It's good to be here!
By that I mean, it's especially nice to feel welcome here even though I am in no way a software developer.
I use the term Software Historian because I have found myself especially fascinated with the origin stories of the platforms and services we use in the past 3-4 years, especially regarding Word Processors.
My ultimate software development aspiration would be to build my own CMS with Python from scratch, but I'm not just being humble when I tell you that I am very far away from doing that.
Recently, I have been toying with the idea of writing a Literary History of Streaming Music, directly inspired by Professor Matthew G. Kirschenbaum's Track Changes: A Literary History of Word Processing, continuing the work I began in one of my all-time best essays examining the Holiness of Bandcamp as a technology company who can do no wrong.
I'm sure anyone reading this can relate when I lament that I really should get around to writing an updated bio, but I've already spent enough time on this one, I think. Let me just quote myself from my blog's about page:
I’ve already born witness to innovation bridging divisions between people throughout the greatest informational renaissance my species has ever seen... Originally, I wrote about our relationship with cars (2019 Volkswagen Atlas Review) and now technology (Bandcamp: Streaming's Secret Savior) from a perspective that feels tedious or abstract to some, but is generally entertaining, through-and-through. I’m proud of the work I’ve done so far, which has been wild, absurd, reflective, and hilarious — occasionally all in the same work as I develop my voice.
I'm not just horsing around when I say feel free to email me about literally anything.
† The Psalms (My technology blog. Entirely nonsecular, I promise)
🇪🇺 End User (A solo "podcast" which I update now and then, talking to my phone - silence truncated - about things I've been exploring.)
⌨ The iPhone x Bluetooth Keyboard Project (Perhaps my very first truly worthwhile cause.)
Ǝ Extratone (An online music magazine which I devoted most of my adult life to developing up until 2018.)
⎆ Social Directory (An ongoing list of links to my profiles on every social service I can remember signing up for.)
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This work (The Psalms and its derivitives/associates/and adjacents, by David Blue), identified by David Blue, is free of known copyright restrictions.