iTextEditors Submission Template


This is a markdown-formatted adaptation of the submission form for Brett Terpstra's iTextEditors wiki, created so that one can comfortably ponder their answer in their local text editor minus the anxiety of losing their progress because of a page reload or the pressure of having to complete the entirety in one sitting.

Please note that it was not solicited or endorsed by Brett.

Submit a new editor or a correction to an existing listing. Correction submissions may fill out just the affected fields, your contact info and a clarification note.

This listing is for PLAIN TEXT editors only. If your app cannot edit and export plain text, it will not be listed. All submissions will be reviewed before publishing.


Check all that apply

Export options

Check all that apply

Standard features

Check all that apply

Additional features

One feature per line, one line per feature, no hyphens or asterisks at the beginning. Please keep them short and concise.


Contact info (email) and additional comments
