Siri Shortcuts User Group Transcript, 4-6-2021

[04-06-2021 01:06 PM] David Blue#1917 fuck. well it’s better to know than not. I have a personal drama regarding feedback submission… spent a good while very thoroughly documenting the peculiar/inconsistent responses to bluetooth keyboard commands within Safari (on iPhone, notably.) I did the full log file which took me like 3 days of trying to get it to upload correctly… and I even recorded a live-annotated screen recording of me reproducing it.

and… well. shall we see if it’s gotten any sort of acknowledgement, even, since the last time I looked? lmao

[04-13-2021 01:13 PM] David Blue#1917 I realize whining over lack of replies to one’s bug reports is absolutely absurd - or rather, that it would be absolutely absurd in any case not involving the most valuable company in the history of the world.

[04-15-2021 01:15 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 I definitely don't get replies to any feedback, that's not really the point of the system. I get that it sucks but they just don't use it to communicate back

[04-42-2021 01:42 PM] David Blue#1917 oh I don’t care if they respond to me. not one bit. it’s just quite clear from what I’ve learned from other developers recently that addressing the issue at all almost certainly hasnt happened.

[04-43-2021 01:43 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 It always depends on what it is. I’ve seen Apple engineers get to something that’s been on their list for years but just can’t fit in with other priorities

[04-46-2021 01:46 PM] David Blue#1917 and again… Apple just not doing stuff like marking the issue as received and understood because they just don’t do that cannot fly when we’re talking GDP levels of pure profit quarterly. it is embarrassing.

[04-47-2021 01:47 PM] David Blue#1917 also understand that… sorta. still gotta yell about it.

[04-47-2021 01:47 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 They make those profits because they don’t spend time responding to feedback and just fix it

[04-48-2021 01:48 PM] David Blue#1917 EXACTLY!!!

[04-49-2021 01:49 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 My point is that the value of each engineer is astronomical, and if they used this as ticketing system and not bug reporting they’d never get anything done.

They are whole jobs who just sort the reports, the engineers have thousands to prioritize with real feature

[04-50-2021 01:50 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 And also profit comes from charging for storage so those can’t be aligned to argue why they didn’t respond to your feedback

[04-51-2021 01:51 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 I get it man, you just can’t hold it against them

[04-51-2021 01:51 PM] David Blue#1917 yeah I’m sorry to bring my specific abstract business rant in here lol… I fundamentally don’t understand the priorities behind proprietary software development at all.

[04-52-2021 01:52 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 Working there taught me how much time it takes to do so little with development

[04-53-2021 01:53 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 That’s why it’s always iterative, and year after year we start to get amazing features built on the history of what’s already there. And a billion bugs come along with it, Apple has massive technical debt

[04-53-2021 01:53 PM] David Blue#1917 but documentation is an obligation and I will hold that against them mostly because I suspect basically everybody there would agree… yet those toys tho…

[04-53-2021 01:53 PM] David Blue#1917 thank god for apple bein slow lol

[04-54-2021 01:54 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 I just wouldn’t assume stuff like that, that’s an ideal but not realistic at a scale they’re at. Their docs suck

[04-55-2021 01:55 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 Apple’s system has tons of problems but it’s the one we have to work with, so I’m more focused on how to give them productive feedback and sharing it publicly and not getting hung up on one piece of it

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[04-58-2021 01:58 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 Writing up something specific like that is a good way to bring attention to it, send it to Michael J Tsai

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[04-59-2021 01:59 PM] David Blue#1917 and thank god for that…. I’m gonna prioritize the open source stuff i beta test in terms of feedback, but I want to be more like you in that regard.

honestly if actual tech media hadn’t lost their jive when it comes to critically reporting on apple in a useful sense, i would be free to make my endless keyboard reference tables in peace.

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[04-59-2021 01:59 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 I think individuals doing that is better than publications

[04-01-2021 02:01 PM] David Blue#1917 considering my Persistent Siri conundrum a while back… I’m starting to think my specific library/behavior/device even must have something to do with it. which I realize is probably what I should focus on.

[04-02-2021 02:02 PM] David Blue#1917 honestly tho the 15 year old in me loves nothing more than bugs like that happening at random lol

[04-02-2021 02:02 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 I have similar issues too, I do think occasionally resetting the device fully can help

[04-02-2021 02:02 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 Which also blows

[04-02-2021 02:02 PM] Matthew Cassinelli#1704 But I’d rather have it work

[04-05-2021 02:05 PM] David Blue#1917 yeah… my perspective on my cellular is completely off considering I do not leave my home.

[04-31-2021 04:31 PM] EconWriter#1131 Thanks for filing that feedback in such a detailed fashion. I've had the same problems with Safari in iOS, but was resigned to just living with it since I realize I'm an edge case who uses my iPhone in a very unique way (and I know you're on that tail of the distribution with me). So thanks for putting the work in!

[04-40-2021 07:40 PM] David Blue#1917 that is basically my life purpose at this point so thank you. I have been thinking about the best way to bring together “people like us.” not like… in the annual convention sense (though that would make for one absolutely perplexing image for those who still don’t know/haven’t considered hehe.

a website, maybe? or maybe just a subreddit.

[04-42-2021 07:42 PM] David Blue#1917 not appropriate to continue on that here, but - if you haven’t tried out iOS 15 yet… i have bad news, I’m afraid. they seem to have broken calling spotlight with ‘ ⌘ + Spacebar ’ again…

[04-42-2021 07:42 PM] MEE6#4876 GG @David Blue, you just advanced to level 5!

[04-45-2021 07:45 PM] David Blue#1917 it always calls but doesn’t always deliver selection (cursor) back to the text field.

come to think of it, I should get on reporting this right now. ..

[05-11-2021 03:11 AM] quickfinga#4862 I have this problem since iOS 14 dev beta 1 and reported it. Never got fixed.

[05-28-2021 03:28 AM] David Blue#1917 can I ask how often? and on which sort of device?

[05-14-2021 04:14 AM] quickfinga#4862 iPad Pro 11 2020. Hard to say how often it happens…often enough that I filed feedback. 😅

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[05-45-2021 04:45 PM] David Blue#1917 now just imagine if that was your ONLY way of app switching!!! basically a dead stop on iPhone.

[05-50-2021 04:50 PM] David Blue#1917 when spotlight is working correctly, though, it is a truly incredible tool. I’ve gotten to the point where I figure I’m as fast at switching-by-searching as anyone should ever endeavor to be on their cellular lol. #keys #correspondence