LinkedIn Assment Commentary

hello again, you Super Adults. I know I have no business posting here but I promise I’ll be brief.

I wanted to try LinkedIn Assessments to see if they might have the potential to finally fulfill the longstanding fantasy among the Big Blue-ish mfs: a centralized standard of assesment. anywho, I would have almost certainly been in the world’s top 100 if there existed an assessment on Microsoft Word, specifically (I have been dreaming about this my whole life.) I love so much that I’ve invested so much emotional energy and so darn many of my finite eye->digital display hours looking

but WordPress was the next best thing and uh…

I have no idea what just happened. I understand why the questions I just answered almost all had something to do with good practices, but I know for an actual fact that every single active WP dev among you would’ve had to look up the majority of them. Actually, not had to,… Notably, in an actual professional setting, you should have had the documentation in front of you (even if you never need to glance once,) because memory games are literally pointless outside of academia.

What I’m trying to say: the assesment I just took on WordPress failed 100% in its (ever more tme-sensitive and desperately needed) duty to explore and grasp

I just earned a skill badge for WordPress! Who's next? See how you do on a #LinkedInSkillAssessment.