Drafts 31.0 has been released:

What’s New

Interface Refresh

Lots of general usability and interface and improvements, including updated icons, some button re-organization, and a variety of new features. Highlights:

Notion Integration (Beta)

This version introduces basic integration with the Notion online project management system. Notion’s API is still in beta but has become stable enough to start offering integration in Drafts. Be aware that aspects of this functionality may change or stop working if Notion makes changes in its API during the development process. We also plan to expand functionality based on feedback, so if you are using Drafts with Notion, please let us know other features you would like to see added.

r31-2@2x|690x426, 75%
r31–2@2x|690x426, 75%

This initial integration provides:

For details, example actions, etc., see our Notion Integration Guide.

Maintenance Tasks

New “Maintenance” view in Settings/Preferences. This view is a home for completely optional periodic maintenance tasks to help restore defaults, clean up data you may no longer care about, or improve performance. Make sure you understand what the tasks do before running one because some are destructive and not reversible. Details on available tasks in the User Guide.

Other Changes and Updates

agiletortoise | 2022–02–25 12:59:40 UTC | #2

whshep | 2022–02–25 13:24:37 UTC | #3

“Long press” is a hidden feature, therefore not easily discovered by users. Replacing a button with a long press is a particularly bad idea.

agiletortoise | 2022–02–25 13:41:27 UTC | #4

One of the minor but useful updates in this release to note, is the ability to access all your actions from the action bar, without having to swap out the group loaded in the bar. Great for accessing those infrequently used text manipulation actions and the like:


agiletortoise | 2022–02–25 13:55:50 UTC | #5

Another noteworthy change, is the workspace menu (and action group menu) moving to the above this lists. This was an oft-requested change.

If you want access to quick workspace and action group switching at the bottom of the screen, you an enable workspace/action group bars in (…) list options.


Note that the workspace/action group bars are now available in the Mac version as well:


waynang5 | 2022–02–25 16:00:40 UTC | #6

I just did the update on my MacBook Pro, and when I type to add a tag, whatever letter that I began typing changes to something else and there is no way for me to complete the tag word that I was trying to type.

wightwizard | 2022–02–25 17:57:29 UTC | #7


Issue with tag entry.

I have the same issue as @waynang5 on my MacBook Air (macOS Monterey 12.2.1). It seems to work fine on i*OS.

The problem appears only when trying to enter a new tag when it starts with a letter combination that is not already in use. I have found that (as a workaround) starting to type the new tag name with a # at the start, completing the name that you want for the tag and then deleting the # does work. Also, if you type faster than the matching tag list can appear, it works successfully.

In the GIF below, I am entering test as a new tag (no tags in my current list start with test)

CleanShot 2022-02-25 at 17.48.09|510x226
CleanShot 2022–02–25 at 17.48.09|510x226

agiletortoise | 2022–02–25 20:05:49 UTC | #8

Got it, thanks. Will get out a hot fix.