Capture with Bear Action



Capture, store, and locally index web page content at the selected URL with Bear.

Directory Description

Capture, store, and locally index web page content at the selected URL via Bear’s x-callback-url scheme. (If no text is selected, the entire draft contents will be passed.)

By default, the action is configured to assign the single Bear tag “capture.” The option to pin the Bear note is not included.

Bear’s online URL builder should help in customizing the configuration per personal use.

Upon returning to Drafts, a markdown-formatted hyperlink to the Bear note is placed at the cursor.


[About — The Psalms](bear://x-callback-url/open-note?id=4F43835E-A60E-4BF2-81B4-661EFFB9FE92-12814-0000021A0CB60B69)


Capture with Bear Action Though there are a few other actions on the directory + in the TAD library that include Bear’s grab-url xcall command, none I’ve ever found make use of the response to said command: the Title of the captured note and its UUID, which is just enough to construct a markdown-formatted hyperlink. I’ve been trying to lean on Bear entirely for actually saving web content, so being able to instantly navigate there from a single link in Drafts is tremendous.