Member dump

!!! info "Flags" * --format/-f Formatting rules for each member * --desc/-d Sort descending * --has-roles/-r <roles...> Show members with any of these roles * --order/-o <by> Order by name, id, created_at, joined_at or nick * --limit/-l <number> Only outputs that number of members * --has-all-roles <roles...> Show members with all these roles * --no-roles Show members without roles * --enumerate/-e Enumerate entries * --separator/-s <sep> Changes what the separator is (newline by default, no idea why anyone would want this) * --dateformat <fmt> Changes the way dates are represented. See for these flags.

!!! info "Variables" Variables follow --format or -f

* `%u` is a full name, example: Carl#0001
* `%n` is the member's display name (nick if it exists otherwise username)
* `%i` is their id
* `%c` is the account creation date
* `%j` is when they joined the server

!dump Is a special command that deserves its own page.

The syntax is !dump [role] [args]

If you're not used to using flags this might be confusing, so here are some examples and what they do:

!!! tldr "!dump Patrons --enumerate --order id -f %n %c --dateformat %c --limit 10" Dumps the 10 oldest accounts with the patreon role. Output: 1. evlsmurf Mon Aug 31 22:23:33 2015 2. Hammy:hamster: Thu Sep 24 23:04:31 2015 3. iscottnoidea Tue Sep 29 14:35:10 2015 4. Ahmad Fri Oct 2 14:22:21 2015 5. Zerxion :coffee: Mon Oct 5 07:36:54 2015 6. ! Whoozard Tue Oct 20 16:48:57 2015 7. Iris Tue Oct 27 01:53:04 2015 8. orangespire Thu Oct 29 06:51:14 2015 9. aphoenix Mon Nov 9 02:09:03 2015 10. Terra Fri Dec 4 02:49:17 2015

!!! tldr "!dump -o id --limit 10 --no-roles" Dumps the 10 oldest accounts without roles. Output: Andy#7194 (23572087872421888) macki#9999 (48287434319855616) Xaric123#8510 (49188871384072192) Blackstar#1425 (49212295229739008) Nyte#0001 (49253701973442560) Xin#1645 (49548576702861312) Fondue#7609 (49663303806357504) Ryando#2997 (53163621441605632) ZeroMastery#1287 (53695818749706240) Tristin#7915 (54374655984668672)

!!! tldr "!dump -o joined_at -d --limit 1 -r Moderator" Dumps the moderator who joined most recently

The order of the flags does not matter, below is a more in-depth explanation of how it works.

!dump --enumerate -f %u (%i) -o id -d --limit 50
       │          │          │     │
       │          │          │     └── Descending order
       │          │          └── Order by id
       │          └── The format currently used
       └── Prepends each line by the line number, emulating a text editor