Vincent Ritter

Updated 11032022-204506

About Page

Hello, I'm Vincent.

I’m a dad, husband, geek and a software creator. I love crafting web and native applications for different platforms using [Ruby on Rails] and [React Native]. Not to mention everything that goes around it. I’d like to call myself a designer… but I’m not. Also, I work with [Manton Reece] on [], two days a month, which for me is an amazing place to be.

I know how to fly aeroplanes, on a commercial level, and that has been my childhood dream since I can remember. It never got further than 800 hours total time due to other things like health and, eventually, family. I am happy that I found my true passion in what I do now.

My first ever website was created when I was a kid, using Adobe PageMill. That was fun and exciting. It’s a shame I didn’t nurture this sooner… but here we finally are!

I know my way around a computer and seem to always fall into the "support" role for everyone, I don't mind.

You'll find that I'm a generally calm person, too calm some say, but this is how I like it. As you get to know me, you'll see that I can get stressed about client projects because I always seem to say "yes" to everything… though lately I'm slowly learning to say “no" to more things.

Learning is always on my plate and I love trying out new things like different coding languages, frameworks... and when I step outside the "technology" bubble, I enjoy being with my wife and daughter, walking and generally travelling… and doing absolutely nothing.

Headphones are usually worn when I code, I always feel "in the zone". Sometimes I put them on, start coding, and forget to play music until a few hours in. I’m into electronic and ambient music and I don’t shy away from drum and bass, as long as it has a good rhythm (Progressive or Deep House are good).

This site acts as portal to my past and present self that one day I can look back on, on my steps forward and also missteps along the way. Life isn’t a straight road, so it’s nice to have a space of my own to share and reflect on. With all that, if you want to find out more about me, follow me via RSS or on social or get help with one of my apps:

Last, but not least, thank you for reading and I hope there is something for you here. Say hello if you can. It’s always interesting to hear from readers and followers.