
The greatest hero in the history of the Empire. A feared adversary of Rebels everywhere.

Zippy pwnzors you! All fear Zippy, Lord of the Sith! Zippy! Zippy! The Imperial horse thingy!


A temple of the ancient Sumerians and babylonain, made of terraces connected by ramps and stairs, roughly in the shape of a pyramid




When all the male counsellors at a summer camp go into the lake together to clean themselves, using Zest shampoo and body wash. Results in a heightened state of mind and happiness.

Guys! Stu brought some Zest! Lets run down to the lake for a big Zest!


1) a light breeze 2) the west wind


A mix of flirtatious fun, sensuality, and a serious side, Zenith's generally make loyal and lasting friendships. As they like to play, they let their inner child shine. Zenith's are sociable by nature and dislike being alone. Their Spirits shine when they are with the ones they love. Laughter can always be found when a Zenith is near, but when needed, they can provide meaningful conversations. People tend to be drawn to Zenith's Loyal, Lively, and Lovely nature.

That dude is a total Zenith, and always has friends!


a stereotypical aussie. beer in one hand, meat pie in the other.generally drive crappy old holdens and have a dozen mullet clad kids following them. by-products of alcoholic fathers.

"i'm a bloke, im a yobbo, me best mates name is robbo, winfield is me cigarette, i dress in flanalette"



to remove people you are no longer friends with from your Facebook or other social media friends list.

I had like 2000 friends on Facebook, so I winnowed them down to the 100 people I actually like.


marked by skill in deception, full of deceit and guile

"wily cyote"; "cunning men often pass for wise"; "deep political machinations"; "a foxy scheme"; "a slick evasive answer"; "sly as a fox"; "tricky Dik"; "a wily old attorney"


A youngling whore, or apprentice whore; typically a young girl (age 10 - 16) who dresses and/or acts like a whore or wears whore-like makeup in her tween/teenage years. A "whorling" typically is not having sexual intercourse, but appears to be a whore in training nonetheless.

"Whorling" could also refer to a whore-dwarf, midget whore or just a whore of small stature, but is generally reserved for a teenage girl.

See also: middle-school cheerleader or beauty pageant contestant

I thought it was odd that a brothel would be directly behind a middle school cafeteria, but it wasn't until after I recognized the initials on their junior varsity letter-jackets that I put my roll of cash back into my trenchcoat; it seems the painted, glittery faces and tight miniskirts belonged to a pack of whorlings, only pretending to be hookers (at least until college, when they realize how easy it is to sell their body/soul for money).


to whittle a piece of wood, to whittle a pencil, to whittle off