we were not anatomical
— meryem nuh
dancing arum lily turned in
his rich gold swathed mouth
chewed and cursed
among a company of friends who breathed in
ageless dispositions.
drugs dissolving in carbon air.
time h a s s t r e t c h e d l o n g e r since i broke
citrus juice into the belly of my palm in your bed two dawns and
an unremembered mist of forever ago.
la. ana la urid ay.
my hair a climbing bronze crown
of vines on a white wall your back like a sheen of sweat over
civilization my bombed train of thought like an
apology written over skeleton leaf your moan like crushed crisp
white shirt hanging on a tight breast we were like a photograph that questioned
the presence of god in history amethyst is stuck in my throat.
my feet make stampedes in crowds of roses strewn across the pavement.
i find myself praying sometimes
in bold and tender seconds
you must take the maroon curtains with you.
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