.textexpander File Format Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>Thought Asylum - TextExpander</string>
			<string>List TextExpander Snippet Info (AS)</string>
			<string>on textexpander()
	-- Set text to filter the snippet group names by.  Blank will return all groups.
	set strFilterText to "%filltext:name=Filter snippet group name content for (optional):width=40%"

	-- Set-up some special constants
	-- New line
	set EOL to ASCII character 10
	-- Tab
	set SEP to ASCII character 9

	tell application "TextExpander"
		-- Initialise
		set strClipboard to ""
		-- Enumerate all the TextExpander snippet groups
		set colGroups to groups
		repeat with objGroup in colGroups
			-- Optional restriction of group name
			If strFilterText = "" then
				set bFilter to false
				if strFilterText is in name of objGroup then
					set bFilter to false
					set bFilter to true
				end if
			end if
			if bFilter is false then
				-- Enumerate all the TextExpander snippets in a group
				set colSnippets to snippets of objGroup
				repeat with objSnippet in colSnippets
					-- If the clipboard variable is not still empty, add a new line on the end
					if strClipboard ≠ "" then
						set strClipboard to strClipboard &amp; EOL
					end if
					-- Append the snippet group, snippet abbreviation and snippet name (tab separated)
					set strClipboard to strClipboard &amp; name of objGroup &amp; SEP
					set strClipboard to strClipboard &amp; name of objSnippet &amp; SEP
					set strClipboard to strClipboard &amp; abbreviation of objSnippet
				end repeat
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell

	— Output the snippet information
	return strClipboard

end textexpander

			<string>List TextExpander Group Info (AS)</string>
			<string>on textexpander()
	-- Set text to filter the snippet group names by.  Blank will return all groups.
	set strFilterText to "%filltext:name=Filter snippet group name content for (optional):width=40%"

	-- New line
	set EOL to ASCII character 10

	tell application "TextExpander"
		-- Initialise
		set strClipboard to ""
		-- Enumerate all the TextExpander snippet groups
		set colGroups to groups
		repeat with objGroup in colGroups
			-- Optional restriction of group name
			If strFilterText = "" then
				set bFilter to false
				if strFilterText is in name of objGroup then
					set bFilter to false
					set bFilter to true
				end if
			end if
			if bFilter is false then
				-- If the clipboard variable is not still empty, add a new line on the end
				if strClipboard ≠ "" then
					set strClipboard to strClipboard &amp; EOL
				end if
				-- Append the snippet group, snippet abbreviation and snippet name (tab separated)
				set strClipboard to strClipboard &amp; name of objGroup
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell

	— Output the snippet information
	return strClipboard

end textexpander

			<string>Count TextExpander Snippets (AS)</string>
			<string>on textexpander()
	-- Set text to filter the snippet group names by.  Blank will return all groups.
	set strFilterText to "%filltext:name=Filter snippet group name content for (optional):width=40%"

	-- Set-up some special constants
	-- New line
	set EOL to ASCII character 10
	-- Tab
	set SEP to ASCII character 9

	tell application "TextExpander"
		-- Initialise
		set strClipboard to ""
		set intTotal to 0
		-- Enumerate all the TextExpander snippet groups
		set colGroups to groups
		repeat with objGroup in colGroups
			-- Optional restriction of group name
			if strFilterText = "" then
				set bFilter to false
				if strFilterText is in name of objGroup then
					set bFilter to false
					set bFilter to true
				end if
			end if

			if bFilter is false then
				-- Enumerate all the TextExpander snippets in a group
				set intGroupCount to 0
				set intGroupCount to intGroupCount + (count of snippets of objGroup)
				set intTotal to intTotal + (count of snippets of objGroup)
				-- If the clipboard variable is not still empty, add a new line on the end
				if strClipboard ≠ "" then
					set strClipboard to strClipboard &amp; EOL
				end if
				log intGroupCount
				set strClipboard to (strClipboard &amp; name of objGroup &amp; " (" &amp; intGroupCount as rich text) &amp; ")"
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell

	-- Output the snippet information
	set strClipboard to strClipboard &amp; EOL &amp; "TOTAL = " &amp; intTotal
	return strClipboard

end textexpander


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