The Psalms Action Group

Action Search

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: search
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 079FAC47-6520-4AE9-89DF-0474063ECAC7

URL Schemes

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: CB84ADCF-48CA-4733-9BB0-59B6171CF98E

Copy Draft Link as MD link

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌃C
Icon: 511-copy-documents
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: CE4542CD-DF90-49EF-8423-9173B8F21DE9
Copy Draft open URL as a Markdown link with Safe Title.

Insert Draft Link as MD link

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: pages-insert
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 63E7EC56-9C86-4CDD-AD9F-DD63D344F94A
Inserts current Draft open url as Markdown link.

Tot7 Draft Link as MD link

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌃E
Icon: calendar-add
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 22015313-DC8E-4690-BF8A-712B2EFBE067
Appends current Draft open url as Markdown link to Tot7 as list item.

To Raindrop via Telegram

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: chat-message
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 39EF4050-F835-43EE-B185-558875CBFB04
Send draft to Telegram, opens my personal Saved Messages chat via my phone number.

Append to 7th Tot Dot

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌥7
Icon: ellipsis
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 4DFB27F4-4A5C-42C5-93FE-1657D031E20B
Uses Tot’s URL scheme to append the contents of the current draft to the 7th (last) Dot.

Prepend to 7th Tot Dot

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: ellipsis
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 974F4E62-196D-469A-BA95-875EC56E511A
Uses Tot’s URL scheme to append the contents of the current draft to the 7th (last) Dot.

Replace 7th Tot Dot

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: ellipsis-vertical
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: BD474668-42C2-450E-B96A-E2B464C6A4B7
Uses Tot’s URL scheme to append the contents of the current draft to the 7th (last) Dot.

Append to # Tot Dot

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: ellipsis-vertical
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 9334E25A-7608-43A3-966B-751C1BD76A28

Fetch contents of # Tot Dot

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: add-circle
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 3
Unique ID: 9017DF7C-D5D9-4237-A56F-50E9DDB937F0
Fetches content from the specified Dot in Tot via Applescript to a new draft.

tell application "Tot" to open location "tot://[#]/content”


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 3006169E-84E3-4352-BDC5-E63046B71BA4

Tweetbot Body

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_twitter
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 6369A25A-F7D7-4D21-996C-91885552DE1D

Tweetbot Draft

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_twitter
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: A0765A3D-921C-4122-B362-AC20BE82818E

Post Draft to Mastodon

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: elephant
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 522FA788-DD30-4668-AA8D-990DA3CBC229
Send draft content to a shortcut entitled “Draftstodon.”

Tweet and Toot

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 343-scribble
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: CE48F720-0CAA-4F1E-BF92-FEA80112982D
This is the same as the built in script, but you can add a post title by adding a line with “# ” (include the space) in the first line of the draft. The first line will be the title (minus the pound sign and space) and everything below that will be the content.

If there is no “# “ on the first line, the entire draft is assumed to be the content and no title will be added.

Send to Cardhop

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: user-square
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: E5FF3128-B8F1-43DC-9002-2FBEBA9971E3
Send draft to Cardhop to be parsed as a new contact or contact action.

Send to Saved Messages (Telegram) (copy)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃G
Icon: chat-message
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: DD0F7A91-3915-4595-AF38-0902BE30F97F
Send draft to Telegram, opens my personal Saved Messages chat via my phone number.

CJ Telegram

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃⌥G
Icon: action_message
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: E804AA1D-DA2A-4A17-ACB5-3AEB870B3380
Send draft to Telegram, opens my personal Saved Messages chat via my phone number.

+1 318-243-5337

Send to Self

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 097CD806-226C-4C40-8218-0C7E9F31B364


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_message_filled
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: CE806463-A7EE-43FA-A6C7-35B60AA422B4

Send Draft to Telegram Saved Messages

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: chat-message
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 2E6561B2-AF7F-4CF6-833B-44BEAD9664E9
Send draft to your Saved Messages channel in Telegram. Replace “+15555555555” with your phone number, formatted similarly.

Uses this URL scheme: tg://msg?text=[[draft]]&to=


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃M
Icon: action_email_filled
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: AE6BEC47-35E7-4D32-8498-17AB5CE1E220
My dedicated ⇨ self inbox (

- [Unlisted Action Directory Link](

### Action Search
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** search  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 079FAC47-6520-4AE9-89DF-0474063ECAC7  

### URL Schemes
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 0  
**Unique ID:** CB84ADCF-48CA-4733-9BB0-59B6171CF98E  

### Copy Draft Link as MD link
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⇧⌃C  
**Icon:** 511-copy-documents  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** CE4542CD-DF90-49EF-8423-9173B8F21DE9  
Copy Draft open URL as a Markdown link with Safe Title.

### Insert Draft Link as MD link
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** pages-insert  
**Colour:** green  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 63E7EC56-9C86-4CDD-AD9F-DD63D344F94A  
Inserts current Draft open url as Markdown link.

### Tot7 Draft Link as MD link
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⇧⌃E  
**Icon:** calendar-add  
**Colour:** green  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** 22015313-DC8E-4690-BF8A-712B2EFBE067  
Appends current Draft open url as Markdown link to Tot7 as list item.

### To Raindrop via Telegram
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** chat-message  
**Colour:** blue  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 39EF4050-F835-43EE-B185-558875CBFB04  
Send draft to Telegram, opens my personal Saved Messages chat via my phone number.

### Append to 7th Tot Dot
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⌥7  
**Icon:** ellipsis  
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 4DFB27F4-4A5C-42C5-93FE-1657D031E20B  
Uses Tot’s URL scheme to append the contents of the current draft to the 7th (last) Dot.

### Prepend to 7th Tot Dot
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** ellipsis  
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 974F4E62-196D-469A-BA95-875EC56E511A  
Uses Tot’s URL scheme to append the contents of the current draft to the 7th (last) Dot.

### Replace 7th Tot Dot
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** ellipsis-vertical  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** BD474668-42C2-450E-B96A-E2B464C6A4B7  
Uses Tot’s URL scheme to append the contents of the current draft to the 7th (last) Dot.

### Append to # Tot Dot
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** ellipsis-vertical  
**Colour:** red  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** 9334E25A-7608-43A3-966B-751C1BD76A28  

### Fetch contents of # Tot Dot
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** add-circle  
**Colour:** yellow  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 3  
**Unique ID:** 9017DF7C-D5D9-4237-A56F-50E9DDB937F0  
Fetches content from the specified Dot in Tot via Applescript to a new draft.

`tell application "Tot" to open location "tot://[#]/content”`

### Social
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 0  
**Unique ID:** 3006169E-84E3-4352-BDC5-E63046B71BA4  

### Tweetbot Body
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** action_twitter  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 6369A25A-F7D7-4D21-996C-91885552DE1D  

### Tweetbot Draft
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** action_twitter  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** A0765A3D-921C-4122-B362-AC20BE82818E  

### Post Draft to Mastodon
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** elephant  
**Colour:** blue  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 522FA788-DD30-4668-AA8D-990DA3CBC229  
Send draft content to a shortcut entitled “Draftstodon.”

### Tweet and Toot
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** 343-scribble  
**Colour:** blue  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** CE48F720-0CAA-4F1E-BF92-FEA80112982D  
This is the same as the built in script, but you can add a post title by adding a line with “# ” (include the space) in the first line of the draft. The first line will be the title (minus the pound sign and space) and everything below that will be the content.

If there is no “# “ on the first line, the entire draft is assumed to be the content and no title will be added.

### Send to Cardhop
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** user-square  
**Colour:** yellow  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** E5FF3128-B8F1-43DC-9002-2FBEBA9971E3  
Send draft to Cardhop to be parsed as a new contact or contact action.

### Send to Saved Messages (Telegram) (copy)
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⌃G  
**Icon:** chat-message  
**Colour:** blue  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** DD0F7A91-3915-4595-AF38-0902BE30F97F  
Send draft to Telegram, opens my personal Saved Messages chat via my phone number.

### CJ Telegram
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⌃⌥G  
**Icon:** action_message  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** E804AA1D-DA2A-4A17-ACB5-3AEB870B3380  
Send draft to Telegram, opens my personal Saved Messages chat via my phone number.

+1 318-243-5337

### Send to Self
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 0  
**Unique ID:** 097CD806-226C-4C40-8218-0C7E9F31B364  

### imessage-ruby
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** action_message_filled  
**Colour:** red  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** CE806463-A7EE-43FA-A6C7-35B60AA422B4  

### Send Draft to Telegram Saved Messages
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** chat-message  
**Colour:** blue  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 2E6561B2-AF7F-4CF6-833B-44BEAD9664E9  
Send draft to your Saved Messages channel in Telegram. Replace “+15555555555” with your phone number, formatted similarly.

Uses this URL scheme:

### Drakesville
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⌃M  
**Icon:** action_email_filled  
**Colour:** yellow  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** AE6BEC47-35E7-4D32-8498-17AB5CE1E220  
My dedicated ⇨ self inbox (


[[hashtags]] [[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]] E1AAA4EB-951F-4350-A3E7-C59526FBA1BE [[draft_open_url]]

### SMS Drakesville
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** action_message  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 1F790DEE-1B24-4B61-8717-9E5EFCC3F3BF  

### Extratown
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** chat  
**Colour:** green  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** A96A6482-5F43-40F0-8EB4-079F903D9023  


[[hashtags]] [[date|%m%d%Y-%H%M%S]] E1AAA4EB-951F-4350-A3E7-C59526FBA1BE [[draft_open_url]]

### TAD-MD to Plain Message
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** action_message  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** A0B06804-5654-4E3E-B91D-DA2E297F230C  
Convert Markdown to plain text for messaging.

### Family Tech Support
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** chat  
**Colour:** green  
**Confirm to Run:** true  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 3E6D0C9A-A2B9-4CBE-AEDC-C934C1CAB22E  
Send to 10 Family Tech Support iMessage Group Chat members as of 01262022-054345.

+1 (314) 540-8315, +1 (573) 680-6348, +1 (573) 644-4122,, +1 (314) 323-4361, +1 (314) 223-4090, +1 (573) 424-3578, +1 (573) 424-3609, +1 (573) 356-6916, +1 (573) 680-6443

### Small Web
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 0  
**Unique ID:** F8414D51-C307-472E-AFCF-A02159141C2E  

### Post to Blog (iOS)
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** writing  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 61082A46-D184-448A-992F-EA1067625619  
Calls a shortcut entitled “Post to Blog (macOS)” with the entire contents of the [[draft]].

### Post to Blog
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** writing  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** BC3AA5AE-C9A6-4035-9B64-29EA48F935D8  
Calls a shortcut entitled “Post to Blog (macOS)” with the entire contents of the [[draft]].

### Tilde Town Copy HTML
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** tilde  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 35497152-F0EC-41D6-B3EB-987549CBE38D  

### Strikethrough
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⌃S  
**Icon:** format-strikethrough  
**Colour:** red  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 7FD88B8E-AB4F-4839-A395-9444974A2D1C  
Markdown for striking text out.  Adds “~~” to the beginning of a line or the beginning and end of a selected block of text. 

### The Psalms Custom Preview
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** action_preview  
**Colour:** blue  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** F7E0CA10-02A1-4469-A940-CE3E10BB18CE  
Read CSS file named “markdown-style.css” in the iCloud “Drafts5” folder, and use it as the style for a Markdown preview. 

### Insert DavodTime™  timestamp.
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⇧⌃T  
**Icon:** 310-alarm-clock  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 25637BED-D8FA-4483-9132-68F6DA426F22  
Insert a date stamp in the format MMDDYYYY-HHmmss.

### Simplenote
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⇧⌃W  
**Icon:** 425-notepad  
**Colour:** pink  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 0DA2C1D4-67CE-4980-BD0D-9AE7C2A71CEA  
Send drafts contents to Simplenote via this URL scheme:


### TAD-Insert Drafts Version
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** info  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** F9CFBB2C-882E-4723-A65E-D06FD0213191  
Insert the Drafts app version.

### TAD-Deduplicate All (Lines)
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** arrow-merge  
**Colour:** red  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** FA6BAA77-07F3-4EF7-A0AC-9EB172C24083  
Deduplicates lines in the order they occur.  i.e. only the first instance of the line will be retained.
This action does *not* sort the content.

### Append comment to Todoist task
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** commit  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 3BE24787-AA7C-4387-9FE9-3EFB1250E365  
# "Drafts Directory: Append comment to Todoist task" 

//heavily borrowing from AgileTortoise's Import Project script //Draft appends as comment to an existing task in Todoist // utility function let mapIds = (arr, key, valKey) => { let result = {}; arr.forEach(o => { result[o[key]] = o[valKey]; }) return result; } let f = () => { // create Todoist object and load projects let todoist = Todoist.create(); let projects = todoist.getProjects(); if (!projects) { console.log("Unable to retreive data from Todoist."); return false; } // create prompt let p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Select Project"; // add projects let projectLookup = mapIds(projects, "name", "id"); let projectNames = Object.keys(projectLookup); p.addPicker("project", "Project", [projectNames], [0]); p.addButton("Select"); if (! { context.cancel(); return true; } // read values from prompt let projectIndex = p.fieldValues["project"][0]; let projectName = projectNames[projectIndex]; let projectID = projectLookup[projectName]; let tasks = todoist.getTasks({ "project_id": projectID }); if (!tasks) { alert("No tasks in this project"); return false; } //create tasks prompt let pTasks = Prompt.create(); pTasks.title = "Select Task"; //add tasks let taskLookup = mapIds(tasks, "content", "id"); let taskNames = Object.keys(taskLookup); pTasks.addPicker("task", "Task", [taskNames], [0]); pTasks.addButton("Select"); if (! { context.cancel(); return true; } //read values from task prompt let taskIndex = pTasks.fieldValues["task"][0]; let taskName = taskNames[taskIndex]; let taskID = taskLookup[taskName]; //add comment let comment = todoist.createComment({ "task_id": taskID, "content": draft.content }); console.log(`Comment added to ${taskName} in ${projectName}`); } if (!f()) {; } 

-"[Drafts Directory: Append comment to Todoist task]("

### Send to Telegram
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** chat-message  
**Colour:** blue  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 87D854F8-DE94-4FA8-8A40-E11C486CA831  
Send draft to Telegram, opens the contacts page, pick a contact and draft will be on the input field. 

### Send to Telegram (macOS)
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** chat-message  
**Colour:** blue  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 5AA6DD4C-846F-4C6A-A9FE-C0CE81A276A8  
Send draft to Telegram, opens the contacts page, pick a contact and draft will be on the input field. 

### Rich Gram
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** phone-rotary  
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** AD003EBC-1778-4E69-8F9C-8A3944F7BE5A  

### Import Calendar
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** calendar-download  
**Colour:** red  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** AAD8F7F2-9ED7-4392-AA72-1D7FAA7E1821  

### GitHub Interaction
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 0  
**Unique ID:** 2DF3D1B1-3C55-4598-8422-F1AEDBF66BCF  

### GitHub Issue
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⌃⌥I  
**Icon:** 488-github  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 2E82A5D9-DD91-44F7-8E80-D989E0A9D8B5  

### Create Gist
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** 488-github  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** E4C2CEA6-283F-46FB-915C-41E39218BD9C  
TAD-Create GitHub Gist from Draft

> Create a new GitHub gist from the current draft. You can run this action stand alone, but you can also include it and call it with a template action step set for the GitHub user ID (`account`).

### Fetch Gists
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** 488-github  
**Colour:** violet  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 487226D3-BDD7-4F70-9A12-F4153319AB7E  
Fetch the content of a GitHub gist to new drafts - one draft per file. You can run this action stand alone, but you can also include it and call it with a template action step to set for the GitHub user ID (`account`). The action includes a window that lets you select a gist by description.

### Drafts 5 Scripting API Documentation
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** 460-api2  
**Colour:** violet  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** A9ABDF69-8D55-4404-A5DC-112D285955A9  
Displays a menu for selecting Documentation page and opens an in app web browser to display selected page. 

### Keyboard Shortcuts Export
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⇧⌃K  
**Icon:** 341-keyboard  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 50C15556-3561-443D-BB49-F7FC1245DE3A  

### List Action Shortcuts, Comma-Delimited
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** 356-signpost  
**Colour:** green  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** 8F2BF88E-825E-4954-B958-B5AA4C7D63D1  
A modified version of TAD-List Action Shortcuts that exports a **comma-delimited** list of keyboard shortcuts instead of using `: `.

Original description:

Ouput details of all actions with keyboard shortcuts to a new draft. Action name is followed by a colon, a space, and then the keyboard shortcut. Also deals with special key triggers (arrow keys and tab).

### Selection Word Count
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⌃W  
**Icon:** 585-calculator  
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** ADD2D656-8E11-4466-BEB7-FD02C03AC9DF  
TAD-Selection Word Count

### Trash
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** 636-trash  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** AB369272-D52E-486D-A87F-84E244D7DEFB  
TAD-Trash Note

### Search Actions
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** search  
**Colour:** indigo  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 229A9C12-0850-4443-ABBF-646096D0A6BB  
TAD-Search Actions

### Last Workspace
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** clipboard-back  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 7A48C342-E889-423A-8B6D-7507528C826C  
TAD-Load Previous Workspace

### Next Workspace
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** briefcase-next  
**Colour:** green  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 02C9F9C8-9652-4095-B210-548FD19B58DA  
TAD-Load Next Workspace

### Draft Info
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⌃I  
**Icon:** 442-information-symbol1  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** D6051232-53DB-4159-8045-2C776E28D39E  
TAD-Show Draft Info

### Dark/Light Toggle
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⇧⌃L  
**Icon:** lighter  
**Colour:** yellow  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** B45E79C6-FEA0-4E5A-9DAC-897040071A17  
TAD-Toggle App Theme

### Typewriter Toggle
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** typewriter  
**Colour:** indigo  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 0  
**Unique ID:** DC48EDE7-8B92-4B6E-832D-43B386D2748D  
TAD-Toggle Typewriter Mode

### Fetch URL Content to New Draft
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** caret-down-double  
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** C49A4147-5478-430C-AB8C-F6B2E0B0B546  
TAD-Fetch URL Content to New Draft

### Import File
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** file-badge  
**Colour:** red  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 5ABCC386-0CF7-489B-8037-CBBF82E021AA  
TAD-File Import With Tags

### Load The Psalms
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⌥.  
**Icon:** checkbox  
**Colour:** pink  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** B24FAC3A-CEE8-4BA4-AC65-3365DDEC0846  
`app.TA_loadActionListByName("ThoughtAsylum - Power User");`

### Preview MMD
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⌥⌘/  
**Icon:** branch  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 7FF25B9B-A198-49E8-930F-B5E11BF74936  
TAD-Prime Preview MMD

### Load Most Changed Draft
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** ribbon  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** C2BCAF85-15FE-4103-901D-2D816CCBE444  
TAD-Load Most Changed Draft

### Add To Notion
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** special-alert  
**Colour:** yellow  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** D3ECAF73-FE2F-4435-8768-9022F5F88D74  
Set of functions for Notion API + action that adds current draft to Notion in the page you use as your inbox. If it’s a single line, it’s added as a note, if it’s multiple lines, it’s a page. Currently text is added as one block and it doesn’t convert markdown.

### DupeLoad
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** 511-copy-documents  
**Colour:** blue  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** E2CD38A1-F3EC-4DC7-BA85-E8E274B98D84  
TAD-Duplicate Draft and Load

### DIFF
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** action_preview  
**Colour:** green  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** C58D1F93-E3BB-47EE-AC04-A4128A239849  
Marks up changes (insertions, deletions) between current draft and a previous version (prompts for selection).

Preview respects tab indents without invoking code blocks (by design).

Diff code from:
CSS styles for ins/del tags adapted from: Yuanchuan (

### fetch
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** 401-globe  
**Colour:** green  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** None  
**Log Level:** None  
**Number of Steps:** 4  
**Unique ID:** 58EE3EA8-C139-451C-9409-2C10B88C8DEB  
Fetches the content of the URL on the clipboard and puts the content into a new draft.

### Edit Markdown Table
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** border-all  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** A892D5D5-9F2D-4AF2-A966-9891C561F265  
Demonstration action that uses the [Table Magic]( Markdown table editing library to modify Markdown tables in an advanced HTML Preview.

This tools allows editing of table in forms, CSV, etc. Select an existing Markdown table in the draft before running the action to pre-populate the editor. 

### Synonym
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** signs-alt  
**Colour:** indigo  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 8584909D-7811-4275-BE68-FE6411AD4FAE  
TAD-Replace with Synonym

### Mac Safari Tab Links (MD)
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** action_url  
**Colour:** yellow  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 4  
**Unique ID:** 16901BFF-02A7-4026-8790-E2BB8727CBA5  
A Mac only action that inserts the URLs for all of the open Safari tabs at the current cursor position. The content is formatted as a Markdown list of links.

### Save images in Drafts' Previews folder
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** 568-photo  
**Colour:** blue  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** 7930D729-6C35-4D85-9C79-44C486DD0107  
This Drafts action + shortcut does the following:

 1. Let the user select the image files and save them in the Drafts Previews folder (iCloud Drive / Drafts / Library / Previews /).
 2. Insert those image links into the draft.


### Current Inbox Count
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** hashtag  
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 488BA16F-4E48-466C-82D9-28F3952A3F8E  
Display an alert with a count of drafts in the inbox currently displayed in the draft list.

### TAD-Toggle Last Two Modified Drafts
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⇧#TAB  
**Icon:** transfer  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** BAA07085-B6EE-43D1-9C36-8C3DCAEE5D6D  
Switches between the two most recently modified drafts.

### In  Development/Ideaing
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 0  
**Unique ID:** 82F7C978-FF5A-41D1-867A-E4AF830BC053  

### Zalgo?
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Colour:** yellow  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 40D66F07-4AB0-4FF7-A085-04B2F3996A1B  

### TAD-Copy Action Group Items (Markdown)
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** action_clipboard_filled  
**Colour:** violet  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** 3285D564-231C-4990-8581-AFB9C728F587  
Create a markdown  structure of the action group on the clipboard.
- Action group name is a level 1 heading.
- Separators are a level 2 heading.
- Actions are bulleted list items.

### Not Functioning/Deprecated
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 0  
**Unique ID:** 7D394BAA-92F4-44ED-9FC2-D53B14FB00B9  

### Copy to Notion
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** 319-shipping-crate  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** 92B6883A-329D-4B98-814B-7FC9A103CF5C  
Copy draft and open Notion app to be pasted

**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** apple-bite  
**Colour:** red  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** 780692BD-989B-433D-A400-9A3E95D6C779  
Create a new note in Apple Notes converting the Markdown in Drafts to HTML.

Action uses AppleScript and is only compatible with Mac.

### TAD-MD-Lines to Numbered List
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** list-numbered  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 2  
**Unique ID:** E25E4A0F-6777-41B7-A19D-38E47B7A52F3  
Markup each line that is part of the selection as a numbered list item using a standard numeric of 1 as the list identifier.

### Terminology Test
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** 587-dictionary  
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 99FB9F20-E0A7-4912-8D80-93694F103667  

### Character Count
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** list-numbered  
**Colour:** gray  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 0844658E-8345-46ED-870B-5056F647A66A  

### Terminology: Look up
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** page-search  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 925D63BA-BA10-4330-9B3C-76F87A626272  
Send the selection to Terminology for lookup using the “Look up” action, which opens the system dictionary lookup.

### Lookup in Terminology
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** books  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 7BBE551B-10AB-493E-A84E-EBEE2456D355  
Lookup selected text in Terminology.

### Text Modifier…
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:** ⇧⌥t  
**Icon:** touch-type  
**Colour:** orange  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** Errors  
**Log Level:** Errors  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** B9878B27-6449-4B71-87F8-F3432678FF93  
Transform selected text based on the following prompted styles:

- lower case
- Title Case
- sᴍᴀʟʟ ᴄᴀᴘs
- Superscript (¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁰)
- Subscript (₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₀)
- Encode
- Decode
- Hyphenate
- Ⓔⓝⓒⓘⓡⓒⓛⓔ
- S̸t̸r̸i̸k̸e̸o̸u̸t̸
- dılɟ

Note: These have been compiled/modified from the original single keys in the previous generation of Drafts, and compiled into a single action for use.

**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Colour:** none  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 0  
**Unique ID:** 82A14A81-9520-438B-BF3D-D0C050F737BD  

### DraftsImage
**Type:** Action  
**Keyboard Shortcut:**   
**Icon:** 588-photobook  
**Colour:** blue  
**Confirm to Run:** false  
**Notifications:** All  
**Log Level:** All  
**Number of Steps:** 1  
**Unique ID:** 3E880652-6580-4AE6-9058-932B82AA8F9C  
#drafts, #email, #documentation, #meta

SMS Drakesville

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_message
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 1F790DEE-1B24-4B61-8717-9E5EFCC3F3BF


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: chat
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: A96A6482-5F43-40F0-8EB4-079F903D9023

#drafts, #email, #documentation, #meta

TAD-MD to Plain Message

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_message
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: A0B06804-5654-4E3E-B91D-DA2E297F230C
Convert Markdown to plain text for messaging.

Family Tech Support

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: chat
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: true
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 3E6D0C9A-A2B9-4CBE-AEDC-C934C1CAB22E
Send to 10 Family Tech Support iMessage Group Chat members as of 01262022-054345.

+1 (314) 540-8315, +1 (573) 680-6348, +1 (573) 644-4122,, +1 (314) 323-4361, +1 (314) 223-4090, +1 (573) 424-3578, +1 (573) 424-3609, +1 (573) 356-6916, +1 (573) 680-6443

Small Web

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: F8414D51-C307-472E-AFCF-A02159141C2E

Post to Blog (iOS)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: writing
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 61082A46-D184-448A-992F-EA1067625619
Calls a shortcut entitled “Post to Blog (macOS)” with the entire contents of the [[draft]].

Post to Blog

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: writing
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: BC3AA5AE-C9A6-4035-9B64-29EA48F935D8
Calls a shortcut entitled “Post to Blog (macOS)” with the entire contents of the [[draft]].

Tilde Town Copy HTML

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: tilde
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 35497152-F0EC-41D6-B3EB-987549CBE38D


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃S
Icon: format-strikethrough
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7FD88B8E-AB4F-4839-A395-9444974A2D1C
Markdown for striking text out. Adds “~~” to the beginning of a line or the beginning and end of a selected block of text.

The Psalms Custom Preview

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_preview
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: F7E0CA10-02A1-4469-A940-CE3E10BB18CE
Read CSS file named “markdown-style.css” in the iCloud “Drafts5” folder, and use it as the style for a Markdown preview.

Insert DavodTime™ timestamp.

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌃T
Icon: 310-alarm-clock
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 25637BED-D8FA-4483-9132-68F6DA426F22
Insert a date stamp in the format MMDDYYYY-HHmmss.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌃W
Icon: 425-notepad
Colour: pink
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 0DA2C1D4-67CE-4980-BD0D-9AE7C2A71CEA
Send drafts contents to Simplenote via this URL scheme:


TAD-Insert Drafts Version

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: info
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: F9CFBB2C-882E-4723-A65E-D06FD0213191
Insert the Drafts app version.

TAD-Deduplicate All (Lines)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: arrow-merge
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: FA6BAA77-07F3-4EF7-A0AC-9EB172C24083
Deduplicates lines in the order they occur. i.e. only the first instance of the line will be retained. This action does not sort the content.

Append comment to Todoist task

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: commit
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 3BE24787-AA7C-4387-9FE9-3EFB1250E365

"Drafts Directory: Append comment to Todoist task"

//heavily borrowing from AgileTortoise's Import Project script //Draft appends as comment to an existing task in Todoist // utility function let mapIds = (arr, key, valKey) => { let result = {}; arr.forEach(o => { result[o[key]] = o[valKey]; }) return result; } let f = () => { // create Todoist object and load projects let todoist = Todoist.create(); let projects = todoist.getProjects(); if (!projects) { console.log("Unable to retreive data from Todoist."); return false; } // create prompt let p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Select Project"; // add projects let projectLookup = mapIds(projects, "name", "id"); let projectNames = Object.keys(projectLookup); p.addPicker("project", "Project", [projectNames], [0]); p.addButton("Select"); if (! { context.cancel(); return true; } // read values from prompt let projectIndex = p.fieldValues["project"][0]; let projectName = projectNames[projectIndex]; let projectID = projectLookup[projectName]; let tasks = todoist.getTasks({ "project_id": projectID }); if (!tasks) { alert("No tasks in this project"); return false; } //create tasks prompt let pTasks = Prompt.create(); pTasks.title = "Select Task"; //add tasks let taskLookup = mapIds(tasks, "content", "id"); let taskNames = Object.keys(taskLookup); pTasks.addPicker("task", "Task", [taskNames], [0]); pTasks.addButton("Select"); if (! { context.cancel(); return true; } //read values from task prompt let taskIndex = pTasks.fieldValues["task"][0]; let taskName = taskNames[taskIndex]; let taskID = taskLookup[taskName]; //add comment let comment = todoist.createComment({ "task_id": taskID, "content": draft.content }); console.log(Comment added to ${taskName} in ${projectName}); } if (!f()) {; }

-"Drafts Directory: Append comment to Todoist task"

Send to Telegram

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: chat-message
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 87D854F8-DE94-4FA8-8A40-E11C486CA831
Send draft to Telegram, opens the contacts page, pick a contact and draft will be on the input field.

Send to Telegram (macOS)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: chat-message
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 5AA6DD4C-846F-4C6A-A9FE-C0CE81A276A8
Send draft to Telegram, opens the contacts page, pick a contact and draft will be on the input field.

Rich Gram

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: phone-rotary
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: AD003EBC-1778-4E69-8F9C-8A3944F7BE5A

Import Calendar

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: calendar-download
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: AAD8F7F2-9ED7-4392-AA72-1D7FAA7E1821

GitHub Interaction

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 2DF3D1B1-3C55-4598-8422-F1AEDBF66BCF

GitHub Issue

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃⌥I
Icon: 488-github
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 2E82A5D9-DD91-44F7-8E80-D989E0A9D8B5

Create Gist

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 488-github
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: E4C2CEA6-283F-46FB-915C-41E39218BD9C
TAD-Create GitHub Gist from Draft

Create a new GitHub gist from the current draft. You can run this action stand alone, but you can also include it and call it with a template action step set for the GitHub user ID (account).

Fetch Gists

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 488-github
Colour: violet
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 487226D3-BDD7-4F70-9A12-F4153319AB7E
Fetch the content of a GitHub gist to new drafts - one draft per file. You can run this action stand alone, but you can also include it and call it with a template action step to set for the GitHub user ID (account). The action includes a window that lets you select a gist by description.

Drafts 5 Scripting API Documentation

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 460-api2
Colour: violet
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: A9ABDF69-8D55-4404-A5DC-112D285955A9
Displays a menu for selecting Documentation page and opens an in app web browser to display selected page.

Keyboard Shortcuts Export

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌃K
Icon: 341-keyboard
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 50C15556-3561-443D-BB49-F7FC1245DE3A

List Action Shortcuts, Comma-Delimited

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 356-signpost
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 8F2BF88E-825E-4954-B958-B5AA4C7D63D1
A modified version of TAD-List Action Shortcuts that exports a comma-delimited list of keyboard shortcuts instead of using :.

Original description:

Ouput details of all actions with keyboard shortcuts to a new draft. Action name is followed by a colon, a space, and then the keyboard shortcut. Also deals with special key triggers (arrow keys and tab).

Selection Word Count

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃W
Icon: 585-calculator
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: ADD2D656-8E11-4466-BEB7-FD02C03AC9DF
TAD-Selection Word Count


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 636-trash
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: AB369272-D52E-486D-A87F-84E244D7DEFB
TAD-Trash Note

Search Actions

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: search
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 229A9C12-0850-4443-ABBF-646096D0A6BB
TAD-Search Actions

Last Workspace

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: clipboard-back
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7A48C342-E889-423A-8B6D-7507528C826C
TAD-Load Previous Workspace

Next Workspace

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: briefcase-next
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 02C9F9C8-9652-4095-B210-548FD19B58DA
TAD-Load Next Workspace

Draft Info

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃I
Icon: 442-information-symbol1
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: D6051232-53DB-4159-8045-2C776E28D39E
TAD-Show Draft Info

Dark/Light Toggle

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌃L
Icon: lighter
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: B45E79C6-FEA0-4E5A-9DAC-897040071A17
TAD-Toggle App Theme

Typewriter Toggle

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: typewriter
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: DC48EDE7-8B92-4B6E-832D-43B386D2748D
TAD-Toggle Typewriter Mode

Fetch URL Content to New Draft

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: caret-down-double
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: C49A4147-5478-430C-AB8C-F6B2E0B0B546
TAD-Fetch URL Content to New Draft

Import File

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: file-badge
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 5ABCC386-0CF7-489B-8037-CBBF82E021AA
TAD-File Import With Tags

Load The Psalms

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌥.
Icon: checkbox
Colour: pink
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: B24FAC3A-CEE8-4BA4-AC65-3365DDEC0846
app.TA_loadActionListByName("ThoughtAsylum - Power User");

Preview MMD

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌥⌘/
Icon: branch
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7FF25B9B-A198-49E8-930F-B5E11BF74936
TAD-Prime Preview MMD

Load Most Changed Draft

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: ribbon
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: C2BCAF85-15FE-4103-901D-2D816CCBE444
TAD-Load Most Changed Draft

Add To Notion

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: special-alert
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: D3ECAF73-FE2F-4435-8768-9022F5F88D74
Set of functions for Notion API + action that adds current draft to Notion in the page you use as your inbox. If it’s a single line, it’s added as a note, if it’s multiple lines, it’s a page. Currently text is added as one block and it doesn’t convert markdown.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 511-copy-documents
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: E2CD38A1-F3EC-4DC7-BA85-E8E274B98D84
TAD-Duplicate Draft and Load


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_preview
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: C58D1F93-E3BB-47EE-AC04-A4128A239849
Marks up changes (insertions, deletions) between current draft and a previous version (prompts for selection).

Preview respects tab indents without invoking code blocks (by design).

Diff code from: CSS styles for ins/del tags adapted from: Yuanchuan ( via


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 401-globe
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: None
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 4
Unique ID: 58EE3EA8-C139-451C-9409-2C10B88C8DEB
Fetches the content of the URL on the clipboard and puts the content into a new draft.

Edit Markdown Table

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: border-all
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: A892D5D5-9F2D-4AF2-A966-9891C561F265
Demonstration action that uses the Table Magic Markdown table editing library to modify Markdown tables in an advanced HTML Preview.

This tools allows editing of table in forms, CSV, etc. Select an existing Markdown table in the draft before running the action to pre-populate the editor.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: signs-alt
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 8584909D-7811-4275-BE68-FE6411AD4FAE
TAD-Replace with Synonym

Mac Safari Tab Links (MD)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_url
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 4
Unique ID: 16901BFF-02A7-4026-8790-E2BB8727CBA5
A Mac only action that inserts the URLs for all of the open Safari tabs at the current cursor position. The content is formatted as a Markdown list of links.

Save images in Drafts' Previews folder

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 568-photo
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 7930D729-6C35-4D85-9C79-44C486DD0107
This Drafts action + shortcut does the following:

  1. Let the user select the image files and save them in the Drafts Previews folder (iCloud Drive / Drafts / Library / Previews /).
  2. Insert those image links into the draft.


Current Inbox Count

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: hashtag
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 488BA16F-4E48-466C-82D9-28F3952A3F8E
Display an alert with a count of drafts in the inbox currently displayed in the draft list.

TAD-Toggle Last Two Modified Drafts

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧#TAB
Icon: transfer
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: BAA07085-B6EE-43D1-9C36-8C3DCAEE5D6D
Switches between the two most recently modified drafts.

In Development/Ideaing

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 82F7C978-FF5A-41D1-867A-E4AF830BC053


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 40D66F07-4AB0-4FF7-A085-04B2F3996A1B

TAD-Copy Action Group Items (Markdown)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_clipboard_filled
Colour: violet
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 3285D564-231C-4990-8581-AFB9C728F587
Create a markdown structure of the action group on the clipboard.

Not Functioning/Deprecated

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 7D394BAA-92F4-44ED-9FC2-D53B14FB00B9

Copy to Notion

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 319-shipping-crate
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 92B6883A-329D-4B98-814B-7FC9A103CF5C
Copy draft and open Notion app to be pasted


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: apple-bite
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 780692BD-989B-433D-A400-9A3E95D6C779
Create a new note in Apple Notes converting the Markdown in Drafts to HTML.

Action uses AppleScript and is only compatible with Mac.

TAD-MD-Lines to Numbered List

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: list-numbered
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: E25E4A0F-6777-41B7-A19D-38E47B7A52F3
Markup each line that is part of the selection as a numbered list item using a standard numeric of 1 as the list identifier.

Terminology Test

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 587-dictionary
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 99FB9F20-E0A7-4912-8D80-93694F103667

Character Count

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: list-numbered
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 0844658E-8345-46ED-870B-5056F647A66A

Terminology: Look up

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: page-search
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 925D63BA-BA10-4330-9B3C-76F87A626272
Send the selection to Terminology for lookup using the “Look up” action, which opens the system dictionary lookup.

Lookup in Terminology

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: books
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7BBE551B-10AB-493E-A84E-EBEE2456D355
Lookup selected text in Terminology.

Text Modifier…

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌥t
Icon: touch-type
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: B9878B27-6449-4B71-87F8-F3432678FF93
Transform selected text based on the following prompted styles:

Note: These have been compiled/modified from the original single keys in the previous generation of Drafts, and compiled into a single action for use.

### Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 82A14A81-9520-438B-BF3D-D0C050F737BD


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 588-photobook
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 3E880652-6580-4AE6-9058-932B82AA8F9C