Periscope’s successor is explicitly built to silence those who are unable to or uncomfortable with using their voice. If you’re not tired of reading about Twitter, currently, you haven’t been reading the news, which might ideally prepare you to tackle this second long post of this year discussing both the broadest and most minute details of my own usership – only the extremes – in another tired trudge pursuing any definite answers about the future of the social web. By the time you’re reading this, Periscope has been officially mercykilled by the company which has finally come around to admitting (albeit minus any sense of responsibility) that the app’s team was sniped off, long ago – eighteen months or more – smuggling bits of its skeleton in the front pockets of their $600 hoodies in order to build Twitter’s “new” audio-based hangouts and needlessly leaving the network, its web portal, and its two mobile apps minus even the most rudimentary upkeep. Four days after a celebrity code parser noticed the text ps__app_shutdown_learn_more_url in an update to the Twitter app, the first post on the official Periscope Medium blog since a March 12th, 2019 note about Spam Policy updates was published, entitled “Farewell, Periscope.” The post’s body is 465 words in length and includes seven hyperlinks. The first leads to Periscope’s old FAQ page for its Super Broadcaster Program, which has remained unchanged (including past and present tenses) except for the highlighted callout block under its title which (hilariously) links back to the same page and manages to address the issue of dispersing the remaining “Super Hearts” in circulation (the service’s digital currency) more inadequately than I would have imagined possible. The remaining hyperlinks present in the Medium post will take you on the same tour its author spent half an afternoon on, I’m sure, which touches on a handful of the key digital moments in Periscope’s history as imagined by someone who never used, worked on, or thought about Periscope beyond blips of C-list Twitter trends and a few topical tech news headlines, yet somehow found themselves under the professional obligation to author its last official correspondence in the span of a single workday. Normally, it would be completely unreasonable to proceed into a story like this on my own