Content Tags
- [[draft]] The full text of the draft.
- [[title]] The first line of the draft only.
- - Templates File name safe version of the first line with ASCII control characters and path separators that can interfere with file names removed (/:*?<>|#).
- [[display_title]] A cleaned and trimmed version of the first line as would be displayed in the draft list. Removes whitespace and leading “#” characters.
- [[body]] The remainder of the draft text after the first line is removed.
- [[body_preview]] A trimmed and shortened snippet of the body, as would be displayed in the draft list.
- [[selection]] If text was selected within the draft before selecting an action, this tag will return only that selected text. If no text was selected, it will return the full text of the draft.
- [[selection_only]] Returns selected text, but unlike [[selection]] will not default to returning the entire draft if no selection was made - it will simply return a empty string.
- meta, drafts, dev, email Comma-separated list of tags linked to the draft.
- [[hashtags]] Same as meta, drafts, dev, email, but with # characters prepended before each tag. For use with actions that export to other systems which utilize hash tags in the text when tagging.
- [[line]] The text of the current line, based on the last cursor position in the document. If a selection which spanned multiple lines was present, extends the selection to the beginning and end of the lines selected.
- [[line|n]] The text of a specific line number in the draft, where “n” is the line number. i.e. [[line|1]], [[line|2]].
- [[line|n..n]] In addition to specific lines, the lines tag (above) can accept ranges of lines, such as [[line|2..5]] for lines 2 through 5. This initial or trailing number in the range can be omitted to indicate the beginning or end, i.e. [[line|2..]] is line 2 through the end of the draft, [[line|..4]] is the first for lines of the draft. This tag also support negative indexes, which count back from the last line of the draft, e.g. [[line|-1]] returns the last line of the draft.
- [[selection_start]] The integer index of the start location of the last text selection in the draft.
- 0 The number of characters in the last text selection in the draft.
Identifier Tags
- 3B942576-B501-4C35-A8A9-A1B4C413C574 A unique identifier for the current draft.
- [[draft_open_url]] A URL which can be used as a bookmark to open Drafts and select the current draft.
- Dates and Locations
- [[date]] Timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
- [[date|format]] Timestamp, formatted based on a custom strftime format string. For example [[date|%m-%d-%Y]] becomes “01–02–2013”.
- [[created|format]] Same as “date”, but returns the timestamp for the creation of the draft, rather than the current time.
- [[modified|format]] Same as “date”, but returns the timestamp for the last modification date of the draft content, rather than the current time.
- [[longitude]] The current device location longitude.
- 38.934005 The current device location latitude.
- -92.38797 The location longitude where the draft was created.
- [[created_latitude]] The location latitude where the draft was created.
- -92.387978 The location longitude where the content of the draft was last modified.
- 38.934077 The location latitude where the content of the draft was last modified.
- 2022-07-11-13-38-39 Timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.
Utility Tags
- [[template|path]] Inserts a template store in a file in iCloud Drive/Drafts/Library/Templates. “path” should be the related path to a file which exists in that folder, for example: [[template|my-site-template.txt]]. File will be loaded an evaluated as if it’s text was inline in the current template, allowing re-use of templates across actions.
- [[clipboard]] The current contents of the iOS clipboard.