

  1. material used to daub walls
  2. a blemish made by dirt; “he had a smudge on his cheek”
  3. an unskillful painting


  1. coat with plaster; “daub the wall”
  2. apply to a surface; “daub paint onto the wall”
  3. cover (a surface) by smearing (a substance) over it; “smear the wall with paint”; “daub the ceiling with plaster”
  1. carelessly coat or smear (a surface) with a thick or sticky substance splashes of paint

spread (a thick or sticky substance) on a surface in a careless or clumsy way it


  1. a patch or smear of a thick or sticky substance a daub of paint

a painting executed without much skill she stuck the painting up alongside the daubs made by her children

  1. Building plaster, clay, or another substance used for coating a surface, especially when mixed with straw and applied to laths or wattles to form a wall wattle and daub


late Middle English : from Old French dauber , from Latin dealbare whiten, whitewash , based on albus white



  1. he daubed a rock with paint | they daubed blood on the walls

Similar Words: bedaub smear plaster bespatter splash stain spatter splatter cake cover thickly smother coat deface slap besmear befoul besmirch begrime


  1. these modernistic painters who just splash on daubs of paint

Similar Words: smear smudge splash blot spot patch pop blotch stain mark splodge


  1. he daubed a rock with paint | they daubed blood on the walls

Similar Words: bedaub smear plaster bespatter splash stain spatter splatter cake cover thickly smother coat deface slap besmear befoul besmirch begrime


  1. these modernistic painters who just splash on daubs of paint

Similar Words: smear smudge splash blot spot patch pop blotch stain mark splodge