Bare Bones Software | BBEdit Expert Preferences

Bare Bones

BBEdit Expert Preferences

There are a number of behaviors in BBEdit for which there are no UI controls in the Preferences window; this is typically because the settings are so obscure that placing them in the Preferences window would just make it complicated. In fact, some of these settings were in the Preferences window, and have been removed in order to simplify the interface; in such cases, any changes you made previously will be honored, even though the UI in the Preferences window is gone. Note: Adjusting the settings described here involves using the Unix command line (in the Terminal or a suitable replacement, or in a BBEdit shell worksheet). Most changes will not have any immediate visible effect, but will instead take effect the next time you perform a relevant action, or, at the latest, after quitting and restarting BBEdit.

Table of contents:

Clippings, Editing and Text Completion

"x.y" is some floating point value greater than zero


only for ""

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit -int 90

only for servers in ""

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit -int 90

global preference

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit SSHServerKeepaliveInterval -int 90
We recommend that that you adjust this setting per host whenever possible, rather than globally or per-domain.

set the timeout to 20 seconds -- note that "-int" is required

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit SFTPConnectionTimeout -int 20

File Comparison

Ignore variances in RCS keyword values when comparing

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit Diff_IgnoreRCSKeywords -bool NO

HTML Tools

Interacting with Other Applications

turn off Dash support entirely

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit UseDashForReferenceLookups_Ruby -bool NO
#turn off Dash support only for Ruby
You could, if you wanted, turn off Dash support by default and then enable it for specific languages, e.g.:
defaults write com.barebones.bbedit UseDashForReferenceLookups_C++ -bool YES
#turn on Dash support only for C++

Language Support


Reading and Writing Files

Sleep and Auto-Save

If set to YES, BBEdit will attempt to mount a volume

containing a document it wants to reopen. defaults to NO.

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit ReopenRemoteDocuments -bool YES

If set to NO, BBEdit will not attempt to open any documents

that were opened from FTP/SFTP servers. Defaults to YES.

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit PromptToReopenRemoteDocuments -bool YES

If set to YES (the default), BBEdit will prompt to give you the

opportunity to skip remote documents.

If set to NO, BBEdit will open remote documents without

asking, if ReopenRemoteDocuments is set to YES.

Has no effect if ReopenRemoteDocuments is set to NO.

Source Control

Text Display and Coloring

Text Search and Replace

Windows and UI Tweaking

remember only the five most recent projects

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit NSRecentDocumentsLimit_Projects -int 5
Or the ten most recent folders:

remember only the ten most recent folders

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit NSRecentDocumentsLimit_Folders -int 10
Or only the most recent shell worksheet:

remember only the most recent worksheet

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit "NSRecentDocumentsLimit_Shell Worksheets" -int 1
If you don't want to remember any recent documents of a particular type (they won't appear in the menu, either), you can set its limit to zero:

don't remember any images

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit NSRecentDocumentsLimit_Images -int 0
You can also control the number of items shown in the "Most Recently Used" group:

Show up to 15 items in the "Most Recently Used" group:

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit MostRecentItemsGroupLimit -int 15
Note that when setting any recent items limit, you must set it as an integer, using "-int <some number>".
By default, BBEdit does not remember recent items opened from any of the canonical locations for temporary files. (This also includes the "svn-commit.tmp" files used for Subversion commits.) If desired, you can change this:
defaults write com.barebones.bbedit RecentItems_RememberTempFiles -bool YES

controls the Find window

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit MoveModelessWindowsToActiveSpace_FindWindow -bool YES

controls the Multi-File Search window

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit MoveModelessWindowsToActiveSpace_MultiFileFindWindow -bool YES

controls the Open File by Name window

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit MoveModelessWindowsToActiveSpace_OpenFileByNameWindow -bool YES

sets the default behavior for any of the above window types for which a default is not explicitly specified

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit MoveModelessWindowsToActiveSpace -bool YES




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