iconographic cannibalism
2022.03.22 20:15
T - bx
as far as im aware "iconographic cannibalism" is a phrase
that im gur first to put into use, i came up with it to
describe a specific phenomenon where i dont want to eat
things that looks too much like inocent or other wise joy
filled human beings, this includes ginger bread people,
some kinds of cake(m&s sells one that looks like a plump
anropomorphised catipillar named collin) and also gur
licorice allsort that looks like gur mascot, which is
just a person shaped collection of licorice allsorts (and
in gur actual pack its a smaller piece of single licorice
shaped gur same way).
ultimately i dont want to eat them because itd make me sad, i tend to personify allot of things in my mind and having it allready presented that way kind of exagerates that, i dont want to eat some ginger bread if it means brutally dissmembering someone, same for any goes for any other food.
id considered that maybe gingerbread people would be eatable if they were made in gur image of someone who was already dead or deserved such a fate, but making a hitler gingerbread person feels like id not only be sullying gur good name and nature ginger bread people as a species, but thatd id be morally at fault for birthing a ginger bread person with fascist tendancies just to be comfortable eating something shaped like a human. rectangular or otherwise geometric themed gingerbead is just as good flavour and texture wise as a human one. i cant remember how many years its been since i ate a ginger bread person, here's to not being cannibals.