Raindrop.io Telegram Bot Discussions

Welcome to raindrop-telegram-bot Discussions! · Discussion #1 · OlegWock/raindrop-telegram-bot

Yay! I'm happy you find this bot useful. I'm a bit surprised someone (besides me) actually uses this bot, I didn't promote it anywhere except my twitter (and I don't have a lot of people there either). But somehow bot are being used by 6 users in last month. Would you mind sharing how did you found this bot?

This bot can handle quite a lot of different content types (I'll probably need to put this into README):

  1. Links are saved as regular raindrops
  2. Forwarded messages with small amount of text and single link are saved as regular links too. We assume this short text is some kind of announce, I'm planning to put it into description of raindrop, but this isn't implemented yet
  3. Forwarded photo/video/document are saved as documents in raindrop
  4. Forwarded multiple messages (or single message without links or with 2 or more links) are converted to html file with nice styles and saved as document in raindrop. This way you can read it directly in Raindrop app. Mostly intended for articles/longreads

Man, I sincerely wish I could tell you... All I can say for sure is that I ran /start for the first time on December 19th. To be honest, though, I probably just found it through Telegram search. Americans have this inexplicable aversion to Telegram (in my experience,) but I happened to spend most of the Fall whittling away on a blog post detailing how I've used Telegram for years. Basically, I have been particularly focused on finding Telegram bots lately. As far as I know, I was also a relatively early Raindrop adopter and use it very heavily.

I wouldn't be surprised if I was half awake at 3AM some morning just going down my list of apps and sifting through global search lol.