Embed YouTube Videos Panda Feedback


Hello all,

I’d just like to chime in with some pushback on this idea: Bear is very special to me - as someone who considers messing around with writing/text editing/word processing software a hobby, of sorts - in that it has remained the single space in which I can compose without distractions. I’ve opined here on the forums and on the subreddit about why this is, but it definitely has something to do with its limitations. In no other case would I argue that a lack of features to be anything but a lack of features, but in Bear’s case, I legitimately believe I would benefit if advanced embeds were continued to be left to those other editors. I’m not sure if this means anything for anyone else, but I know in my case, I will most certainly find myself messing around with embeds long before it makes sense (when I should be composing.) I would also argue that Shinyfrog’s extremely deliberate process when adding features like this is the reason why Bear has continued to be so “snappy.”

In the case of YouTube embeds, specifically, I would caution against asking the Bear team to address an issue that is fundamentally on YouTube’s end - their refusal to support PiP/background play for free users.

That said, I would argue that an educator’s benefit be prioritized over mine, any day.

Hello, we might have something concerning this in the next update, but I’d like to ask some questions about how you imagine the feature requested. Do you want to play the YouTube videos inside the note/document or tap to play them fullscreen/in your browser?

Hi team, Please consider adding support for embedded YouTube iframes. As a writer, teacher and researcher I find it a valuable addition to a text editor, and it would be wonderful if it were supported in the new editor

Hi @trix180 Preferably in place within Bear please (as most markdown editors which support iframes). With the future web editor (and tables), I’m hoping Bear will fully support my in-class teaching and replace Evernote for me (though I’ve used Bear for years for personal work). Added to that, when taking notes whilst watching a YouTube video, it is helpful having the video and the notes in one space. I have been using Craft since release, but came back to Bear because it is just so snappy

I just joined the forum specifically to reply to this thread. I would also like to see basic iframes support in Bear, the way it is handled in Obsidian and other similar markdown editors. The purpose of embedding a video would be to do note taking directly in Bear while viewing it, so full screening them to a browser would defeat that purpose. An additional feature which would be also very useful would be the option of having time tagged notes, as Yinote for Chrome does. This would make it an incredibly powerful annotation and reference tool. Thank you for your consideration!