
euphonious LookUp
euphonious LookUp


  1. having a pleasant sound; “a euphonious trill of silver laughter”
  2. (of speech or dialect) pleasing in sound; not harsh or strident; “her euphonious Southern speech”

From LookUp: Adjective

  1. (of sound, especially speech) pleasing to the ear this successful candidate delivers a stream of fine, euphonious phrases


  1. the great woodrush's euphonious scientific name, Luzula sylvatica

Similar Words: pleasant-sounding sweet-sounding mellow mellifluous dulcet sweet honeyed lyrical silvery silver-toned golden bell-like rhythmical lilting pleasant agreeable soothing harmonious melodious melodic tuneful musical symphonious easy on the ear mellifluent canorous

Opposites: cacophonous