Apple Notes, Word Processor of The Scorned.mp3 Transcript

You know I am Apple no it's always been a thing for me because of the texture of the background I really always hated that I'm so glad it's gone so I can actually use it now but it's just occurred to me I'm looking at PJ Vogt a reply all his apology tweet is two screenshots of an apple note 2 screenshots that aren't even square think I need to times a lot of time on those words you're very deliberate about what you said provided by for dates as people nowadays hours at least maybe not I don't know but then you can't use the guides the fucking crop the wonderful crop of shaded iOS you can't like see but it's not square of what it's not just is that a service case it's worth it I realize the Apple notes will most certainly go down in history it will be a forever immortalized as fuck like by its role or bites function in this