Actions Index (Minus TAD)


Markdown Header (#)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃⌘H
Icon: hashtag
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 5C8ADAD0-B444-4871-A584-835AEB308625
Increase Markdown header level of current line by adding a “#” at the beginning. If the line is currently at the maximum 6 levels of heading, remove the leading header characters.

Markdown Bold (**)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌘B
Icon: format-bold
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 34BFE77C-4290-4949-A761-A32951304B7F
Apply Markdown bold (**) around selection, or insert ** if no selection.

Markdown Emphasis (_)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: format-italic
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: AA3D7BF9-6EB3-4194-B04D-BAF4D52648C7
Apply Markdown emphasis (_) to selection or insert _ if no selection.

Markdown List

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: list
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: CD247F5D-2026-4187-B02B-8A05A1BF01F3
Toggle Markdown list for selected lines, maintaining indentation.

Markdown Link (Rosemary Orchard)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: link
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 9E64F0E5-AE91-4B37-8357-989A35693EDD
Insert Markdown link “”. If there is a text selection, use it as the link text, if a URL is in the clipboard, place it as the link.

Markdown Quotation (>)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃Q
Icon: caret-right
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 69593512-80FD-4BA4-ACAC-70A52CE24504
Apply Markdown Quote (“> “) at beginning of selected lines.

Inline Code (`)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: command
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: F3A5720C-CED5-47C4-8A20-635DCAA0A826
Apply Markdown inline code (`) around selection, or insert ` if no selection.

Code Block (```)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃⌘C
Icon: command
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 3FF86D6C-6EDB-4CE3-8FD8-BF59CCDE2E09
Apply Markdown fenced code block (```) around selection, or insert empty block if no selection.

Markdown Table

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: border-all
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 09C6D7F6-3143-47BD-B652-677B7799C876
Insert empty MultiMarkdown table markup. The action will prompt for the number of rows and columns, and create and insert MultiMarkdown table syntax for the table with header of the requested size, like:

|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |
|  |  |  |


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: AAA90F33-B1DF-4B59-86D7-B8F291075A64


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌥⌘P
Icon: eye
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: EF72A48A-326E-4939-8E08-A7A91B46F856
Markdown preview which builds some css styles based on current dark or light mode.

Preview with Line Highlight

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: eye
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 1EB0A7B8-7574-4CEA-9338-5A5ADB9C357C
Markdown preview which builds some css styles based on current dark or light mode.

This example adds <mark> tag surrounding the text of the selected line.

Preview (with MathJax)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: eye
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 3DD4FA90-8965-43F5-B828-28ED4DEC07BC
Markdown preview which builds some css styles based on current dark or light mode. The template of this included MathJax to render equations. MathJax support can be added to any HTML Preview by including the below script tags in the of the HTML document generated by the HTML Preview.

<script src=""></script> 
<script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script>

Swiss Preview

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: eye
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 79D00139-B9A5-4025-B00F-3CBE8DBE2E4F
Markdown preview using Swiss style.

Foghorn Preview

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: eye
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: B473B3FF-151D-46BC-B94D-75BE35774C45
Markdown preview using the Foghorn style.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: D4F69548-3025-4672-8D8A-78BA619ECDA7

Copy as HTML

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_clipboard_filled
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: C6469F41-23CD-400F-A9D8-19BC1945BE04
Run draft through Markdown conversation and copy HTML to clipboard.

Copy as Rich Text

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_markdown
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 71DFFCB3-FA2A-4C16-BD45-EF9DA90F1BF9
Convert Markdown draft to rich text and place in clipboard.k

Markdown Mail

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_email_filled
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 900AAA94-E93A-4EE9-ADF2-C9B803D874A3
Open mail message with the first line of the draft as the subject and remaining content as the body converted to HTML via Markdown. Can be duplicated and modified to create pre-addressed messages, or use templates.

URL to Markdown Link

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: btn-linkmode
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 140BF33D-DF73-4529-90F6-78D95C3BE623
This action makes a link in Markdown from a selected URL.

The link’s text is the Title of the page fetched from the URL.

For example:


[Do By Friday](

Markdown Header (#)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: hashtag
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7402453B-206F-46BD-94C1-326EBEE88F38
Add “#” at beginning of line to create Markdown header. Use more than once to add heading levels.

Markdown Bold (**)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: format-bold
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 51F96D16-A242-46AF-AD51-9F491A82A755
Apply Markdown bold (**) around selection, or insert ** if no selection.

Markdown Emphasis (*)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌘I
Icon: format-italic
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: B0C14E99-E0FC-4945-9D4F-D129079CD749
Apply Markdown emphasis (_) to selection or insert _ if no selection.

Markdown List

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃L
Icon: list
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 87767E40-575C-4BA4-AE03-F82EF6204963
Toggle Markdown list for selected lines, maintaining indentation.

Markdown Link

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌘K
Icon: link
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 377E55A7-F174-4928-AE16-448927010E34
Insert Markdown link “”. If there is a text selection, use it as the link text, if a URL is in the clipboard, place it as the link.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 6F36B042-E6BF-4B9C-81C9-540946ADDD47

Swiss Preview

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: eye
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 344A5706-B408-449B-ACC3-803F32974A23
Markdown preview using Swiss style.

Foghorn Preview

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: eye
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 581C19FF-1CF4-497C-9AB7-D667F5FE9D92
Markdown preview using the Foghorn style.

Replace URLs by MD links

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌘U
Icon: action_url
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 3
Unique ID: DF34C253-D375-4BA4-986C-992AEDEA76EB
Detects all URLs in a draft and replaces them with a title markdown link if the title exists. (Pages like don’t seem to have a title) Uses a regex pattern already used by @complexpoint in a similar fashion. Uses @sylummer ‘s very wide ranging TADPole library

Markdown Footnote (Variation)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃F
Icon: ellipsis
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 14F1A79A-095C-484F-95BB-3F0AAA8775D6
A slight variation of @pdavisonreiber‘s Markdown Footnote Action which uses reference links formatted without ^ or : at the bottom of the document. ([1] instead of [^1]:)

The original action’s description, modified accordingly:

Insert Markdown footnote [^1] in the text and add [1] at the end of the document. If there is text selected, move it to the footnote at the end of the document. Numbers used for references automatically increment each time.

Markdown Footnote

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: ellipsis
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: AA6C5FCE-9216-44E9-B2C8-944EB77F3850
Insert Markdown footnote [^1] in the text and add [^1]: at the end of the document. If there is text selected, move it to the footnote at the end of the document. Numbers used for references automatically increment each time.

Table of Contents

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: list
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: DA0A13CD-195A-4533-BEB0-12B70AAAFB43
Insert a table of contents based on Markdown headers.

Put the placeholder where you want the table of contents to appear.

You can run it multiple times and it will update the table of contents.

If you don't use a placeholder, the table of contents will be inserted before the first non-title header.

This is similar to the {{TOC}} feature if you are using the MultiMarkdown renderer (the default), except it will put your table of contents in the Draft, not just previews.

Make Markdown Link

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_url
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: B77173D3-18AA-469F-B188-1EE99638E6CE
Scan the current line for a URL. If one is found, make an HTTP request to retrieve the web page, scan it for the <title> tag, and create Markdown link for the URL with the page title as the link text.


Running on the line:

Would transform it to:

[Drafts | Where Text Starts](


todoist project from list

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: database
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 50607E77-9FB6-4137-9594-E6322D8B1021

Todoist project from list

This action creates a new project in your todoist account from a template draft. The template Draft has to be specified by the UUID, copy this from your template list and configure it in the script step of the action. The action parses this draft and creates a new project where you can configure the name. A prompt will ask you for the name and the action will append a configurable „list-name“. My current use case is a packing list. The template with all possible things I need to carry to a trip is stored in a Draft. I divided the packing list with sub-headings for e.g. „Clothing“ with elements for this category. The action parses each line, sub-headings will become to bold written parent tasks and all tasks below a sub-heading will become child tasks of this sub-heading. The required format for a draft which can be parsed by this action looks like this:

[any title line]				- this line will be ignored, its just your title for the list
[maybe empty line]				- any empty line in the source draft will be stripped by a regex replacement
## [subheading 1]				- this subheader is the first parent task
- [ ] [item 1 of subheading 1]	- this will be the first subtask of the previous subheading
- [ ] [item x of subheading 1]	- this will be the xth subtask of the previous subheading
[maybe empty line]				- any empty line in the source draft will be stripped by a regex replacement
## [subheading y]				- this subheader is the yth parent task
- [ ] [item 1 of subheading y]	- this will be the first subtask of the subheading y

You can of course use several subheadings to create as many parent tasks with subtasks as you want. If you dont want to use parent tasks at all, don’t create sub-headings in your draft.

Depending on the amount of items in your list, this action will take some time to run. This is mainly justified by the limits of todoists REST API where the script is only allowed to perform 50 requests per minute. Therefore I implemented a sleep function which adapts dynamically to the amount of tasks in your list. I integrated a roughly estimated calculation for the process time and the user will see an info message from the app every 5 tasks.

If you have any issues please reach out to me in the forum @FLohGro

Task in Todoist

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check-square
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 56608FF9-CE62-4A6E-9658-AE5354CCF61A
Create a task in the Todoist inbox using the first line of the draft. If additional text is present in the draft, add it as a comment to the new task.

Task in Todoist App

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 1F924324-07F2-4C17-9549-0AC4FF40C995
Send to Todoist app as new task.

Task in Todoist Shopping List

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check-square
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 910F4616-6B08-485B-A3BC-C2E37EA7B317
Create a task in the Todoist inbox using the first line of the draft. If additional text is present in the draft, add it as a comment to the new task.

The task template in this action includes the #shopping prefix to assign the task to the Project “Shopping” in Todoist. This project must already exist. The #project name can be changed to fit your needs, it is only intended as an example of how the template can be used to include boilerplate text to assign to a project, labels, priorities, etc. using Todoist quick add notation.

Tasks in Todoist

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check-square
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7DF1A499-AEC4-4563-82EC-230420F4DC81
Create tasks in the Todoist inbox for each line of the current draft.

Import Todoist Project

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check-square
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: F84D177C-1FF0-48CB-BD58-20D3481F9977
Import project tasks from Todoist into Markdown list.

Task in Todoist with options

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check-square
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: EC48982C-4B02-44F7-A8B7-1BA5C3538CAE
Create a task in Todoist first prompting for options.

Dictate Email to Myself

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_email_filled
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 3
Unique ID: E365AC89-C4C6-4307-B186-69EEBD364013
This example action provide a way to hands dictate a passage and have it emailed to yourself. This action does not create a draft, just emails the dictation result.

The first time you run the action you will be prompted to add your email address - which will be remembered for future use.

Using the “Add to Siri” option on this action, combined with the optional timeout in dictation, allows you to create a completely hands free way to send an email to yourself.

Reminder for Current Line

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: true
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 4
Unique ID: 734EC920-2CF8-424B-AA10-6CEAF8F5D868
Create a reminder from the current line, with the option of using Fantastical-style syntax. Modified from the Fantastically Good Reminder Parser.

Task in Todoist (app)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 5B99CD03-631A-42C4-A3EB-ABF778461A4D
Send to Todoist app as new task.

Task in Todoist

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check-square
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 160B5D76-324F-4B4C-B982-C39455AF925D
Create a task in the Todoist inbox using the first line of the draft. If additional text is present in the draft, add it as a comment to the new task.

Task in Todoist Shopping List

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check-square
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: CCED8F14-E329-48F0-BB3A-BE0ED456B2A7
Create a task in the Todoist inbox using the first line of the draft. If additional text is present in the draft, add it as a comment to the new task.

The task template in this action includes the #shopping prefix to assign the task to the Project “Shopping” in Todoist. This project must already exist. The #project name can be changed to fit your needs, it is only intended as an example of how the template can be used to include boilerplate text to assign to a project, labels, priorities, etc. using Todoist quick add notation.

Tasks in Todoist

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check-square
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 5AB6AA9E-B9A9-4414-9564-73CA6E027019
Create tasks in the Todoist inbox for each line of the current draft.

Import Todoist Project

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check-square
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: C2CC7418-B9DC-401B-9214-C1FA77C950AF
Import project tasks from Todoist into Markdown list.

Task in Todoist with options

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check-square
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 0C7F79C7-57C9-41B3-9A24-A0DE87CC2229
Create a task in Todoist first prompting for options.

crosslink Todoist task & DTTG document

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 645-link
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: F1F86E3E-2CF0-48D4-824D-DA24517B74EB

crosslink to DTTG document and Todoist


if you find this useful you can Buy Me A Coffee

Send Markdown To-dos to Todoist

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: check-square
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: FA735CF1-BEA9-4DF4-8EB8-1B06006119AE
Create a to-do in Todoist for each found Markdown style to-do in the draft with a permalink back to the draft.

You can also include Todoist context options like #project, @tags, due dates, priority, and reminders. // All context options must be at the end of the line and after ‘//‘ (e.g. - [ ] task name // #project @tag 1pm p1).

The Todoist tag @drafts is automatically added to all created to-dos for easier tracking in Todoist.

Sample To-dos:

todoist project from list

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: database
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: CB95CA71-CDF2-4CFB-9C6B-FACD6FD72460

Todoist project from list

This action creates a new project in your todoist account from a template draft. The template Draft has to be specified by the UUID, copy this from your template list and configure it in the script step of the action. The action parses this draft and creates a new project where you can configure the name. A prompt will ask you for the name and the action will append a configurable „list-name“. My current use case is a packing list. The template with all possible things I need to carry to a trip is stored in a Draft. I divided the packing list with sub-headings for e.g. „Clothing“ with elements for this category. The action parses each line, sub-headings will become to bold written parent tasks and all tasks below a sub-heading will become child tasks of this sub-heading. The required format for a draft which can be parsed by this action looks like this:

[any title line]				- this line will be ignored, its just your title for the list
[maybe empty line]				- any empty line in the source draft will be stripped by a regex replacement
## [subheading 1]				- this subheader is the first parent task
- [ ] [item 1 of subheading 1]	- this will be the first subtask of the previous subheading
- [ ] [item x of subheading 1]	- this will be the xth subtask of the previous subheading
[maybe empty line]				- any empty line in the source draft will be stripped by a regex replacement
## [subheading y]				- this subheader is the yth parent task
- [ ] [item 1 of subheading y]	- this will be the first subtask of the subheading y

You can of course use several subheadings to create as many parent tasks with subtasks as you want. If you dont want to use parent tasks at all, don’t create sub-headings in your draft.

Depending on the amount of items in your list, this action will take some time to run. This is mainly justified by the limits of todoists REST API where the script is only allowed to perform 50 requests per minute. Therefore I implemented a sleep function which adapts dynamically to the amount of tasks in your list. I integrated a roughly estimated calculation for the process time and the user will see an info message from the app every 5 tasks.

If you have any issues please reach out to me in the forum @FLohGro

Append comment to Todoist task

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: clipboard-back
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 62B07BEF-5CC8-42B3-B6CB-AE0A1D49DDEE

crosslink Todoist task & Craft document

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 645-link
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: FFA138A3-3C1D-4FEE-811C-659EB3E7A53C

crosslink to Craft and Todoist


if you find this useful you can Buy Me A Coffee

Send to Bear & Todoist

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: notebook
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 5
Unique ID: BC3D63B9-8830-4E6C-A664-C6A30AAF427C
Send draft to Bear Notes as new note with tags assigned in Drafts converted to #hashtags in the content. Then create a Todoist task with the title and a link to the Bear note in comments.

Append to Selected Lines

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: list-numbered
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 161946F6-DC92-42D4-8F34-EA636F4FF31F
Add line numbers (followed by a colon and two spaces) to either the selected text or, if there’s no selection, the entire draft.

Markdown to Notes

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: content
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: B77D3FE5-D955-42DF-AC28-E8D6D4179AB1
Create a new note in Apple Notes converting the Markdown in Drafts to HTML.

Action uses AppleScript and is only compatible with Mac.


Send to Bear silently

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: notebook
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 2CABB773-755B-42BB-AF8B-A15B899FF20B
Send draft to Bear Notes silently in background.

Email (Spark)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_email_filled
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 3AB018C5-75FA-4E6A-AE26-755DB1DC4C54
Open Spark email with the first line of the draft as the subject and remaining content as the body.

New Draft with Template

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: page-add
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: AF36F27E-E976-44D7-B2D1-059067C9B9CB
Prompt to select from a list of existing drafts with the tag “template” assigned, then create a new draft with the content of that template.

To create templates available in this action, simply type your template in a draft, and assigned the tag “template” to that draft. It can be in the archive or inbox. The template can contain Drafts tags to insert time stamps or other dynamic data in the template. Also, any tags other than “template” assigned to the template draft will be assigned to the new draft automatically.

If the template contains the string <|>, the <|> will be removed, and the initial cursor position in the new draft placed at that location.

Note: This action used functionality which requires a Pro subscription.

Go To Bookmark

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: journal
Colour: violet
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: C40FBBB2-721B-488B-8884-4EE2641B4F23
Open a bookmarked draft in the editor.

This action will prompt you to select a draft from all drafts tagged with the “bookmarked” tag. Useful to quickly navigate to specific drafts you use often.

Meant as an example action demonstrating the use of the “Select Draft” prompt combined with a custom, temporary workspace.

To use a tag other than “bookmarked”, edit the tag variable in the ffirst line of the script.

Insert Workspace Link

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: layout-grid
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: None
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 985CA6C8-A568-4205-8797-AFE8F2DD1BEC
Prompt to select a workspace, and Insert a [[w:Workspace]] style link to the workspace at the cursor.

Sum of all Numbers in Draft/Selection

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 438-equals
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: F00DA77B-4C01-4AA1-9D7B-8E5FE1FE61E0
Calculates the sum of all numbers in the selection. If there is no selection, the entire draft is used as input.

The sum is then displayed as notification & copied to the clipboard.

Works with "." or "," as decimal seperators. Also supports with negative numbers, enabling the correct parsing of sequences like 2-4+3 as well.

Caveats: This action does not work with any kind of thousand seperator (".", ",", or space), as they would introduce ambigious cases.

Refresh Theme or Syntax

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: sync
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: A7E4094F-4251-4AAF-8888-C1FD8B6AD680
Refresh Drafts’s current theme and syntax.

See for details.

Fake Wordle

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: type-square
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 1F8C41BD-DA4E-48D7-B2AB-F789EE7F4A20
Extremely naive action to generate a fake Wordle result grid based on the number of guesses provided in the prompt.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: chat
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 88ABEFD2-1A49-4934-934D-B444D392A8F7
Updated action to message the Family Tech Support iMessage group.

Mail ⇨ David Blue

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_email_filled
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: DA517665-8C6D-4D75-976F-681BBB37A295

Post to WordPress

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: inkwell
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 0D30D414-8CB1-42AF-BC94-261FCED56AC6
Post to a WordPress site. This basic example creates a new post with “Draft” status (not published). The first time you run this action you will be prompted to enter site credentials.

WordPress - Get Recent Posts

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: send-down
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: A4C9888D-2490-4519-9BB7-8E09168247A1
Use WordPress API to retrieve recent posts from a WordPress blog and make a list of titles and links. Meant as an example only. More advanced options are available via additional parameters as documented in WordPress XML-RPC API docs.

WordPress - New Post

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: inkwell
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 1C9453A6-D1B8-4081-BC64-1278A9E1A0B1
Create a new post on a WordPress blog using XML-RPC API through Drafts scripting. Additional options can be configured using parameters documented in Wordpress XML-RPC api docs. This example will create the post as a draft.

Box via WebDAV

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_box
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: DA460E0B-34FA-4A98-9C4B-40AE5F9EA2EA
This is a demo WebDAV action step, which can be configured to send to

The first time the action is run, you will be prompted for configuration information. Complete the information as follows:

If you duplicate this action, and reconfigure it you can setup multiple actions to append/pretend/create files as needed which will share the same “Box” credentials.

More details on the Box WebDAV interface.

Social Web

Tweet with Twitterrific

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_twitter_filled
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 694B36F7-3F8E-4BFA-9363-8F60F5C7785C
Send to Twitterrific compose window.

Tweet Storm Multi-line

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_twitter_filled
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 3
Unique ID: 02A8A196-F7B6-493B-9542-001A14B0F452
Based upon Tweet Storm action by agiletortoise.

Divides up a draft into separate tweets using == as a tweet separator, allowing for multi-line tweets in a thread. Removes tweet numbers.

Builds a preview of the tweets as they will be posted and displays it. If “Continue” tapped from preview, posts thread.

Tweet with Twitter app

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_twitter_filled
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 967E86F8-8EF4-4CC1-B0A2-B21D26BBF16B
Send draft to the Twitter app compose window.

Import Twitter Search

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_twitter_filled
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: CAF5C261-CD61-41D6-8629-873B7ACEC338
Prompt for a Twitter search query. Can be for any text string and supports the same syntax used in Twitter web search.

Use Twitter API to get a list of tweets matching the search and import them into a new draft as a Markdown list, with screen name and link to the tweet included.

Posted as an example of Twitter API use in Drafts.

Twitter: Get Likes

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: heart
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 74909D40-DBA1-4270-B0E9-9B677B704545
Prompt for a Twitter handle, the request a list of their recent likes from the Twitter API. Build a Markdown version of those tweets, put them in a new draft and open it in the editor.

Demonstrates use of the Twitter object request method to make arbitrary requests to the Twitter API.


New Draft

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: page-add
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: None
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 53883D96-F638-4CC9-A14B-535659AB2720
Create a new draft


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃C
Icon: action_clipboard_filled
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 3C1AE3FE-1308-4FCD-AA4A-6837FC3BCEB3
Copy draft to clipboard.

Clean MD lines

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_markdown
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: true
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 82E1D1B7-9F24-40E9-9693-65F2D1B77CF9
Normalizes/prettifying Markdown lines, adding and deleting blank lines as needed.

For example in imported text with single line breaks or excess blank lines.

Note: Creates new draft, keeping tags and moves original to trash. Note: Will mess up code blocks!

Copy as HTML

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_clipboard_filled
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 470E7386-9366-4C69-B123-A62C4476EDA3
Run draft through Markdown conversation and copy HTML to clipboard.

Email to myself

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_email_filled
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 210D3FF2-D437-460C-872E-16B49B2B3149
Use this action to send the current draft as a background email, using the first line as the subject and remain text as the body of the email.

The first time this action is run, it will prompt you to enter the target email address for the action, which will be stored for use later as a Credential value. To change the email used by the action, visit Settings > Credentials in Drafts, and “Forget” the “Email to myself” credential which stores the address. The next time the action is run, it will prompt again for a new email address.

Markdown Mail

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_email_filled
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 6A942CBB-4CAB-434A-B006-32E7C8A391EE
Open mail message with the first line of the draft as the subject and remaining content as the body converted to HTML via Markdown. Can be duplicated and modified to create pre-addressed messages, or use templates.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: chat
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: DFF50428-DE51-40C7-ABEE-B7CAA0DC2090
Open iMessage with content of draft pre-filled. Duplicate and modify to create pre-addressed message actions.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_share
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 70CA1D74-FA53-4786-834E-84E962C689B6
Send draft to system share sheet.

Google Search

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: page-search-alt
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: C25B272F-5E06-4767-BFEF-F6CCD874A2CB
Search the current text selection on Google.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: calendar-add
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 4CFC7AE9-A072-435A-830C-A47246042DC4


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_reminders
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 1F9D288F-4C1A-40C4-92B6-33B41818DD1F
Send draft to Reminders as a task in the default Reminders list, using first line as task name, and remaining text as note.

List in Reminders

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_reminders
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 01C67C49-F973-44D2-84BC-97DB013CC0F6
Send to Reminders as a list, with each line as one task.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_print
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: E1E04D56-D694-4F2E-8075-6CB80ABA1A1B
Convert Markdown to HTML and print with basic sans-serif style.

Save to Files

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_export
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: DC0A59DC-1FFE-47B8-8970-6578FF217C76
Export to files.

Save to Files as...

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_export
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 4994523A-2BF0-4F6B-B206-432E50DC2D3D
Export to files, prompting for file name.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 1403F657-7A67-423F-9625-D1B791F70EC3

Save to iCloud Drive

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: journal
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 49F21040-89CB-4E2A-84F6-D793609C1C78
Save draft to iCloud Drive “Drafts” folder with a timestamp file name.

Append to iCloud Journal

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: journal
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 390F5359-3A61-4DEA-9BF7-389FA8BB7C58
Append to rolling monthly “Journal” file in iCloud Drive “Drafts 5” folder.

Append to Dropbox Journal

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_dropbox
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: E4995A93-A567-4073-B3A4-7A2DD3959369
Append to rolling monthly “Journal” files in Dropbox.

Save to Evernote

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_evernote
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 73909883-DB92-4AB7-AC3E-7D8BFB73E4E3
Convert draft Markdown to HTML and save to a note in Evernote with a timestamp note name.

Append to Evernote Journal

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_evernote
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 05943179-6264-4EB3-A403-1A31963B7092
Append draft to monthly journal note in your default Evernote notebook. New note will be created each month, based on the name "Journal-YYYY-MM".

Evernote as Todos

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_evernote
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 114B82D6-6943-4934-8E2F-F65F3E8053EB
Upload the draft to Evernote, using the first line as the note name, and converting any [ ] and [x] drafts task marks to Evernote checkboxes.

Save to OneDrive

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_onedrive
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 9DDD0DF0-A607-4458-98E5-79B131CFF26A
Save to file named with timestamp at the root of your OneDrive.

Append to OneDrive Journal

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_onedrive
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 884EA97C-9699-4606-A3F6-4B3554160C46
Append to monthly journal files in OneDrive.

Save to Google Drive

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_google_drive
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: DDF84C7D-E673-488C-9B61-386BF61A0ABE
Save to timestamped file name in Google Drive

Append to Google Drive Journal

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_google_drive
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: CF3B29C1-A1A6-4BD2-98B9-3A404F149D15
Append to rolling monthly journal files in Google Drive.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 7D9CFBAD-1445-4911-98AA-2921ADBE0839

Send to Bear

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: notebook
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: E42C426B-7562-4E46-9A0E-92694DCE2D9C
Send draft to Bear Notes as new note.

Append to Bear Journal

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: notebook
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: F087E6D9-7105-458D-9CFD-56CDE3ED1190
Append draft to monthly journal notes in Bear app and return to Drafts.

Day One

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: journal
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 73346473-A6F0-4AA1-A398-AB8EA19AED94
Send draft as new entry in Day One.

New Note in Evernote

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_evernote
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 5E29E887-5DB2-4C92-AA7C-8B0C2018BF07
Send draft to the Evernote app as new note.

Email (Spark)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_email_filled
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 15E39B40-54D0-4958-B634-E185EFED2274
Open Spark email with the first line of the draft as the subject and remaining content as the body.

Fill Markdown Links (Reference Links) (1.2)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: link
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 3
Unique ID: CD362944-1EA1-48BE-A428-C45FBF37CC83
Description: Ever been writing and had to stop to look up a link.

with this action you can leave those links empty like this “your link text”.

Once you run this action it will look for all of the empty links and then ask you to fill them.

You can manually enter a url (or whatever text you like, who am I to judge), paste from the clipboard if you’ve been doing some research, or you can open google to search for your link text. When you go back to your draft you can paste in the text.

Ver. 1.2.4 Update:

Ver. 1.2.3 Update:

This is good if you have multiple links in one sentence. If no text, title will indicate that.

Ver. 1.2.2 Update:

Save to OneNote

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: book
Colour: violet
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 765292B7-B607-4538-B802-D617AAB5C5D4
Save to timestamped note in the “Drafts” section of your default OneNote notebook.

New Draft with Template

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: page-add
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: D2E2BE24-149B-4781-A47F-683E3D1F3DB0
Prompt to select from a list of existing drafts with the tag “template” assigned, then create a new draft with the content of that template.

To create templates available in this action, simply type your template in a draft, and assigned the tag “template” to that draft. It can be in the archive or inbox. The template can contain Drafts tags to insert time stamps or other dynamic data in the template. Also, any tags other than “template” assigned to the template draft will be assigned to the new draft automatically.

If the template contains the string <|>, the <|> will be removed, and the initial cursor position in the new draft placed at that location.

When run, if “Omit First Line in New Draft” selected in the prompt, the first line will be removed from the template. This allows you to use a friendly name for the template as the first line of the template without having it included in the new drafts created.

Note: This action used functionality which requires a Pro subscription.

Select Workspace

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: menu
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: DBC49550-A7CB-455A-A31F-7EB8A7552941
Prompt to select from a list of available Workspaces, and load the selected workspace.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌥C
Icon: 512-paste-clipboard
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: BFEB492C-54F0-4C03-98A0-827ADBE67EC6

Email (Outlook)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_email_filled
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 613633FA-E925-49E8-AC01-6EE6B544BE7F
Open Outlook email with the first line of the draft as the subject and remaining content as the body.

JS Comment

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: sim-card-off
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7538CB10-23B5-4C22-AC45-98633FEB0DCE
Toggles comments of single or multiple lines. Sets tags at original indenting.

Note! Will not comment lines on higher blocks (less indented than first selected line)! Will not work well with mixed indenting (mix of spaces and tabs)

### Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_export
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: E9998A59-5540-4A28-8C58-765FE2E88FD6
First line : file name with file extension Rest lines : contents

Use this action with the following shortcut.:

I also created a shortcut to load a file into Drafts with the filename with the file extension:

Export File with file-ext

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_export
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7A4B3608-1E27-4716-8B65-D12F2E710492
First line : file name with file extension Rest lines : contents

Use this action with the following shortcut.:

I also created a shortcut to load a file into Drafts with the filename with the file extension:

Get Link to Reminder

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 428-checkmark1
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 617AE8B0-C472-40BE-A2C4-68A32089193D

Setup Project

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: layout-grid
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: None
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 96AD512F-02FC-473B-B74F-CB082B9117D0
Create a workspace for a new project with a specific set of tags, and an initial table of contents draft.

After creating this workspace, additional sub-drafts can be added using the example “New Linked Draft” action.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_undo
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 0908944E-5CC1-45CF-B7C5-DCA973CA4B8C
Undo last edit.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_redo
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: B2337CD0-987D-4294-B5CE-302588694EC1
Redo last edit.

Cursor Movement

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 78705B9F-BD67-40AC-9576-828EA5F724FC

Move left

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_left
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 527EC643-A679-44B8-8BE8-3C191ACAA6C7
Move cursor left one character.

Move right

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_right
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: F49E02B9-548D-42E0-B0D6-7782B8EF8B3A
Move cursor to right one character.

Move cursor back by word

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: arrow-left
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: DA198951-35A9-404B-9F2F-9A5FDF80BF4C
Move cursor position back one word at a time.

Move cursor forward by word

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: arrow-right
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 360397AD-BE11-4879-AD66-A2CDAAFEF98F
Move cursor position forward one word at a time.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 43D2DD4A-4FAE-4074-8847-040044BD0B91


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌥F
Icon: search
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: DA660672-DC5A-4DEF-AFFB-31353B00A9BE
Open find and replace.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃T
Icon: 429-checkmark2
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: F5CD3E1D-B185-4AE5-9BDB-D79762B411A9
Toggle task marks on selected lines.

Insert dictation

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: btn_dictate
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: AC26AB56-DC99-4AEB-806D-A84DC73E6F31
Open dictation and insert the result at the current cursor position in the editor.

Dictate new draft

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: btn_dictate
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 51DEDC32-94A0-45C6-86ED-1D0A04518000
Open dictation and create a new draft with the result of the dictation.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 511-copy-documents
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 0CBC7428-3EC1-46EB-8C9B-3280FF4E5BA1
Copy selected text to clipboard.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 512-paste-clipboard
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 2F9E8480-FB49-4564-8F4E-2BD49350EDE7
Paste contents of clipboard.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_email_filled
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 88C5A578-AD3C-40D4-8AA0-82A2B1F87B2E
Send as email.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: chat
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7E841080-7C19-4A8A-A74F-8EB1B8BAB127
Send as iMessage.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: indent
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7C460635-306F-4BED-AE07-7F9F1B99BB8B
Indent the selected line range.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: indent-decrease
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 2F794528-0B33-4017-80AC-9F09551A72DF
Outdent the selected line range removing one level of nested white space.

Toggle Theme

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 681-weather-sunny
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: None
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: F6FDBB1E-B245-4404-9824-D68DC2953483
Toggle between light and dark themes.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: stocks-up
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 4
Unique ID: AF5FC361-BAB7-4E63-9DBE-271BB9F84ABA
Calculate and present preview of common readability statistics for the current draft.

Drafts Action Shortcuts

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 356-signpost
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 2C4116B9-1430-4005-9552-3C5C935B03AC
Dump details of all actions with shortcuts out to a new draft.

Family Tech Support Group Message

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: chat
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 1AB57BB9-AACA-459B-80EF-4206C0D930DD
Sends just the Draft Body to the family group chat (I hope.)

Meta Data < > Draft

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: memo
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: None
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 763371CD-ACC7-4894-864E-424A98557202
Example action demonstrating how one could auto-create related meta data drafts to enter notes about the current draft, and flip back and forth to that meta data draft using an action or keyboard shortcut.

The first time this action is run on a draft, it will create a new draft with the tag metadata, filed in the archive, with front matter like:

# Draft Meta Data

Title: <Draft Title>
Source: <Link to Source Draft>

You can then enter notes about the draft in this metadata note.

If this action is run again from the meta data note, it will look for and open the source draft. If you are on the source draft, and a meta data draft exists already, it will navigate to it for adding additional notes.

In use, assigning a keyboard shortcut to this action would easily allow you to toggle back and forth between the draft and it’s meta data.

The meta data note, once created, could also be opened in a separate window for editing next to the source draft on iPad or Mac.

Insert Link to Draft

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: link
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: None
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7048EBEF-8CA4-4FD1-B5D9-A2AF5448D9DB
Action will prompt to select a draft, and insert a wiki-style [[Title of Draft]] link to the draft in the current draft.

Copy Tags

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃⌥T
Icon: btn_tags_selected
Colour: pink
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: E8AA5709-F030-41A6-8CD3-19485AC3C04B
Copies the current Draft’s tags.

The Psalms

Action Search

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: search
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 079FAC47-6520-4AE9-89DF-0474063ECAC7

Send to Saved Messages (Telegram)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃G
Icon: chat-message
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: E804AA1D-DA2A-4A17-ACB5-3AEB870B3380
Send draft to Telegram, opens my personal Saved Messages chat via my phone number.

To Raindrop via Telegram

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: chat-message
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 39EF4050-F835-43EE-B185-558875CBFB04
Send draft to Telegram, opens my personal Saved Messages chat via my phone number.

Tweet with Tweetbot

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_twitter_filled
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 72DB584D-B507-4C5D-B4DC-41F61BF6B0CB
Send to Tweetbot compose window.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 565-cassette-tape
Colour: violet
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 14A40371-7C9C-472C-9DC5-E844A26B81D8
Version 0.1 Assuming the URL to an audio file is in your clipboard, this action uses said URL as the source file for an embedded audio player using the <audio> element.


  1. Insert Text:
<audio controls>
  <source src="">


Extra Details


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: format-italic
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: A68F960D-5EDC-45D8-9898-E68B173AAFC0
Sends to my iCloud email address from Outlook.

iDocs (copy)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: format-italic
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 38EB1260-84A3-4112-B9AB-CA2B6F4338F3
Sends to my iCloud email address from Outlook.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃S
Icon: format-strikethrough
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7FD88B8E-AB4F-4839-A395-9444974A2D1C
Markdown for striking text out. Adds “~~” to the beginning of a line or the beginning and end of a selected block of text.

The Psalms Custom Preview

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_preview
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: F7E0CA10-02A1-4469-A940-CE3E10BB18CE
Read CSS file named “markdown-style.css” in the iCloud “Drafts5” folder, and use it as the style for a Markdown preview.

TAD-Insert yyyy-mm-dd

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: calendar-date
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 25637BED-D8FA-4483-9132-68F6DA426F22
Insert a date stamp in the format yyyy-mm-dd

TAD-Insert Drafts Version

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: info
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: F9CFBB2C-882E-4723-A65E-D06FD0213191
Insert the Drafts app version.

TAD-Deduplicate All (Lines)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: arrow-merge
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: FA6BAA77-07F3-4EF7-A0AC-9EB172C24083
Deduplicates lines in the order they occur. i.e. only the first instance of the line will be retained. This action does not sort the content.

Append comment to Todoist task

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: commit
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 3BE24787-AA7C-4387-9FE9-3EFB1250E365

"Drafts Directory: Append comment to Todoist task"

//heavily borrowing from AgileTortoise's Import Project script //Draft appends as comment to an existing task in Todoist // utility function let mapIds = (arr, key, valKey) => { let result = {}; arr.forEach(o => { result[o[key]] = o[valKey]; }) return result; } let f = () => { // create Todoist object and load projects let todoist = Todoist.create(); let projects = todoist.getProjects(); if (!projects) { console.log("Unable to retreive data from Todoist."); return false; } // create prompt let p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Select Project"; // add projects let projectLookup = mapIds(projects, "name", "id"); let projectNames = Object.keys(projectLookup); p.addPicker("project", "Project", [projectNames], [0]); p.addButton("Select"); if (! { context.cancel(); return true; } // read values from prompt let projectIndex = p.fieldValues["project"][0]; let projectName = projectNames[projectIndex]; let projectID = projectLookup[projectName]; let tasks = todoist.getTasks({ "project_id": projectID }); if (!tasks) { alert("No tasks in this project"); return false; } //create tasks prompt let pTasks = Prompt.create(); pTasks.title = "Select Task"; //add tasks let taskLookup = mapIds(tasks, "content", "id"); let taskNames = Object.keys(taskLookup); pTasks.addPicker("task", "Task", [taskNames], [0]); pTasks.addButton("Select"); if (! { context.cancel(); return true; } //read values from task prompt let taskIndex = pTasks.fieldValues["task"][0]; let taskName = taskNames[taskIndex]; let taskID = taskLookup[taskName]; //add comment let comment = todoist.createComment({ "task_id": taskID, "content": draft.content }); console.log(Comment added to ${taskName} in ${projectName}); } if (!f()) {; }

-"Drafts Directory: Append comment to Todoist task"

Send to Telegram

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: chat-message
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 87D854F8-DE94-4FA8-8A40-E11C486CA831
Send draft to Telegram, opens the contacts page, pick a contact and draft will be on the input field.

Create Gist

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 488-github
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: E4C2CEA6-283F-46FB-915C-41E39218BD9C
TAD-Create GitHub Gist from Draft

Create a new GitHub gist from the current draft. You can run this action stand alone, but you can also include it and call it with a template action step set for the GitHub user ID (account).

Fetch Gists

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 488-github
Colour: violet
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 487226D3-BDD7-4F70-9A12-F4153319AB7E
Fetch the content of a GitHub gist to new drafts - one draft per file. You can run this action stand alone, but you can also include it and call it with a template action step to set for the GitHub user ID (account). The action includes a window that lets you select a gist by description.

Drafts 5 Scripting API Documentation

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 460-api2
Colour: violet
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: A9ABDF69-8D55-4404-A5DC-112D285955A9
Displays a menu for selecting Documentation page and opens an in app web browser to display selected page.

Keyboard Shortcuts Export

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌃K
Icon: 341-keyboard
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 50C15556-3561-443D-BB49-F7FC1245DE3A

List Action Shortcuts, Comma-Delimited

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 356-signpost
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 8F2BF88E-825E-4954-B958-B5AA4C7D63D1
A modified version of TAD-List Action Shortcuts that exports a comma-delimited list of keyboard shortcuts instead of using :.

Original description:

Ouput details of all actions with keyboard shortcuts to a new draft. Action name is followed by a colon, a space, and then the keyboard shortcut. Also deals with special key triggers (arrow keys and tab).


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌃T
Icon: 598-clock
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: F9A840DA-C465-4E7A-B173-1E537F6A9010
TAD-Insert yyyy-mm-dd

Selection Word Count

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃W
Icon: 585-calculator
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: ADD2D656-8E11-4466-BEB7-FD02C03AC9DF
TAD-Selection Word Count


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 636-trash
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: AB369272-D52E-486D-A87F-84E244D7DEFB
TAD-Trash Note

Search Actions

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: search
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 229A9C12-0850-4443-ABBF-646096D0A6BB
TAD-Search Actions

Drafts Link

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌃C
Icon: action_url
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 9782726D-C842-4682-A71E-43BC465FE234
TAD-Copy Draft Link

Last Workspace

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: clipboard-back
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7A48C342-E889-423A-8B6D-7507528C826C
TAD-Load Previous Workspace

Next Workspace

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: briefcase-next
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 02C9F9C8-9652-4095-B210-548FD19B58DA
TAD-Load Next Workspace

Draft Info

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌃I
Icon: 442-information-symbol1
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: D6051232-53DB-4159-8045-2C776E28D39E
TAD-Show Draft Info

Dark/Light Toggle

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧⌃L
Icon: lighter
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: B45E79C6-FEA0-4E5A-9DAC-897040071A17
TAD-Toggle App Theme

Typewriter Toggle

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: typewriter
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: DC48EDE7-8B92-4B6E-832D-43B386D2748D
TAD-Toggle Typewriter Mode

Fetch URL Content to New Draft

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: caret-down-double
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: C49A4147-5478-430C-AB8C-F6B2E0B0B546
TAD-Fetch URL Content to New Draft

Import File

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: file-badge
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 5ABCC386-0CF7-489B-8037-CBBF82E021AA
TAD-File Import With Tags

Load The Psalms

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌥.
Icon: checkbox
Colour: pink
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: B24FAC3A-CEE8-4BA4-AC65-3365DDEC0846
app.TA_loadActionListByName("ThoughtAsylum - Power User");

Draft Link

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: link
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 19A9B6E4-42C5-45FF-8908-849C25C4995C
TAD-Link for Draft (Title)

Preview MMD

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⌥⌘/
Icon: branch
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 7FF25B9B-A198-49E8-930F-B5E11BF74936
TAD-Prime Preview MMD

Load Most Changed Draft

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: ribbon
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: C2BCAF85-15FE-4103-901D-2D816CCBE444
TAD-Load Most Changed Draft

Restore Psalms Action Group

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: cancel
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: true
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: A80E0256-7756-4A2C-A3AB-533DB97D4902
Sortof a potential recovery method for this Action Group, I suppose.


As I understand it, the entirety of this Action Group’s data as it appeared on

Add To Notion

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: special-alert
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: D3ECAF73-FE2F-4435-8768-9022F5F88D74
Set of functions for Notion API + action that adds current draft to Notion in the page you use as your inbox. If it’s a single line, it’s added as a note, if it’s multiple lines, it’s a page. Currently text is added as one block and it doesn’t convert markdown.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 511-copy-documents
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: E2CD38A1-F3EC-4DC7-BA85-E8E274B98D84
TAD-Duplicate Draft and Load


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_preview
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: C58D1F93-E3BB-47EE-AC04-A4128A239849
Marks up changes (insertions, deletions) between current draft and a previous version (prompts for selection).

Preview respects tab indents without invoking code blocks (by design).

Diff code from: CSS styles for ins/del tags adapted from: Yuanchuan ( via


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 401-globe
Colour: green
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: None
Log Level: None
Number of Steps: 4
Unique ID: 58EE3EA8-C139-451C-9409-2C10B88C8DEB
Fetches the content of the URL on the clipboard and puts the content into a new draft.

Edit Markdown Table

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: border-all
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: A892D5D5-9F2D-4AF2-A966-9891C561F265
Demonstration action that uses the Table Magic Markdown table editing library to modify Markdown tables in an advanced HTML Preview.

This tools allows editing of table in forms, CSV, etc. Select an existing Markdown table in the draft before running the action to pre-populate the editor.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: signs-alt
Colour: indigo
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 8584909D-7811-4275-BE68-FE6411AD4FAE
TAD-Replace with Synonym

Fantastically Good Event Parser

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: calendar-dates
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: true
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 7FB51E0D-A578-4A89-A747-08196942D12F
Split draft into lines and create events for each using Fantastical-style syntax.

Mac Safari Tab Links (MD)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_url
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 4
Unique ID: 16901BFF-02A7-4026-8790-E2BB8727CBA5
A Mac only action that inserts the URLs for all of the open Safari tabs at the current cursor position. The content is formatted as a Markdown list of links.

Save images in Drafts' Previews folder

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 568-photo
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 7930D729-6C35-4D85-9C79-44C486DD0107
This Drafts action + shortcut does the following:

  1. Let the user select the image files and save them in the Drafts Previews folder (iCloud Drive / Drafts / Library / Previews /).
  2. Insert those image links into the draft.


Current Inbox Count

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: hashtag
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 488BA16F-4E48-466C-82D9-28F3952A3F8E
Display an alert with a count of drafts in the inbox currently displayed in the draft list.

TAD-Auto Document Action Group

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 513-document
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: B564BF39-649C-41F5-B842-22923F70A085
With a direct install link for an action group on the clipboard, this action processes the details and produces a Markdown formatted summary in a new draft.

TAD-Toggle Last Two Modified Drafts

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut: ⇧#TAB
Icon: transfer
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: BAA07085-B6EE-43D1-9C36-8C3DCAEE5D6D
Switches between the two most recently modified drafts.

TAD-MD to Plain Message

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_message
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: A0B06804-5654-4E3E-B91D-DA2E297F230C
Convert Markdown to plain text for messaging.

In Development/Ideaing

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 82F7C978-FF5A-41D1-867A-E4AF830BC053


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: yellow
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 40D66F07-4AB0-4FF7-A085-04B2F3996A1B

TAD-Copy Action Group Items (Markdown)

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: action_clipboard_filled
Colour: violet
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 3285D564-231C-4990-8581-AFB9C728F587
Create a markdown structure of the action group on the clipboard.

Not Functioning/Deprecated

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 0
Unique ID: 7D394BAA-92F4-44ED-9FC2-D53B14FB00B9


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: folder-upload
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 79C84C3D-35B6-49F8-B012-7D3538CED417
Runs New Draft with Template

Copy to Notion

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 319-shipping-crate
Colour: gray
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 92B6883A-329D-4B98-814B-7FC9A103CF5C
Copy draft and open Notion app to be pasted


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: apple-bite
Colour: red
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: 780692BD-989B-433D-A400-9A3E95D6C779
Create a new note in Apple Notes converting the Markdown in Drafts to HTML.

Action uses AppleScript and is only compatible with Mac.

Tweet and Toot

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 343-scribble
Colour: blue
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: CE48F720-0CAA-4F1E-BF92-FEA80112982D
This is the same as the built in script, but you can add a post title by adding a line with “# ” (include the space) in the first line of the draft. The first line will be the title (minus the pound sign and space) and everything below that will be the content.

If there is no “# “ on the first line, the entire draft is assumed to be the content and no title will be added.


Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 0DA2C1D4-67CE-4980-BD0D-9AE7C2A71CEA

TAD-MD-Lines to Numbered List

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: list-numbered
Colour: orange
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: Errors
Log Level: Errors
Number of Steps: 2
Unique ID: E25E4A0F-6777-41B7-A19D-38E47B7A52F3
Markup each line that is part of the selection as a numbered list item using a standard numeric of 1 as the list identifier.

Terminology Test

Type: Action
Keyboard Shortcut:
Icon: 587-dictionary
Colour: none
Confirm to Run: false
Notifications: All
Log Level: All
Number of Steps: 1
Unique ID: 99FB9F20-E0A7-4912-8D80-93694F103667