Keyboard shortcut restrictions

suavito | 2022-04-10 07:25:04 UTC | #1

I have noticed that Drafts for some reasons does not accept certain keyboard shortcuts. Which are:

agiletortoise | 2022-04-10 13:16:58 UTC | #2

I will create a ticket to look at the F13/14/15 issue and see if that can be addressed. I do not currently have a keyboard handy with those keys, but will see what I can come up with.

As for the reserved keys, this is intentional and both a cross-platform functionality issue (where you cannot re-assign shortcuts at the system level on iOS) and a convenience feature to be better able to inform users of potential conflicts when configuring shortcuts.

suavito | 2022-04-10 14:17:26 UTC | #3

The cross-platform functionality issue is understandable although another enervating example for the restrictions of the mobile platforms swapping over to macOS.

Since keyboard shortcuts are synced too it would be possible though to allow re-keying actions/functions on the macOS version of Drafts and use them on the iOS/iPadOS version too, wouldn't it? But then a mobile user would need a Mac to fully customize their mobile Drafts, I can see why that would not make everybody happy.

As for the "convenience feature to be better able to inform users of potential conflicts when configuring shortcuts"—I get you point here too. But we get this convenience for the price of losing another convenience, which is freely to remap keyboard shortcuts. Which is a standard on macOS for a reason. Well…