Controlling Working Copy with URL schemes

You can open Working Copy and make it go to a specific screen with a URL:


Here /repo/ is either the name of a repository as seen in the list of repositories or the full remote URL. If you specify a /path/, Working Copy will show the given directory or file and if you specify a /commit/ hash (or prefix) you are shown the given commit. You can specify one of /path/, /commit/ or /branch/ but not more than one.

You can control what to show such that /mode=content/ shows file content tab or directory contents for directories and repository; /mode=changes/ shows the Changes-tab and is only valid for files, /mode=status/ shows the Status-tab for files or Status screen for directories and repositories while /mode=preview/ shows the Content-tab in preview mode for files supporting this. You can omit the /mode/ parameter to leave mode unchanged.

Jump to specific lines in the text file opened with the /line=123/ parameter and show messages with either /error=red%20%text/ or /message=blue%20text/ to inform the user of something related to the file. If you include /line=/ but no /path=/ the app uses the path of current file. This can be used with shortcuts activated through the share sheet that validate the current file.

Make sure all parameters are URL-coded and that space is percent- rather than plus-encoded.

You can ask Working Copy to open the clone-dialog with a specific URL awaiting the users confirmation:


If you need to make a link that shows a given remote repository inside Working Copy, without knowing whether the user has a existing clone, use the /show/ command that will open the repository if one exists with that remote and otherwise initiate cloning.


The app supports using log files in the context of the repository contents and it can be useful to import and show these with a URL:


The /lines/ parameter is mandatory and you can use /repo/ to specify either a repository name or remote url the log refers to, /timestamp/ to indicate the time the log was recorded as unix time and /kind/ to one of /import/, bitrise, circleci, jenkins, buddy, /fetch/, /push/, /pull/, /clone/ where /kind=import/ is the default.

To support workflows and automation, Working Copy has rich support for x-callback-url commands.

Because the commands allow reading and writing your sourcecode, they are protected by a /key/ parameter which must match a random alphanumeric code created when you first launch Working Copy on a new device. You can edit this key inside settings to get the same code for all your devices making it easier to reuse scripts, but you should make sure never to use a /key/ value you found in some public script, as this would be equivalent to sharing a password with everyone else.

The following commands are supported, where a 🔒 indicates that the /push/ feature must be unlocked for that command to be available.

  1. write files,
  2. read 🔒 files,
  3. move files,
  4. archive 🔒 multiple files,
  5. commit changes,
  6. list file status,
  7. push 🔒 to remote and
  8. pull from remote.
  9. fetch from remote.
  10. checkout branch.
  11. delete branch.
  12. merge branches.
  13. start or stop the WebDAV server.
  14. list repositories
  15. show commit log
  16. list branches
  17. init empty repository
  18. clone repository from remote
  19. run secure shell commands
  20. chain multiple commands
  21. Universal Link parameters You can also read a little about creating URL templates in Drafts and manually chaining together callbacks. URLs for x-callback-url must have the form:

If you include a /x-error/ parameter it will be used to deliver errors, otherwise errors are shown inside Working Copy. Including /x-success/ is also possible.

[image:89284244-6B0B-4170-BF88-489941ECA8DB-3951-0000005354FD02C0/callback-settings.png] To avoid very long examples the /key/ parameter will not be included in every example here, but it IS required for every x-callback-url command. In order to foil brute-force attempts at guessing the /key/, Working Copy will show errors related to /key/ inside the app, but will not be calling /x-error/.

Most commands requires the /repo/ parameter that specifies which repository the command is about. This can either be the name of the repository as seen in the list of repositories in the outermost view of the app or the full remote url of the repository. Remember to url-encode /repo/ just like all other parameters. Space needs to be percent- rather than plus-encoded. If you specify /repo=$current/ the repository shown inside the app will be used.

Many commands require the /path/ parameter which specifies the file or directory the command will act on. Paths are specified relative to the root of the repository where a empty /path/ is the root directory and this the entire repository. Some commands will ask the user to pick a file or directory if no /path/ is specified and others will just use the root directory as its default. The details are documented in the section for each command. You can use /path=$current/ to specify the currently shown path of a file or directory where the empty string will be substituted if you are not looking at any path.

[image:92650286-957A-47B5-95AD-85F192191F43-3951-0000005354FBC418/my-repo.png] Write to existing or new files with the /write/ command. If you include a /text/ parameter this will be the content written to the file at the given /path/. The text parameter is transferred as UTF-8 but will be written in the encoding of the existing file or UTF-8 for new files.


If you need to write images or other binary files you can transfer the content as base-64 by using the parameter /base64=/ instead of /text=/. You need to URL-encode after base-64 encoding since the characters /+/ and /// occur after base-64 coding. This can also be handy if you want to overwrite the encoding of a existing file.

If you do not include either a /text/ or /base64/ parameter the clipboard content is written or you can include /clipboard=1/ as a more direct way to write from the clipboard.

If no /path/ parameter is specified the user will be asked to pick a file and if no /repo/ is specified either the user will start out by picking a repository. In these situations you can suggest a filename with the /filename/ parameter and /uti/ to indicate the Uniform Type Identifier such that the user can be warned before saving into a file where the name suggests a different type of data. If no /uti/ is specified the default is either "public.plain-text" or "public.item" depending on whether content is specified with /text/ or /base64/.


Working Copy supports exporting files with a filename with special information such that it can be identified as a specific file in a certain repository even though the original filename is used multiple times. To get this behaviour in /x-callback-url/ use the /write/ command with a /path/ but no /repo/ parameter. The path must be recognized for this to work or you will get a error that the file is not known.

You can include /askcommit=1/ to be asked to commit and push the file after saving.

You control how and when to write to the file with the /mode/ parameter. The default /mode=safe/ will create new files or overwrite non-modified files but refuse to write to files with uncommitted changes. When the user pick the file to write to you are allowed to overwrite files with uncommitted changes and you can force this behaviour with /mode=overwrite/. To combine new and old input you use /mode=append/ or /mode=prepend/.

You can get the contents of text files with the /read/ command and result will be URL-encoded and appended to the x-success callback.


will make Working Copy open a url on the form:


You need to url encode /x-success/ and to support different apps that want to receive text differently and might not follow the x-callback-url conventions you should include the parameter name and then /=/ at the end of /x-success/. Working Copy tries to be smart about appending the file content as /&text=.../ if it detects a /x-callback-url/ that would become malformed, but your best bet is to format /x-success/ manually.

If you are reading a binary file the result will be transferred as base-64 and if Working Copy appends the parameter name it will be /&base64=.../ but to ensure the file content is returned in base64 coding you include the input parameter /type=base64/.


If no /path/ parameter is specified the user will be asked to pick a file and if no /repo/ is specified either the user will start out by picking a repository. You can use /uti/ to specifify the kind of files you want. The user will be warned when picking a file that does not match the given Uniform Type Identifier. The default value for /uti/ is "public.plain-text" but this is changed to "public.item" if /base64/ indicates that you accept binary results.

If you are asking the user to pick a file that will be used for a number of commands /type=url/ can be used to get a universal url that can be passed to other x-callback-url commands.

Include /clipboard=1/ to put the content of the file on the clipboard.

To move or rename files within a repository you use the /move/ command. Both the /source/ and /destination/ filenames are relative to the root of the repository.


If you need to read multiple files you can use the /zip/ command that will return a base64-coded zip-archive of all the files in the directory specified by /path/. If you do not specify any /path/ the entire repository is archived and if /path/ points to a single file, you will get a zip containing just this file.

When you zip up entire repositories, the .git directory is not included unless /.git=1/ is passed along.


The /commit/ command can be used on single files, directories or the entire repository. You use the /path/ parameter to specify the files to take into account, where a missing or empty parameter means the entire repository is checked for modified files to commit.

To avoid accidentally committing unexpected changes the /limit/ parameter is checked and if there are more changed files covered by /path/ than allowed by /limit/ the commit fails. The default is /limit=1/ but you can set it to large values if you intentionally want to commit all changed files.

You can supply a /message/ parameter for the commit message and formatting/wrapping this /message/ in accordance with best practices is your responsibility.

If no /message/ is supplied a dialog is shown to commit the given files. Since this requires user interaction it's allowed without the callback /key/.


If you need to determine the status of the repository, the files that are modified or even all the files it contains, you can use the /status/ command. It takes a /path/ parameter and has the same default value and interpretation as for the commit command. Normally you will only get the status for files that have changed since the last commit, but this behaviour can be changed by adding the parameter /unchanged=1/.

If path points to a directory you will get the status for all files in the directory and for sub-directories as well. To limit this, you can specify a maximum depth, where /depth=1/ will include the contents of the immediate sub-directories of /path/ but no deeper.

[{"name": "", "path": "", "status": "modified", "kind": "Markdown", "size": 355},
 {"name": "src", "path": "src", "status": "unchanged", "kind": "directory"},
 {"name": "main.c", "path": "src/main.c", "status": "unchanged", "kind": "C source", "size": 4510}

The results are delivered as JSON and note the difference between /path/ which is relative to the root of the repository and /name/ that is just the filename.

Use the /push/ command to send commits back to the origin remote. If you need to authenticate, the push command will wait until you have entered your credentials.


You can push to other remotes than origin by using the /remote/ parameter.


You can push all repositories remotes by using wildcards on the form /repo=/ where the asterix matches one or more characters, but these wildcards are only resolved against name, not remote URLs. As with other special characters // needs to be URL-encoded as /%2A/.


The /pull/ command fetches and merges changes from your origin remote. If you need to authenticate, the pull command will wait until you have entered your credentials. Any merge conflicts will count as a error.


Just like the /push/ command you can use the /remote/ parameter to pull from non-origin remotes and /repo/ parameter can contain wildcards.

The /fetch/ command fetches from your origin remote and if you need to authenticate, the command will wait until you have entered your credentials.


Just like the /pull/ command you can use the /remote/ parameter to fetch from non-origin remotes and /repo/ parameter can contain wildcards.

Default behaviour is to switch to a existing branch which requires that there are no current modifications. You can specify /branch=$current/ to checkout the branch currently being shown in the app, which is not the same thing as the current branch for the repository, which there is no need to checkout. To create a new branch during checkout use /mode=create/ or /mode=ensure/ to only create the branch when missing.


Delete a branch if all commits are available in other branches. Set /mode/ to /force/, /refuse/ or the default /prompt/ to control behaviour when commits would be lost.


Use this command to merge branches programmatically.


The /branch/ parameter names the branch that will be merged on the current branch, but to merge the remote counterpart of the current branch you leave the /branch/ parameter missing or empty. You can specify a particular remote for the /branch/ with the /remote/ parameter using either a remote name or URL. This remote will be fetched before merge to make sure the remote branch is up-to-date and if you specify /create=1/ the remote will even be created if missing.

If there are any conflicts the user will be asked to fix these interactively followed up by a commit to finish the merge. You can disable this with the parameter /resolve=0/ and merge conflicts will count as error.

Use the /webdav/ command to start or stop the internal WebDAV server. The /cmd/ parameter can be either /start/ or /stop/ where the default is /cmd=start/.


Use the /repos/ command to get information about name, status, current branch and remotes for all repositories inside Working Copy in JSON format.

[{"name":"welcome to working copy", "branch":"master", "head":"d39002a…",
  "status":"tap to learn more", "remotes":[]},
 {"name":"libgit2", "branch":"master", "head":"e70d822…", "status":"nothing to commit",
   [{"name":"origin", "fetch":1,"push":1,"url":"https:\/\/\/libgit2\/libgit2.git"}]}

It can get a little complicated to work with this JSON, but Workflow users can try this small workflow that asks the user to pick one of the available repositories and could be used as a component for something bigger. You will need to insert your URL key in the first action.

You can read a list of commits with the /log/ command. You need to specify a /repo/ and will get the newest 10 commits in JSON format, unless /limit/ parameter overrides this. To only get commits relevant for particular files or diretories, use the /path/ parameter or use /branch/ to only get commits for that particular branch.

[{"summary":"fix spelling","id":"af6a47f8a831d17513ec13357d11cf3cab222b19",
  "author":"Anders Borum <>", "timestamp":"2017-01-08T15:06:20.000Z",

{"summary":"import image assets","id":"47040b679c5bfd8c99f1d0df7b04c5a9af157adc",
  "author":"Anders Borum <>", "timestamp":"2017-01-08T15:05:07.000Z",
  "description":"longer description", "parent":["7f03af16e1bbe820ae48d25a27143c5765007930"]}

Use the /branches/ command to enquire about all local and remote branches in a repository.


Use the /init/ command to create a new repository without any files or remotes, where /name/ parameter must not be used by any other repository.


Use the /clone/ command clone repository with /remote/ parameter. Result of callback will be the name of the repository inside Working Copy.


Use this command to automate the SSH Command feature. Remember that this will upload your local repository before running the /cmd/ and download files that change while the command is running. If you just want to run a command on a remote server there are perhaps other apps better suited for this.


You can specify /source=subdir/ and /remote=dir/ to specify the local and remote directories to keep upload to and download from. The default for /source/ is the repository root and the default for /remote/ is the remote home directory.

Sometimes you want to run several x-callback-url commands in Working Copy and this becomes very convoluted with multiple levels of encoding. You would need to start with the last command and work your way to the first building a larger and larger /x-success/ chain.

To achieve the same result, use the /chain/ command.


You use the /command/ parameter once for each command. The parameters before the first /command/ parameter is shared by all commands, and parameters meant for a single command is specified after the /command/ it applies to but before the next one. Often parameters /key/, /repo/ and /x-error/ are shared.

You can specify /x-success/ as a shared parameter, but it will only be used for the last command since the earlier commands are bound by the command chain.

Inside Working Copy you can create Universal Links that describe repositories or files, branches or commits inside repositories with the Share Sheet.

Their primary purpose is to make it easy to jump to specific content in Working Copy, but they also serve a purpose as x-callback-url parameters. You can include a Universal Link in the /url/ parameter and all the inner parameters will be extracted and used making the following two commands equivalent:


This is useful when you start a Workflow from within Working Copy, as you can specify the file, directory or repository to act on and send this along as a single parameter.

Use x-callback-url/read with /type=url/ to get back the universal url of a file picked by the user.


If you are using Drafts by Agile Tortoise, there are some tricks that make it much easier to make URL templates. First line in a draft can be referenced as /[[title]]/ and the remainder as / You can open Working Copy and make it go to a specific screen with a URL:


Here /repo/ is either the name of a repository as seen in the list of repositories or the full remote URL. If you specify a /path/, Working Copy will show the given directory or file and if you specify a /commit/ hash (or prefix) you are shown the given commit. You can specify one of /path/, /commit/ or /branch/ but not more than one.

You can control what to show such that /mode=content/ shows file content tab or directory contents for directories and repository; /mode=changes/ shows the Changes-tab and is only valid for files, /mode=status/ shows the Status-tab for files or Status screen for directories and repositories while /mode=preview/ shows the Content-tab in preview mode for files supporting this. You can omit the /mode/ parameter to leave mode unchanged.

Jump to specific lines in the text file opened with the /line=123/ parameter and show messages with either /error=red%20%text/ or /message=blue%20text/ to inform the user of something related to the file. If you include /line=/ but no /path=/ the app uses the path of current file. This can be used with shortcuts activated through the share sheet that validate the current file.

Make sure all parameters are URL-coded and that space is percent- rather than plus-encoded.

You can ask Working Copy to open the clone-dialog with a specific URL awaiting the users confirmation:


If you need to make a link that shows a given remote repository inside Working Copy, without knowing whether the user has a existing clone, use the /show/ command that will open the repository if one exists with that remote and otherwise initiate cloning.


The app supports using log files in the context of the repository contents and it can be useful to import and show these with a URL:


The /lines/ parameter is mandatory and you can use /repo/ to specify either a repository name or remote url the log refers to, /timestamp/ to indicate the time the log was recorded as unix time and /kind/ to one of /import/, bitrise, circleci, jenkins, buddy, /fetch/, /push/, /pull/, /clone/ where /kind=import/ is the default.

To support workflows and automation, Working Copy has rich support for x-callback-url commands.

Because the commands allow reading and writing your sourcecode, they are protected by a /key/ parameter which must match a random alphanumeric code created when you first launch Working Copy on a new device. You can edit this key inside settings to get the same code for all your devices making it easier to reuse scripts, but you should make sure never to use a /key/ value you found in some public script, as this would be equivalent to sharing a password with everyone else.

The following commands are supported, where a 🔒 indicates that the /push/ feature must be unlocked for that command to be available.

  1. write files,
  2. read 🔒 files,
  3. move files,
  4. archive 🔒 multiple files,
  5. commit changes,
  6. list file status,
  7. push 🔒 to remote and
  8. pull from remote.
  9. fetch from remote.
  10. checkout branch.
  11. delete branch.
  12. merge branches.
  13. start or stop the WebDAV server.
  14. list repositories
  15. show commit log
  16. list branches
  17. init empty repository
  18. clone repository from remote
  19. run secure shell commands
  20. chain multiple commands
  21. Universal Link parameters You can also read a little about creating URL templates in Drafts and manually chaining together callbacks. URLs for x-callback-url must have the form:

If you include a /x-error/ parameter it will be used to deliver errors, otherwise errors are shown inside Working Copy. Including /x-success/ is also possible.

[image:89284244-6B0B-4170-BF88-489941ECA8DB-3951-0000005354FD02C0/callback-settings.png] To avoid very long examples the /key/ parameter will not be included in every example here, but it IS required for every x-callback-url command. In order to foil brute-force attempts at guessing the /key/, Working Copy will show errors related to /key/ inside the app, but will not be calling /x-error/.

Most commands requires the /repo/ parameter that specifies which repository the command is about. This can either be the name of the repository as seen in the list of repositories in the outermost view of the app or the full remote url of the repository. Remember to url-encode /repo/ just like all other parameters. Space needs to be percent- rather than plus-encoded. If you specify /repo=$current/ the repository shown inside the app will be used.

Many commands require the /path/ parameter which specifies the file or directory the command will act on. Paths are specified relative to the root of the repository where a empty /path/ is the root directory and this the entire repository. Some commands will ask the user to pick a file or directory if no /path/ is specified and others will just use the root directory as its default. The details are documented in the section for each command. You can use /path=$current/ to specify the currently shown path of a file or directory where the empty string will be substituted if you are not looking at any path.

[image:92650286-957A-47B5-95AD-85F192191F43-3951-0000005354FBC418/my-repo.png] Write to existing or new files with the /write/ command. If you include a /text/ parameter this will be the content written to the file at the given /path/. The text parameter is transferred as UTF-8 but will be written in the encoding of the existing file or UTF-8 for new files.


If you need to write images or other binary files you can transfer the content as base-64 by using the parameter /base64=/ instead of /text=/. You need to URL-encode after base-64 encoding since the characters /+/ and /// occur after base-64 coding. This can also be handy if you want to overwrite the encoding of a existing file.

If you do not include either a /text/ or /base64/ parameter the clipboard content is written or you can include /clipboard=1/ as a more direct way to write from the clipboard.

If no /path/ parameter is specified the user will be asked to pick a file and if no /repo/ is specified either the user will start out by picking a repository. In these situations you can suggest a filename with the /filename/ parameter and /uti/ to indicate the Uniform Type Identifier such that the user can be warned before saving into a file where the name suggests a different type of data. If no /uti/ is specified the default is either "public.plain-text" or "public.item" depending on whether content is specified with /text/ or /base64/.


Working Copy supports exporting files with a filename with special information such that it can be identified as a specific file in a certain repository even though the original filename is used multiple times. To get this behaviour in /x-callback-url/ use the /write/ command with a /path/ but no /repo/ parameter. The path must be recognized for this to work or you will get a error that the file is not known.

You can include /askcommit=1/ to be asked to commit and push the file after saving.

You control how and when to write to the file with the /mode/ parameter. The default /mode=safe/ will create new files or overwrite non-modified files but refuse to write to files with uncommitted changes. When the user pick the file to write to you are allowed to overwrite files with uncommitted changes and you can force this behaviour with /mode=overwrite/. To combine new and old input you use /mode=append/ or /mode=prepend/.

You can get the contents of text files with the /read/ command and result will be URL-encoded and appended to the x-success callback.


will make Working Copy open a url on the form:


You need to url encode /x-success/ and to support different apps that want to receive text differently and might not follow the x-callback-url conventions you should include the parameter name and then /=/ at the end of /x-success/. Working Copy tries to be smart about appending the file content as /&text=.../ if it detects a /x-callback-url/ that would become malformed, but your best bet is to format /x-success/ manually.

If you are reading a binary file the result will be transferred as base-64 and if Working Copy appends the parameter name it will be /&base64=.../ but to ensure the file content is returned in base64 coding you include the input parameter /type=base64/.


If no /path/ parameter is specified the user will be asked to pick a file and if no /repo/ is specified either the user will start out by picking a repository. You can use /uti/ to specifify the kind of files you want. The user will be warned when picking a file that does not match the given Uniform Type Identifier. The default value for /uti/ is "public.plain-text" but this is changed to "public.item" if /base64/ indicates that you accept binary results.

If you are asking the user to pick a file that will be used for a number of commands /type=url/ can be used to get a universal url that can be passed to other x-callback-url commands.

Include /clipboard=1/ to put the content of the file on the clipboard.

To move or rename files within a repository you use the /move/ command. Both the /source/ and /destination/ filenames are relative to the root of the repository.


If you need to read multiple files you can use the /zip/ command that will return a base64-coded zip-archive of all the files in the directory specified by /path/. If you do not specify any /path/ the entire repository is archived and if /path/ points to a single file, you will get a zip containing just this file.

When you zip up entire repositories, the .git directory is not included unless /.git=1/ is passed along.


The /commit/ command can be used on single files, directories or the entire repository. You use the /path/ parameter to specify the files to take into account, where a missing or empty parameter means the entire repository is checked for modified files to commit.

To avoid accidentally committing unexpected changes the /limit/ parameter is checked and if there are more changed files covered by /path/ than allowed by /limit/ the commit fails. The default is /limit=1/ but you can set it to large values if you intentionally want to commit all changed files.

You can supply a /message/ parameter for the commit message and formatting/wrapping this /message/ in accordance with best practices is your responsibility.

If no /message/ is supplied a dialog is shown to commit the given files. Since this requires user interaction it's allowed without the callback /key/.


If you need to determine the status of the repository, the files that are modified or even all the files it contains, you can use the /status/ command. It takes a /path/ parameter and has the same default value and interpretation as for the commit command. Normally you will only get the status for files that have changed since the last commit, but this behaviour can be changed by adding the parameter /unchanged=1/.

If path points to a directory you will get the status for all files in the directory and for sub-directories as well. To limit this, you can specify a maximum depth, where /depth=1/ will include the contents of the immediate sub-directories of /path/ but no deeper.

[{"name": "", "path": "", "status": "modified", "kind": "Markdown", "size": 355},
 {"name": "src", "path": "src", "status": "unchanged", "kind": "directory"},
 {"name": "main.c", "path": "src/main.c", "status": "unchanged", "kind": "C source", "size": 4510}

The results are delivered as JSON and note the difference between /path/ which is relative to the root of the repository and /name/ that is just the filename.

Use the /push/ command to send commits back to the origin remote. If you need to authenticate, the push command will wait until you have entered your credentials.


You can push to other remotes than origin by using the /remote/ parameter.


You can push all repositories remotes by using wildcards on the form /repo=/ where the asterix matches one or more characters, but these wildcards are only resolved against name, not remote URLs. As with other special characters // needs to be URL-encoded as /%2A/.


The /pull/ command fetches and merges changes from your origin remote. If you need to authenticate, the pull command will wait until you have entered your credentials. Any merge conflicts will count as a error.


Just like the /push/ command you can use the /remote/ parameter to pull from non-origin remotes and /repo/ parameter can contain wildcards.

The /fetch/ command fetches from your origin remote and if you need to authenticate, the command will wait until you have entered your credentials.


Just like the /pull/ command you can use the /remote/ parameter to fetch from non-origin remotes and /repo/ parameter can contain wildcards.

Default behaviour is to switch to a existing branch which requires that there are no current modifications. You can specify /branch=$current/ to checkout the branch currently being shown in the app, which is not the same thing as the current branch for the repository, which there is no need to checkout. To create a new branch during checkout use /mode=create/ or /mode=ensure/ to only create the branch when missing.


Delete a branch if all commits are available in other branches. Set /mode/ to /force/, /refuse/ or the default /prompt/ to control behaviour when commits would be lost.


Use this command to merge branches programmatically.


The /branch/ parameter names the branch that will be merged on the current branch, but to merge the remote counterpart of the current branch you leave the /branch/ parameter missing or empty. You can specify a particular remote for the /branch/ with the /remote/ parameter using either a remote name or URL. This remote will be fetched before merge to make sure the remote branch is up-to-date and if you specify /create=1/ the remote will even be created if missing.

If there are any conflicts the user will be asked to fix these interactively followed up by a commit to finish the merge. You can disable this with the parameter /resolve=0/ and merge conflicts will count as error.

Use the /webdav/ command to start or stop the internal WebDAV server. The /cmd/ parameter can be either /start/ or /stop/ where the default is /cmd=start/.


Use the /repos/ command to get information about name, status, current branch and remotes for all repositories inside Working Copy in JSON format.

[{"name":"welcome to working copy", "branch":"master", "head":"d39002a…",
  "status":"tap to learn more", "remotes":[]},
 {"name":"libgit2", "branch":"master", "head":"e70d822…", "status":"nothing to commit",
   [{"name":"origin", "fetch":1,"push":1,"url":"https:\/\/\/libgit2\/libgit2.git"}]}

It can get a little complicated to work with this JSON, but Workflow users can try this small workflow that asks the user to pick one of the available repositories and could be used as a component for something bigger. You will need to insert your URL key in the first action.

You can read a list of commits with the /log/ command. You need to specify a /repo/ and will get the newest 10 commits in JSON format, unless /limit/ parameter overrides this. To only get commits relevant for particular files or diretories, use the /path/ parameter or use /branch/ to only get commits for that particular branch.

[{"summary":"fix spelling","id":"af6a47f8a831d17513ec13357d11cf3cab222b19",
  "author":"Anders Borum <>", "timestamp":"2017-01-08T15:06:20.000Z",

{"summary":"import image assets","id":"47040b679c5bfd8c99f1d0df7b04c5a9af157adc",
  "author":"Anders Borum <>", "timestamp":"2017-01-08T15:05:07.000Z",
  "description":"longer description", "parent":["7f03af16e1bbe820ae48d25a27143c5765007930"]}

Use the /branches/ command to enquire about all local and remote branches in a repository.


Use the /init/ command to create a new repository without any files or remotes, where /name/ parameter must not be used by any other repository.


Use the /clone/ command clone repository with /remote/ parameter. Result of callback will be the name of the repository inside Working Copy.


Use this command to automate the SSH Command feature. Remember that this will upload your local repository before running the /cmd/ and download files that change while the command is running. If you just want to run a command on a remote server there are perhaps other apps better suited for this.


You can specify /source=subdir/ and /remote=dir/ to specify the local and remote directories to keep upload to and download from. The default for /source/ is the repository root and the default for /remote/ is the remote home directory.

Sometimes you want to run several x-callback-url commands in Working Copy and this becomes very convoluted with multiple levels of encoding. You would need to start with the last command and work your way to the first building a larger and larger /x-success/ chain.

To achieve the same result, use the /chain/ command.


You use the /command/ parameter once for each command. The parameters before the first /command/ parameter is shared by all commands, and parameters meant for a single command is specified after the /command/ it applies to but before the next one. Often parameters /key/, /repo/ and /x-error/ are shared.

You can specify /x-success/ as a shared parameter, but it will only be used for the last command since the earlier commands are bound by the command chain.

Inside Working Copy you can create Universal Links that describe repositories or files, branches or commits inside repositories with the Share Sheet.

Their primary purpose is to make it easy to jump to specific content in Working Copy, but they also serve a purpose as x-callback-url parameters. You can include a Universal Link in the /url/ parameter and all the inner parameters will be extracted and used making the following two commands equivalent:


This is useful when you start a Workflow from within Working Copy, as you can specify the file, directory or repository to act on and send this along as a single parameter.

Use x-callback-url/read with /type=url/ to get back the universal url of a file picked by the user.


If you are using Drafts by Agile Tortoise, there are some tricks that make it much easier to make URL templates. First line in a draft can be referenced as /[[title]]/ and the remainder as /[[body]]/.

Often you want to send a draft into Working Copy. You need to use the write command, specifying filename (path), repository (repo), access key (key), content (text) and perhaps you want to jump back to Drafts when done (x-success=drafts%3A//).

Imagine that you need to create a new Jekyll post from a draft. The date determines the filename and the content is a combination of YAML front matter and content. Note how /%0a/ is encoded manually to have newline in the front matter.

For more complicated actions it is probably a good idea to use javascript to compose the URL with the Script action step using the clipboard as temporary storage.


[image:7E152629-9472-493A-B713-45490BE4D8B8-3951-0000005354F878AA/textastic-new.gif] URL callbacks can get pretty complicated when you want to send the result of one callback along to another URL callback.

To create a new text file in Textastic with the filename "two words.txt" you would use the following URL:


If you wanted to create this file with content from the file / in the repository /my repo/ you would need to URL escape the callback to Textastic which gives rise to double-encoding of parameters passed along. /space → %20 → %2520/


You could also start a new email with the contents of this file, by making /x-success/ use the /mailto:/ scheme with something like


If you need to debug your callbacks, setting /x-success=mailto%3A%3Fbody%3D/ can be very helpful.

Controlling Working Copy with URL schemes #archive #capture/.

Often you want to send a draft into Working Copy. You need to use the write command, specifying filename (path), repository (repo), access key (key), content (text) and perhaps you want to jump back to Drafts when done (x-success=drafts%3A//).

Imagine that you need to create a new Jekyll post from a draft. The date determines the filename and the content is a combination of YAML front matter and content. Note how /%0a/ is encoded manually to have newline in the front matter.

For more complicated actions it is probably a good idea to use javascript to compose the URL with the Script action step using the clipboard as temporary storage.

You can open Working Copy and make it go to a specific screen with a URL:

working-copy://open?repo=my%20project& working-copy://open?repo=my%20project&commit=23f387&mode=status working-copy://open? working-copy://open?repo=my%20project&

Here /repo/ is either the name of a repository as seen in the list of repositories or the full remote URL. If you specify a /path/, Working Copy will show the given directory or file and if you specify a /commit/ hash (or prefix) you are shown the given commit. You can specify one of /path/, /commit/ or /branch/ but not more than one. 

You can control what to show such that /mode=content/ shows file content tab or directory contents for directories and repository; /mode=changes/ shows the Changes-tab and is only valid for files, /mode=status/ shows the Status-tab for files or Status screen for directories and repositories while /mode=preview/ shows the Content-tab in preview mode for files supporting this. You can omit the /mode/ parameter to leave mode unchanged.

Jump to specific lines in the text file opened with the /line=123/ parameter and show messages with either /error=red%20%text/ or /message=blue%20text/ to inform the user of something related to the file. If you include /line=/ but no /path=/ the app uses the path of current file. This can be used with [shortcuts]( activated through the share sheet that validate the current file. 

Make sure all parameters are URL-coded and that space is percent- rather than plus-encoded.

You can ask Working Copy to open the clone-dialog with a specific URL awaiting the users confirmation:


If you need to make a link that shows a given remote repository inside [Working Copy](, without knowing whether the user has a existing clone, use the /show/ command that will open the repository if one exists with that remote and otherwise initiate cloning.


The app supports using [log files]( in the context of the repository contents and it can be useful to import and show these with a URL: 


The /lines/ parameter is mandatory and you can use /repo/ to specify either a repository name or remote url the log refers to, /timestamp/ to indicate the time the log was recorded as [unix time]( and /kind/ to one of /import/, [bitrise](, [circleci](, [jenkins](, [buddy](, /fetch/, /push/, /pull/, /clone/ where /kind=import/ is the default. 

To support workflows and automation, Working Copy has rich support for [x-callback-url]( commands.

Because the commands allow reading and writing your sourcecode, they are protected by a /key/ parameter which must match a random alphanumeric code created when you first launch Working Copy on a new device. You can edit this key inside settings to get the same code for all your devices making it easier to reuse scripts, but you should make sure never to use a /key/ value you found in some public script, as this would be equivalent to sharing a password with everyone else. 

The following commands are supported, where a 🔒 indicates that the /push/ feature must be unlocked for that command to be available. 

0. [write]( files,
0. [read]( 🔒 files,
0. [move]( files,
0. [archive]( 🔒 multiple files,
0. [commit]( changes,
0. list file [status](,
0. [push]( 🔒 to remote and
0. [pull]( from remote.
0. [fetch]( from remote.
0. [checkout]( branch.
0. [delete]( branch.
0. [merge]( branches.
0. start or stop the [WebDAV]( server.
0. [list]( repositories
0. show commit [log](
0. list [branches](
0. [init]( empty repository
0. [clone]( repository from remote
0. run [secure shell]( commands
0. [chain]( multiple commands
0. Universal Link [parameters](
You can also read a little about creating URL templates in [Drafts]( and manually [chaining]( together callbacks. 
URLs for x-callback-url must have the form:


If you include a /x-error/ parameter it will be used to deliver errors, otherwise errors are shown inside Working Copy. Including /x-success/ is also possible. 

To avoid very long examples the /key/ parameter will not be included in every example here, but it IS required for every x-callback-url command. In order to foil brute-force attempts at guessing the /key/, Working Copy will show errors related to /key/ inside the app, but will not be calling /x-error/. 

Most commands requires the /repo/ parameter that specifies which repository the command is about. This can either be the name of the repository as seen in the list of repositories in the outermost view of the app or the full remote url of the repository. Remember to url-encode /repo/ just like all other parameters. Space needs to be percent- rather than plus-encoded. If you specify /repo=$current/ the repository shown inside the app will be used.

Many commands require the /path/ parameter which specifies the file or directory the command will act on. Paths are specified relative to the root of the repository where a empty /path/ is the root directory and this the entire repository. Some commands will ask the user to pick a file or directory if no /path/ is specified and others will just use the root directory as its default. The details are documented in the section for each command. You can use /path=$current/ to specify the currently shown path of a file or directory where the empty string will be substituted if you are not looking at any path.

Write to existing or new files with the /write/ command. If you include a /text/ parameter this will be the content written to the file at the given /path/. The text parameter is transferred as UTF-8 but will be written in the encoding of the existing file or UTF-8 for new files. 


If you need to write images or other binary files you can transfer the content as [base-64]( by using the parameter /base64=/ instead of /text=/. You need to URL-encode after base-64 encoding since the characters /+/ and /// occur after base-64 coding. This can also be handy if you want to overwrite the encoding of a existing file.

If you do not include either a /text/ or /base64/ parameter the clipboard content is written or you can include /clipboard=1/ as a more direct way to write from the clipboard.

If no /path/ parameter is specified the user will be asked to pick a file and if no /repo/ is specified either the user will start out by picking a repository. In these situations you can suggest a filename with the /filename/ parameter and /uti/ to indicate the [Uniform Type Identifier]( such that the user can be warned before saving into a file where the name suggests a different type of data. If no /uti/ is specified the default is either "public.plain-text" or "public.item" depending on whether content is specified with /text/ or /base64/.


Working Copy supports exporting files with a filename with special information such that it can be identified as a specific file in a certain repository even though the original filename is used multiple times. To get this behaviour in /x-callback-url/ use the /write/ command with a /path/ but no /repo/ parameter. The path must be recognized for this to work or you will get a error that the file is not known.

You can include /askcommit=1/ to be asked to commit and push the file after saving.

You control how and when to write to the file with the /mode/ parameter. The default /mode=safe/ will create new files or overwrite non-modified files but refuse to write to files with uncommitted changes. When the user pick the file to write to you are allowed to overwrite files with uncommitted changes and you can force this behaviour with /mode=overwrite/. To combine new and old input you use /mode=append/ or /mode=prepend/.

You can get the contents of text files with the /read/ command and result will be URL-encoded and appended to the x-success callback.


will make Working Copy open a url on the form:


You need to url encode /x-success/ and to support different apps that want to receive text differently and might not follow the x-callback-url conventions you should include the parameter name and then /=/ at the end of /x-success/. Working Copy tries to be smart about appending the file content as /&text=.../ if it detects a /x-callback-url/ that would become malformed, but your best bet is to format /x-success/ manually.

If you are reading a binary file the result will be transferred as [base-64]( and if Working Copy appends the parameter name it will be /&base64=.../ but to ensure the file content is returned in base64 coding you include the input parameter /type=base64/.


If no /path/ parameter is specified the user will be asked to pick a file and if no /repo/ is specified either the user will start out by picking a repository. You can use /uti/ to specifify the kind of files you want. The user will be warned when picking a file that does not match the given [Uniform Type Identifier]( The default value for /uti/ is "public.plain-text" but this is changed to "public.item" if /base64/ indicates that you accept binary results.

If you are asking the user to pick a file that will be used for a number of commands /type=url/ can be used to get a [universal url]( that can be passed to other x-callback-url commands.

Include /clipboard=1/ to put the content of the file on the clipboard.

To move or rename files within a repository you use the /move/ command. Both the /source/ and /destination/ filenames are relative to the root of the repository.


If you need to read multiple files you can use the /zip/ command that will return a base64-coded zip-archive of all the files in the directory specified by /path/. If you do not specify any /path/ the entire repository is archived and if /path/ points to a single file, you will get a zip containing just this file.

When you zip up entire repositories, the .git directory is not included unless /.git=1/ is passed along.


The /commit/ command can be used on single files, directories or the entire repository. You use the /path/ parameter to specify the files to take into account, where a missing or empty parameter means the entire repository is checked for modified files to commit. 

To avoid accidentally committing unexpected changes the /limit/ parameter is checked and if there are more changed files covered by /path/ than allowed by /limit/ the commit fails. The default is /limit=1/ but you can set it to large values if you intentionally want to commit all changed files.

You can supply a /message/ parameter for the commit message and formatting/wrapping this /message/ in accordance with [best practices]( is your responsibility. 

If no /message/ is supplied a dialog is shown to commit the given files. Since this requires user interaction it's allowed without the callback /key/.


If you need to determine the status of the repository, the files that are modified or even all the files it contains, you can use the /status/ command. It takes a /path/ parameter and has the same default value and interpretation as for the [commit]( command. Normally you will only get the status for files that have changed since the last commit, but this behaviour can be changed by adding the parameter /unchanged=1/. 

If path points to a directory you will get the status for all files in the directory and for sub-directories as well. To limit this, you can specify a maximum depth, where /depth=1/ will include the contents of the immediate sub-directories of /path/ but no deeper. 


[{"name": "", "path": "", "status": "modified", "kind": "Markdown", "size": 355}, {"name": "src", "path": "src", "status": "unchanged", "kind": "directory"}, {"name": "main.c", "path": "src/main.c", "status": "unchanged", "kind": "C source", "size": 4510} …… ]

The results are delivered as JSON and note the difference between /path/ which is relative to the root of the repository and /name/ that is just the filename.

Use the /push/ command to send commits back to the origin remote. If you need to authenticate, the push command will wait until you have entered your credentials. 


You can push to other remotes than origin by using the /remote/ parameter.


You can push all repositories remotes by using wildcards on the form /repo=*/ where the asterix matches one or more characters, but these wildcards are only resolved against name, not remote URLs. As with other special characters /*/ needs to be URL-encoded as /%2A/.


The /pull/ command fetches and merges changes from your origin remote. If you need to authenticate, the pull command will wait until you have entered your credentials. Any merge conflicts will count as a error.


Just like the /push/ command you can use the /remote/ parameter to pull from non-origin remotes and /repo/ parameter can contain wildcards.

The /fetch/ command fetches from your origin remote and if you need to authenticate, the command will wait until you have entered your credentials. 


Just like the /pull/ command you can use the /remote/ parameter to fetch from non-origin remotes and /repo/ parameter can contain wildcards.

Default behaviour is to switch to a existing branch which requires that there are no current modifications. You can specify /branch=$current/ to checkout the branch currently being shown in the app, which is not the same thing as the current branch for the repository, which there is no need to checkout. To create a new branch during checkout use /mode=create/ or /mode=ensure/ to only create the branch when missing.


Delete a branch if all commits are available in other branches. Set /mode/ to /force/, /refuse/ or the default /prompt/ to control behaviour when commits would be lost. 


Use this command to merge branches programmatically.


The /branch/ parameter names the branch that will be merged on the current branch, but to merge the remote counterpart of the current branch you leave the /branch/ parameter missing or empty. You can specify a particular remote for the /branch/ with the /remote/ parameter using either a remote name or URL. This remote will be fetched before merge to make sure the remote branch is up-to-date and if you specify /create=1/ the remote will even be created if missing. 

If there are any conflicts the user will be asked to fix these interactively followed up by a commit to finish the merge. You can disable this with the parameter /resolve=0/ and merge conflicts will count as error.

Use the /webdav/ command to start or stop the [internal WebDAV server]( The /cmd/ parameter can be either /start/ or /stop/ where the default is /cmd=start/.


Use the /repos/ command to get information about name, status, current branch and remotes for all repositories inside Working Copy in JSON format. 


[{"name":"welcome to working copy", "branch":"master", "head":"d39002a…", "status":"tap to learn more", "remotes":[]}, {"name":"libgit2", "branch":"master", "head":"e70d822…", "status":"nothing to commit", "remotes": [{"name":"origin", "fetch":1,"push":1,"url":""}]} ]

It can get a little complicated to work with this JSON, but [Workflow](;at=1000lHq) users can try this small [workflow]( that asks the user to pick one of the available repositories and could be used as a component for something bigger. You will need to insert your URL key in the first action. 

You can read a list of commits with the /log/ command. You need to specify a /repo/ and will get the newest 10 commits in JSON format, unless /limit/ parameter overrides this. To only get commits relevant for particular files or diretories, use the /path/ parameter or use /branch/ to only get commits for that particular branch. 


[{"summary":"fix spelling","id":"af6a47f8a831d17513ec13357d11cf3cab222b19", "author":"Anders Borum", "timestamp":"2017-01-08T15:06:20.000Z", "description":"","parent":["133ca4376290313d0359f8ed97a93125a4e2f297"]},

{"summary":"import image assets","id":"47040b679c5bfd8c99f1d0df7b04c5a9af157adc", "author":"Anders Borum", "timestamp":"2017-01-08T15:05:07.000Z", "description":"longer description", "parent":["7f03af16e1bbe820ae48d25a27143c5765007930"]} ]

Use the /branches/ command to enquire about all local and remote branches in a repository.


[{"name":"master", "head":"af6a47f8a831d17513ec13357d11cf3cab222b19", "latest":"2017-01-08T15:06:20.000Z"}, {"name":"origin/master", "head":"af6a47f8a831d17513ec13357d11cf3cab222b19", "latest":"2017-01-08T15:06:20.000Z"}, ...]

Use the /init/ command to create a new repository without any files or remotes, where /name/ parameter must not be used by any other repository.


Use the /clone/ command clone repository with /remote/ parameter. Result of callback will be the name of the repository inside Working Copy.


Use this command to automate the [SSH Command]( feature. Remember that this will upload your local repository before running the /cmd/ and download files that change while the command is running. If you just want to run a command on a remote server there are perhaps other apps better suited for this.


You can specify /source=subdir/ and /remote=dir/ to specify the local and remote directories to keep upload to and download from. The default for /source/ is the repository root and the default for /remote/ is the remote home directory.

Sometimes you want to run several x-callback-url commands in Working Copy and this becomes very convoluted with multiple levels of encoding. You would need to start with the last command and work your way to the first building a larger and larger /x-success/ chain.

To achieve the same result, use the /chain/ command.

working-copy://x-callback-url/chain?repo=my%20repo&command=commit&message=fix&command=push working-copy://x-callback-url/chain?repo=%2A&command=pull&command=push

You use the /command/ parameter once for each command. The parameters before the first /command/ parameter is shared by all commands, and parameters meant for a single command is specified after the /command/ it applies to but before the next one. Often parameters /key/, /repo/ and /x-error/ are shared.

You can specify /x-success/ as a shared parameter, but it will only be used for the last command since the earlier commands are bound by the command chain. 

Inside Working Copy you can create Universal Links that describe repositories or files, branches or commits inside repositories with the Share Sheet.


Their primary purpose is to make it easy to jump to specific content in Working Copy, but they also serve a purpose as x-callback-url parameters. You can include a Universal Link in the /url/ parameter and all the inner parameters will be extracted and used making the following two commands equivalent:

working-copy://x-callback-url/read? working-copy://x-callback-url/read?repo=

This is useful when you start a Workflow from within Working Copy, as you can specify the file, directory or repository to act on and send this along as a single parameter.

Use [x-callback-url/read]( with /type=url/ to get back the universal url of a file picked by the user.


If you are using [Drafts](;uo=4&amp;at=1000lHq) by [Agile Tortoise](, there are some tricks that make it much easier to make [URL templates]( First line in a draft can be referenced as /[[title]]/ and the remainder as /[[body]]/. 

Often you want to send a draft into Working Copy. You need to use the [write]( command, specifying filename (path), repository (repo), access key (key), content (text) and perhaps you want to jump back to Drafts when done (x-success=drafts%3A//). 

Imagine that you need to create a new Jekyll post from a draft. The date determines the filename and the content is a combination of YAML front matter and content. Note how /%0a/ is encoded manually to have newline in the front matter.

For more complicated actions it is probably a good idea to use javascript to compose the URL with the [Script]( action step using the clipboard as temporary storage. 


URL callbacks can get pretty complicated when you want to send the result of one callback along to another URL callback.

To create a new text file in [Textastic]( with the filename "two words.txt" you would use the following URL:


If you wanted to create this file with content from the file / in the repository /my repo/ you would need to URL escape the callback to Textastic which gives rise to double-encoding of parameters passed along.
/space → %20 → %2520/


You could also start a new email with the contents of this file, by making /x-success/ use the /mailto:/ scheme with something like 


If you need to debug your callbacks, setting /x-success=mailto%3A%3Fbody%3D/ can be very helpful.

[Controlling Working Copy with URL schemes]( #archive #capture&key=12345678

[image:7E152629-9472-493A-B713-45490BE4D8B8-3951-0000005354F878AA/textastic-new.gif] URL callbacks can get pretty complicated when you want to send the result of one callback along to another URL callback.

To create a new text file in Textastic with the filename "two words.txt" you would use the following URL:


If you wanted to create this file with content from the file / in the repository /my repo/ you would need to URL escape the callback to Textastic which gives rise to double-encoding of parameters passed along. /space → %20 → %2520/


You could also start a new email with the contents of this file, by making /x-success/ use the /mailto:/ scheme with something like


If you need to debug your callbacks, setting /x-success=mailto%3A%3Fbody%3D/ can be very helpful.

Controlling Working Copy with URL schemes #archive #capture