Louan Bengmah
Web developer

Who am I?

Welcome to my Portfolio!

My name is Louan Bengmah, I'm 18 and I'm in second year study in a Technical Degree (Multimedia and Internet Profession). I have an economic and social high school diploma. I'm really interested in the multimedia, the cinema and all kind of activities on the Internet.

I am currently looking for an internship, so that I can get better in the Front-End and the Back-End area.

Mascot representing Louan

My hobbies

Hiding Easter Eggs

Hover your mouse over the different elements.

My skills

My career

Hector Berlioz Middle School, Nantes

'Anglais Euro' from the 6th Grade to the 9th Grade ;
9th Grade internship at Oniris.

Guist'hau High School, Nantes

Economic and Social Diploma ;
Cinema Audiovisual Option.

MMI Technical Degree, Laval

Currently in second year.

We Craft Apps

Currently working in an agency as a web developper