Federated Networks Association ry will be dissolved

Sent to members on the 9th of January 2022.

Due to recent lack of activity within the association, issues maintaining the current services and lack of new committee members wanting to step up, the members of Federated Networks Association ry (Feneas) have decided to dissolve the association. The decision to do so was done as per the rules of the association in two Annual General Meetings held no more than 30 days apart. You can find the meeting logs via the below links:

What happens next?

So long and thanks for federating

As the Feneas committee president and founding member, I want to thank all the members and users who trusted Feneas over the years. It's been a good and often fun 3,5 years of Feneas. While we managed to create a sometimes vibrant collection of services and attract people and projects from around the Fediverse, ultimately we failed to build a community that would last longer than the amount of time founding members could dedicate a good chunk of their life. For both the main founders (Lukas and me, Jason) real life and other priorities caught up with us, and thus it's time to move forward. It was also clear from the discussions at the end that not enough active community members exist to keep the association afloat. I'm personally happy we did this project, even though it had to reach its end.

Our chat rooms are still active over at Matrix (#feneas:feneas.org) and Libera (#feneas). If you have questions, for example about exporting your data, or just want to say hi, feel free to pop in. At least the main chatroom is going to stay alive after the association is finally taken off the official association registry, so you're welcome to say hi even afterwards.

If you have concerns or questions you can also reach out via email with generic questions to hq@feneas.org or privacy@feneas.org (for privacy queries). You can also reach me via a private message on Matrix at @jaywink:federator.dev.

All the best to everyone!

Best regards, Jason Robinson Founder and committee president Federated Networks Association ry