

  1. a defamatory or abusive word or phrase
  2. descriptive word or phrase

epithet - LookUp


  1. Linguistics an adjective or phrase expressing a quality or attribute regarded as characteristic of the person or thing mentioned ‘the Great’

Linguistics a word used as a term of abuse people jeered and hurled racial epithets


late 16th century : from French épithète , or via Latin from Greek epitheton , neuter of epithetos attributed , from epitithenai add , from epi upon + tithenai to place



  1. these works earned him the epithet ‘the Spanish Heretic’

Similar Words: sobriquet nickname byname title name label tag description descriptive word/expression/phrase designation denomination characterization identification moniker handle appellation cognomen anonym

  1. he felt the urge to hurl epithets in his face

Similar Words: obscenity expletive swear word term of abuse oath curse four-letter word exclamation dirty word cuss word

Urban Dictionary

A term used to characterize a person/thing.

the word great in

william the great