

  1. easily managed (controlled or taught or molded); “tractable young minds”; “the natives…being…of an intelligent tractable disposition”- Samuel Butler
  2. responsive to suggestions and influences; “a tractable student”; “an amenable child”

tractable - LookUp


  1. (of a person) easy to control or influence she has always been tractable and obedient, even as a child

(of a situation or problem) easy to deal with trying to make the mathematics tractable


early 16th century : from Latin tractabilis , from tractare to handle (see tractate )



  1. children are no longer as tractable as they used to be

Similar Words: controllable manageable malleable governable yielding amenable complaisant compliant adjustable docile submissive obedient tame meek easily handled biddable persuadable persuasible accommodating trusting gullible dutiful willing unassertive passive deferential humble obsequious servile sycophantic

Opposites: obstinate defiant recalcitrant

Urban Dictionary

Easy to control or influence