Rivers & Reservoirs
— Joanna Doxey
On a day like today I can believe the wind moves the land
Horses sit down
in the face of it The cattle across the street—
I want to believe in time and these waves
The water low in the reservoir
is at least ice today. Watch the wind there watch the tall grasses—
I want to believe that crying holds a purpose outside of this poem. That I can
flip back & forth between the AM country radio station
and NPR’s news of another grieving mother and both waves can be true. I want to believe
this time isn’t irrelevant the water will rise days will grow longer
I will live to see mountains grow again
I will mother the ice
The ice will move and that’s why we love that Joni Mitchell song—for the wishes
that aren’t really wishes there’s wind in that song too
such movement—
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