Email to Nilay Regarding Speedtest Thread

Updated 09012023-101937


Vergecast (more specifically, Nilay,)

In response to Nilay's prompt for emails about 5G in August 11th's episode:

If you are a person - beyond just my phone is faster or I've downloaded more pirated Netflix videos than ever in an airport - if you're someone who's actually like experienced the benefits of 5G, I want to hear from you.

...I'm afraid I'm probably going a bit off prompt, but I can't help but share basically my only anecdote about 5G as someone who lives two hours or so from the geographic center of the USA (specifically in Columbia, Missouri.)

Since first purchasing my iPhone 12 Pro Max in December 2020, I've experienced all sort of network issues when leaving the device in "5G Auto" or "5G On" modes. I'm not so sure how long I'd had the phone before I set it in LTE-only mode, but I've left it there for the vast majority of the time since because of how much more reliable the whole device became, basically.

I chose to reach out about this anecdote specifically because I actually have data to back it up. Using an iOS app called Net Analyzer, I've been intermittently testing 5G vs LTE performance all over the mid-Missouri area since ~Feb 2021 or so.

Speedtest Threads




If you are a person beyond just my phone is faster or I've downloaded more pirated Netflix videos than ever in an airport.

If you're someone who's actually like experience the benefits of 5g, I want to hear from you.

It cannot be that your bandwidth is just faster.

I'm talking, you did a robot surgery.

Like one of these things they told us would happen with 5g.

I have one example for everyone.

I'll put it out there right now.

Last night I watched Taylor Swift announced 1989 Taylor's version from SoFi Stadium on like 45 different like crystal clear live streams on Tik Tok.

That is because NFL stadiums have millimeter wave 5g in.

That's why that's it.

That's the future.


I'll give you that one.

I've taken that one off the table.

They put so much bandwidth in NFL stadiums that I watched effectively pirate live streams of a Taylor Swift concert.


If you are a person beyond just my phone is faster or I've downloaded more pirated Netflix videos than ever in an airport.

If you're someone who's actually like experience the benefits of 5g, I want to hear from you.

It cannot be that your bandwidth is just faster.

I'm talking, you did a robot surgery.

Like one of these things they told us would happen with 5g.

I have one example for everyone.

I'll put it out there right now.

Last night I watched Taylor Swift announced 1989 Taylor's version from SoFi Stadium on like 45 different like crystal clear live streams on Tik Tok.

That is because NFL stadiums have millimeter wave 5g in.

That's why that's it.

That's the future.


I'll give you that one.

I've taken that one off the table.

They put so much bandwidth in NFL stadiums that I watched effectively pirate live streams of a Taylor Swift concert.


That one's off the table.

Give me something else.

Email us for

I'm dying to know if anyone has done like a robot 5g surgery, if they've deployed a low latency application to a telecom company's edge data center.

You let me know.

I, cause I haven't seen one other than these phones are slightly faster.

Does updating your laptop at a hotel count?

No, that's just more bandwidth.

But it was really nice bandwidth.

You cannot give me, you cannot give me, I can pull down one gig speeds, blah, blah, blah.

You have to give me something on the order of tens of thousands of people in an NFL stadium, live streamed crystal clear video to the internet all at once.


Not just you alone stood on a street corner with, with high bandwidth, tens of thousands of people use the internet once to, because of the Taylor Swift.

Like that is, and I give you that, that is a meaningful 5g thing that you could not do with an LTE network.

But give me like one more.

Wait, we did not do all of this for the arrows tour.

At least I don't think we did.

What are you doing up there?That one's off the table.

Give me something else.

Email us for

I'm dying to know if anyone has done like a robot 5g surgery, if they've deployed a low latency application to a telecom company's edge data center.

You let me know.

I, cause I haven't seen one other than these phones are slightly faster.

Does updating your laptop at a hotel count?

No, that's just more bandwidth.

But it was really nice bandwidth.

You cannot give me, you cannot give me, I can pull down one gig speeds, blah, blah, blah.

You have to give me something on the order of tens of thousands of people in an NFL stadium, live streamed crystal clear video to the internet all at once.


Not just you alone stood on a street corner with, with high bandwidth, tens of thousands of people use the internet once to, because of the Taylor Swift.

Like that is, and I give you that, that is a meaningful 5g thing that you could not do with an LTE network.

But give me like one more.

Wait, we did not do all of this for the arrows tour.

At least I don't think we did.

What are you doing up there?