being generated when a daily limit is reached. (92889082)


Known Issues Vision prescription attachments aren't readable when restored from iCloud. (92495851)

Workaround: Sign out of iCloud with the option to delete all local health data, and sign back in again.

New medication data shared via Health Sharing might not appear on the receiver's device. (93208762)


Known Issues The device that initiates the pairing needs to use the same iCloud account as the home hub. Only the owner of a home, not an invited user, can pair Matter accessories. (76012945)

Home Automations won't convert to Shortcuts on macOS, as normally expected. (93748027)

Workaround: Use iOS to convert Home Automations to Shortcuts.

If Automatic Updates for HomePod is turned off and four or more HomePods have a Software Update available, Home might quit unexpectedly on launch. (93896543)

Workaround: Use an earlier version of iOS to enable Automatic Updates for HomePod.

Home Screen

Known Issues On an external display, the status bar is missing after entering the app switcher. (93211110)

Workaround: Disconnect and reconnect the display to restore the status bar.

Apps that use UIRequiresFullScreen and only support portrait orientation won't display correctly on external displays. (92752442)

Timers won't appear on the iPad Lock Screen. (93508904)

The camera and microphone indicators don't appear when in a full-screen app and in the More Space display mode. (93761086)

A preview might not appear during the drag and drop of widgets, while editing a Lock Screen. (93029743)

The App Library can fail to appear immediately after a reboot. (90354353)

Workaround: Dismiss the App Library and try again after a few minutes.

Lock Screen widgets aren't displayed correctly on smaller displays when in Zoom mode. (93930880)

Full-screen windows with key focus can't be resized. (93872355)

Workaround: First dismiss the keyboard, or tap outside of the text field, to relinquish keyboard focus.

Some displays draw to the wrong canvas size causing pieces of the UI to be drawn off the screen. (93481462)

Workaround: Enable Mirror Display in Settings > Displays & Brightness > Arrangement.

Camera on iPad currently only supports FaceTime when using the external display.(93877953)


Known Issues After purchasing a new custom domain, it might not appear in the domain list. (94008426)

Workaround: After your purchase is completed, wait up to 5 minutes, and navigate to the Domain list. The new domain appears correctly configured.

Sharing a custom email domain with members outside your family might result in your own email address not appearing during setup. (93271837)

Workaround: Add other members first, then add your own address.

After purchasing a new domain and creating a custom email address, you might be offered to purchase the domain again. (93820872)

Workaround: Tap Not Now if offered to purchase again.

Location Services

Known Issues The Location Services icon won't display if the Status Bar Icon is toggled on in Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services > System Services. (94122277)


Known issues When searching for words that contain diacritics, suggestions for some languages might display apostrophes instead of accented characters. (92679833)

After updating to iOS & iPadOS 16 beta, it might take 24 hours or longer until search features function as expected. (61137313)

Searching for "me" doesn't show suggestions for yourself or your "me" card. (93228606)

Workaround: Search for your email address instead.

Pasting text into the search field and searching via Search Mail for Contact on a contact card doesn't work in languages other than English. (93613150)

The High Priority Mail search suggestion isn't available. (93266352)

Mail Search doesn't offer many temporal suggestions. (93109504)

Workaround: Type the full temporal suggestion, such as Last Week.

Send Later always offers Send Now, Send Tonight, Send Tomorrow Night, and Send Later (custom option), without the refinement to have more awareness of the current time. (86647273)

Remind Me messages might not show at the top of the message list until the message list is refreshed. (94046413)

Until indexing has finished and has extracted Rich Links and Documents, the Zero Keyword state can show "No Results Found". (88721787)

Moving a Remind Me message to another mailbox doesn't remove the Remind Me banner. (93671992)

Top Hits from All Mailboxes continue to show after selecting Current Mailbox. (93136581)

Workaround: Redo the search with Current Mailbox selected.

Selecting messages can result in a blank conversation view. (95262004)

Workaround: Turn on Complete Threads in Settings.

The move folder selection UI hangs when user attempts to move with keyboard attached and multiple messages selected. (96028740)


Known issues An app displaying an MKMapView in Simulator for iPhone 11 and later can crash when showing geographic areas with new 3D map data. (95335772)


Known issues If a user long presses on the Add Stop field in route planning, Maps quits unexpectedly. (93206703)

Don't use doc://, doc://, doc://, and doc:// Use their functional equivalents MKMapElevationStyle , MKStandardMapConfiguration.EmphasisStyle , and preferredConfiguration , instead. Additionally, showsBuildings is now deprecated. (93449747)

Explanatory text regarding user credit for photos submitted to the Apple Ratings & Photos might erroneously show up in Settings within Maps, even when that feature isn't enabled or available. (93359446)

Share ETA isn't sent as expected to SMS recipients. (92806604)

The Resume Route option under Siri Suggestions in Maps Home disappears after pausing a multistop trip. (91789671)

Workaround: Go to Recents to find a copy of the saved trip, or re-create the remaining portion of the trip manually.

While Maps is navigating, waking the device from the Lock Screen or ending navigation can cause Maps to quit unexpectedly. (92367898)

Workaround: Restart Maps and the trip resumes.

Maps isn't loading tiles and search result previews on iPads with two or three core CPUs. (94502723)

Workaround: Force quit Maps

Certain strings for Share ETA will not be localized when sharing trip status from one user to another user. (86537613)


Known Issues When attempting to reply to an existing thread of replies, the replies might scroll to an incorrect position. (90407282)


Known Issues When using the new Metal mesh shaders feature, render pipeline state objects (PSOs) created with a mesh shader stage but without a object shader stage can fail to compile or fail to work correctly on some devices. (89836551)

Workaround: When creating render PSOs with a mesh shader stage, also include a (potentially trivial pass-through) object shader stage.

The MTLResource.gpuHandle is deprecated. (92862429)

Workaround: Use gpuResourceID instead, which functions as a replacement.

Metal Offline Compiler

Known Issues AppStore TestFlight distribution of apps with Metal Offline Compiler GPU binaries fails and results in validation errors. (93124006)

Workaround: Certain preview test clients with source access might build the app project locally.

Adding a pipeline descriptor that uses MTLLinkedFunctions to a MTLBinaryArchive is unsupported and has undefined runtime behavior. (90776424)

Workaround: Limit use of MTLLinkedFunctions to PSO creation APIs instead of the Metal Binary Archive API.

When using Metal mesh shaders on a device with Apple silicon, object or mesh shaders producing large amounts of output data can result in incorrect rendering and device instability. (93797539)

Workaround: Try reducing the object and mesh output data with the following actions:

Decrease the object dispatch grid size.

Decrease the object shader [[payload]] attribute size.

Decrease the number of generated mesh threadgroups.

Decrease the size of the metal::mesh object.

Alternatively, try splitting the drawMesh call into a series of smaller drawMesh calls (smaller object grids), spread over multiple render encoders.

When using Metal mesh shaders on a device with Apple silicon, vertex buffers set at indices 29 or 30 can become unset after calling any of these methods: drawMeshThreadgroups, drawMeshThreads, drawMeshThreadgroupsWithIndirectBuffer. (93797408)

Workaround: Reset the vertex buffers at indices 29 or 30 after issuing drawMesh calls if needed by subsequent drawPrimitive calls.

When using Metal mesh shaders on a device with Apple silicon, graphics corruption can occur when emitting a metal::mesh with a large number of primitives and using the viewport_array_index, render_target_array_index, or primitive_culled per-primitive attributes. (93797184)

Workaround: Emit 170 or fewer primitives per mesh shader threadgroup when using the viewport_array_index, render_target_array_index, or primitive_culled per-primitive attributes.

The names of classes in MetalFX headers don't match WWDC session. (93712694)

Workaround: Use the names in header files and docs.

MetalFX effect outputs aren't designed to be consumed by the CPU. Outputting to a texture that is read only by the CPU might result in synchronization issues. (91515075)

Workaround: If a CPU reading of the MetalFX output is desired, instead of encoding the MetalFX effect as the last item in a command buffer, encode a dummy blit that consumes the MetalFX output texture (a 1-pixel region blit is fine) in the command buffer. After the command buffer with the dummy blit is finished, reading of the MetalFX effect output texture with CPU synchronizes correctly.

MTLFXTemporalScaler currently only supports an input resolution of ≥ 1280 x 720 and an output resolution of exactly 2x. Creating MFXTemporalScalingEffect with other attibutes returns nil for the object creation. (92913479)

The MFXTemporalScalingEffect class quits unexpectedly on creation when using an iPad with an M1 chip. (93278732)

Workaround: Use macOS to test MFXTemporalScalingEffect.

App Store TestFlight distribution of apps with Metal Offline Compiler GPU binaries fails and results in validation errors. (95140728)

Workaround: Clients with source access can build app project locally.


Known Issues MTLFXTemporalScaler only supports input resolution >= 1280 x 720 in beta 2. Creating MTLFXTemporalScaler will return nil for the object creation for sizes smaller than 1280 x 720. (95390607)

MTLFXTemporalScaler doesn't correctly take into account of exposure of input colors. This could result in poor output reconstruction with ghosting artifacts. (90841083)

Workaround: Feed MetalFX pre-exposed input color buffers where values within are roughly 0-1.


Known Issues The Photos background processing can crash, preventing some Photos features from being generated. (93307639)


Known Issues While in a focus with a paired poster, creating and setting a new poster via Photos share sheet does not turn off the current focus. (94060721)


Known Issues Precision Finding can fail to connect when near many Bluetooth devices. (90846440)

Workaround: Toggle Bluetooth off and then on.

The NIAlgorithmConvergenceState status property is .notConverged and the NINearbyObject verticalDirectionEstimate property is .unknown, unless the two devices are within 1 meter of each other. (92987182)

Workaround: Move devices within 1 meter of each other.


Known Issues Developers using the VideoMaterial API are advised to avoid this SDK in beta 2, as it can cause a RealityKit crash. (95647020)


Known Issues The scale of exported USD models is off by factor of 100. (89171270)

RoomCaptureView stubs aren't included in Simulator version. (87738618)


Known Issues Reordering a Shared Tab Group by one user reorders that Tab Group for every user in the share. (88779674)

Articles added to the Reading List from the share sheet might not be added as expected. (93457227)


Known Issues Calling join() can take 30 seconds or longer to transition to the GroupSession.State.joined state. (93688853)

Share Sheet

Known Issues Share Sheet can hang for several seconds when presenting from SharePlay-enabled applications. (93689970)


Known Issues When using the TV Remote app or the TV Remote Control Center widget, using side or home button for Siri on iPhone might stop working. (94008258)

Workaround: Reboot the iPhone.

With Spoken Responses set to Always, Siri can incorrectly respond silently or with succinct dialog instead of verbose dialog. This typically occurs when using Hey Siri or headphones. (92625281)

Siri will return an error when running an App Shortcut phrase that contains a parameter. App Shortcut phrases without parameters are unaffected. (96128292)

Workaround: Parameterized App Shortcuts can still be tested from the Shortcuts app.

Stage Manager

Known Issues Stage Manager content might not display correctly when using resolutions lower than 4K. (91981726)

With Stage Manager enabled, app windows can receive unexpected touch events while typing on the software keyboard. (92645222)


Known Issues The Stocks watchlist widget incorrectly shows Watchlist Deleted, but the watchlist is present in the app. (93070133)

Workaround: Remove and re-add the widget.


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 3 A property recentSubscriptionStartDate is included in RenewalInfo. It represents the date that marks the start of the most recent period of continuous subscription. A period is considered a continuous subscription if there is no more than a 60-day gap between any two subscribed periods. (86599570)

Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 3 The recentSubscriptionStartDate is always Date.distantPast when using StoreKit Testing in Xcode. (93794298)

Deprecations Deprecated the SKDownload API and removed the option to upload nonconsumable in-app purchase assets for Apple to host. In addition, support for managing these assets in App Store Connect is no longer available as of April 2022. (89764253)


Known Issues Network.framework resolved an issue that could cause NWBrowser, NWConnection, NWConnectionGroup, NWEthernetChannel, NWListener, and NWPathMonitor to trigger a retain cycle when various Handler blocks are set. Starting with macOS 13, iOS 16, watchOS 9, and tvOS 16, if software using Network.framework targets these releases as the minimum OS, the object releases any blocks they captured once cancelled, breaking the retain cycle. (89677097)

Workaround: For software targeting older versions, the retain cycle can be broken by setting the handler blocks to nil after canceling the object.

App Intents might fail when they're compiled in a Release build. (93668260)

Workaround: Mark the type conforming to AppIntent as public.


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 3 Added View.scrollContentBackground, which permits customization of background colors for scrollable views like List. (45928055)

Added View.focusedObject(_:) and View.focusedSceneObject(_:) modifiers to be used in conjunction with the new @FocusedObject to allow an ObservableObject to be vended by the focused view or scene. (83637876)

Known Issues Providing actions to a navigationTitle modifier has been deprecated. Use the toolbarTitleActions() modifier or ToolbarTitleActions type in a toolbar modifier instead. (93658035)

SwiftUI views log to the console [UIFocus] implements focusItemsInRect: - caching for linear focus movement is limited as long as this view is on screen. (93428139)

Pickers might appear empty and fail to update when the initial selection is bound to a value that doesn't correspond to a tag. (92282222)

Subitems in an OutlineGroup can display the layout incorrectly. (93248032)

A view-based NavigationLink in a List fails to update the visible selection of the list. (92193873)

Lists and tables might not clear their selection when exiting Edit Mode. (94093589)

Table headers on iPad might have an incorrect appearance. (92933472)

Workaround: Wrap the table rows in a Section.

Conditional views in columns of NavigationSplitView fail to update on some state changes. (91311311)

Workaround: Wrap the contents of the column in a ZStack.

Selection-driven, three-column NavigationSplitView sometimes fails to push when collapsed to a single column. (93673059)

Content in UIHostingController and UIHostingConfiguration can appear truncated in certain situations when sized to fit, especially when using multiline text. (93685283)

UIHostingConfiguration won't have a minSize applied by default when used in list cells, which may cause row heights to be too small. Additionally, the cell's layout margins are being added to the minSize, but minSize is intended to be inclusive of margins. (85233971)


Known Issues A single SIM device shows two lines under Settings > Cellular > Cellular Plans when the device has only one SIM. (93678756)

An iPad with cellular service doesn't activate over cellular during initial setup flow, after an erase install, or when the user performs Erase All Content and Settings from Settings > General. (93295742)

Users on iPhone 12,8 China SKU units can have no cellular data.

Workaround: Eject and re-insert the SIM. Click Update Now button on Cellular Plan Removed pop up. This removes the second non-functional cellular plan in Settings > Cellular Plan. (95174916)

On China SKU units, Per App Cellular Data switch for third party apps under Settings > Cellular UI is disabled, if user performs clean install and restore from back up. (95570535)

Workaround: Manually turn on the Per App Cellular Data switch to enable cellular data for third party apps.

Users may see incoming and outgoing calls failing if they convert their phone line from physical SIM to eSIM on the same device. (96261293)


Known Issues The quick action for translation is limited to Photos and Camera. Support for this quick action within Quick Look and Screenshots isn't currently available. (93429519)


Known Issues Attempting to set an orientation on UIDevice via setValue:forKey: isn't supported and no longer works. (93367651)

Keyboard shortcuts that are performable, but not discoverable in the keyboard shortcut menu (such as an empty title), aren't performable while the keyboard shortcut menu is present. (93858278)

Swift apps that reference UIContextMenuConfiguration and are compiled with the iOS 16 beta SDK crash on launch when run on a device running an older build. (93505538)

The overflow menu won't appear due to center items unless a customization identifier is set. (91628998)

Deprecations [UIViewController shouldAutorotate] has been deprecated is no longer supported. [UIViewController attemptRotationToDeviceOrientation] has been deprecated and replaced with [UIViewController setNeedsUpdateOfSupportedInterfaceOrientations].

Workaround: Apps relying on shouldAutorotate should reflect their preferences using the view controllers supportedInterfaceOrientations. If the supported orientations change, use `-[UIViewController setNeedsUpdateOfSupportedInterface


Known Issues Voicemail transcriptions aren't available. (93907701)

Voice Shortcuts

Known Issues When asking Siri an App Shortcut phrase and the App Shortcut requires parameter confirmation, Siri responds with an error if the parameter isn't a String or Integer. (93267551)

Workaround: When writing your App Shortcut implementation, only request confirmation on String or Integer parameters. Don't request confirmation on non-Codable or scalar parameters.


Known Issues Automatic Payments are only supported on Visa and Discover payment networks. Mastercard and Amex aren't currently supported. (93337069)

Users who've disabled security settings on their Mac might not be able to add new cards to Apple Pay or use their existing cards. (91082752)

Workaround: Read and follow these instructions in If Apple Pay on your Mac is turned off because security settings were modified .


Known Issues You must be authenticated to switch Lock Screens on all devices. (92643569)

Home Screen previews might show black when Reduced Motion is enabled. (91926028)

Selecting complete black or white in the color picker for the color picker doesn't actually select black or white. (93447599)

Restoring from a iCloud backup, custom wallpapers can be lost (replaced by iOS 16 default). (94306911)

Lock Screen Gallery can show debug text. (95038080)


Known Issues Weather doesn't have any indication when location or network is disabled. (88830148)


Known Issues On physical devices, WeatherService may fail to authenticate on some app launches. (95866480)

Workaround: Relaunch the app.

When running in the simulator, WeatherService requests intermittently fail. (96101505)

Workaround: Retry failed requests.


Known Issues iPhone might stop communicating with HomePod or Home Services. To restore the connection, go to Settings > Wi-Fi and toggle Wi-Fi off and then on. (93773320)

Updates in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2

App Intents

Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 Fixed: Snippets and other SwiftUI features of App Intents don't build with Mac Catalyst. (93373847)

Fixed: Focus Filters can't be deleted if the underlying app intent is renamed. (94235463)

Fixed: When SF symbols are used in a DisplayRepresentation, the symbols can appear blurry when rendered in Shortcuts and Focus Filters. (89722491)

Fixed: The EntityPropertyQuery QueryProperties key paths require you to specify the entity type name and don't support prefixing with $. (93793810)

Fixed: You can't define entity properties that are entities themselves because the @Property wrapper doesn't support AppEntity types. (94289141)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 AVCaptureSession.isMultitaskingCameraAccessSupported returns true for iPad Pro (4th generation), iPad Pro (5th generation), and iPad Air (5th generation). (88345287)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 Customers using iOS 16 can now back up their device over an LTE cellular connection, as well as a 5G or Wifi connection. (95276719)


Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 Fixed: PIN-paired devices are shown as discovered devices but aren't supported. (93993830)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 HealthKit workout APIs now support multisport workouts with activities of swimming, cycling, and running. (82588168)

New data types for running workout metrics like running power, ground contact time, vertical oscillation, running speed, and stride length. (82974514)

A new data type is available to track AFib History. (95315701)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 Allows developers to classify incoming SMS from unknown numbers into 12 new sub-categories within Transaction and Promotion categories for improved organization. (95276296)

For Indian users, Messages now supports event extraction from SMS. These event and appointment messages are presented as Siri suggestions and also are presented to users in Messages thread and in Calendar Inbox. (95276513)

For selected US Carriers, Messages extends the "Report Junk" feature to enable users to report SMS/MMS junk to Carriers. The option is visible inside Messages from Unknown Senders. (95276623)

Messages now supports the ability for customers with a dual SIM iPhone to filter their messages based on their SIMs. (95276784)


Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 Fixed: The LocalizedStringResource interpolated parameters can appear as %@ in Shortcuts and Focus Filters. (93520037)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 Product has new properties for localizing prices and subscription periods. For iOS 15, iPadOS 15, macOS 12, tvOS 15, and watchOS 8 or later use priceFormatStyle to format numbers derived from price. Use subscriptionPeriodFormatStyle to format durations of time relating to a subscription period. On iOS 16, iPadOS 16, macOS 13, tvOS 16, and watchOS 9 or later use subscriptionPeriodUnitFormatStyle to format single units of a subscription period. (93780442)

A property environment is included in Product.SubscriptionInfo.RenewalInfo and Transaction . It represents the server environment in which the RenewalInfo and Transaction occurred, respectively. (85988753)

AppTransaction allows developers to cryptographically verify that the app was purchased on the App Store. (86739279)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 Custom types conforming to ToolbarContent now support dynamic properties like @Environment. (94117842)

Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 Fixed: Passing multiple children to a custom Layout fails to compile. (92914226)

Fixed: SwiftUI might incorrectly modify the isNavigationBarHidden property on UINavigationControllers not created by SwitftUI. (92908198)


Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 Fixed: TestFlight beta apps might fail to launch. (94469439)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 iOS apps can now request rotation using [UIWindowScene requestGeometryUpdate:errorHandler:] and providing a UIWindowSceneGeometryPreferencesIOS object containing the desired orientations. (95229615)

Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 Fixed: Scrolling vertically in the Wallpaper gallery can sometimes fail. (93361069)


Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta 2 Fixed: The .accessory families don't correctly appear on a lock screen when using Xcode Previews for an iOS target. (93480607)

Updates in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta

App Store

New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta The recentSubscriptionStartDate property is included in Product.SubscriptionInfo.RenewalInfo . It represents the date that marks the start of the most recent period of continuous subscription. A period is considered a continuous subscription if there's no more than a 60-day gap between any two subscribed periods. (86599570)

The priceLocale property is included in Product . Use this property to format price values deriving from the product's decimal price. (81480683)

Present the offer code redemption sheet with the offerCodeRedemption(isPresented:onCompletion:) view modifier in your SwiftUI apps. (85321941)

The StoreKit Messages API allows you to control when App Store messages are displayed in your app. (85321880)

Read the requestReview environment value to get an instance of a RequestReviewAction . Then, call this instance to request to display a review prompt from your SwiftUI apps. (86739003)

Game Controller

New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta Many additional Bluetooth and USB game controllers are supported by the Game Controller framework on macOS 13, iOS 16, and tvOS 16 and later. (82409809)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta The HealthKit framework has a new Vision Prescription data type that allows developers and users to store prescription information received from eye care professionals. This feature includes a new set of HKSample subclasses that allow developers to encapsulate prescriptions for glasses and contact lenses. Users of iPhone can directly store their prescription information from the Health app as well. Because most regions require the actual prescription document to purchase glasses and contacts, this feature also allows the storage of attachment files in HealthKit. Due to the potential privacy concerns around sharing unintended additional details from the prescription, the HealthKit framework has a new authorization API to allow users to authorize prescriptions on a per-sample basis. See header documentation in HealthKit and watch the WWDC HealthKit session for more information. (82940646)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta Remind Me messages that have fired won't show at the top of the message list until the message list is refreshed. (94046413)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta = Allow developers to classify incoming SMS from unknown numbers into 12 new sub-categories within Transaction and Promotion categories for improved organization. (93898719)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta The RoomPlan framework is now available in iOS & iPadOS 16, enabling 3D parametric model creation of an interior room. The framework uses a device's sensors, trained machine learning models, and RealityKit rendering capabilities to capture the physical surroundings of an interior room. APIs are available for end-to-end scanning experience, real-time data structures for custom UI creation, and both USD and USDZ generation of 3D room models. (84170837)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta All StoreKit APIs are now annotated for sendability and main actor isolation. (84157048)


New Features in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta You can now place a TextField in an Alert by using alert modifiers that accept a ViewBuilder . (64819930)

For control, Section , or other views that have a Label , the ViewBuilder content now automatically arranges and styles multiple views as hierarchical elements, such as title and subtitle. If the label views are intended to be arranged horizontally rather than hierarchically, wrap the views within an HStack . (85184563)

A TextField supports multiline text. Use a Axis.vertical axis on a text field to allow rendering of multiple lines in contexts like forms, where text is expected to be short to medium length. For long-form text editing, continue to use a TextEditor . (51463718)

Navigation bars have new default behaviors. A navigation bar defaults to an inline title display mode, if no title is provided. If a title is provided, the default remains large. Use the navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(_:) modifier to change this. By default, a navigation bar only renders if it has content to display. If a navigation bar has no title, toolbar items, or search content, it's automatically hidden. Use the navigationBarHidden(_:) or the new .toolbar(.visible) modifier to explicitly show an empty navigation bar. (84996257)

A list supports Section footers. (78462739)

When the toolbar modifier is applied at multiple levels of a hierarchy, items from a child are appended to those from the parent that have the same placement. (65619097)

When using .windowResizability(.contentSize), windows created with SwiftUI set their resizable and fullscreen flags based on the size of their contents. (65791490)

List separator insets can now be customized using HorizontalEdge.leading and HorizontalEdge.trailing alignment guides. (74192080)

The implementation of list no longer uses UITableView . (81571203)

SwiftUI now enforces at runtime that view and view controller representables are value types. (82982458)

Symbol images now use an automatically determined symbol-rendering mode by default. To have a symbol image always use monochrome rendering, use the SymbolRenderingMode modifier. (85524479)

A Picker with a menu style in a list displays its label by default. To hide the label, use the labelsHidden() modifier. (88228016)

Pickers in list default to the menu style. (89186618)

Changes to text and image views now animate by default. Use .contentsTransition(.identity) to disable this behavior. (89558882)

Lists and forms automatically dismiss the software keyboard, if present, when a scroll gesture begins. Use .scrollDismissesKeyboard(.never) to restore the old behavior. (89588639)

Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 16 beta Fixed: Using @Environment(.dismiss) no longer causes a view to be invalidated when the Environment changes. (86771246)

Fixed: The prompt parameter of TextFields now respects attached foregroundColor modifiers. For example: TextField("Label", text: $text, prompt: Text("Prompt").foregroundColor(.red))(52790227)