Notion Adjacents Thread - Shortcuts User Group Discord

Updated 08312022-213935

Looking for suggestions for a Notion replacement.

Since I'm now working corporately full-time, I don't need the fully customized Notion database I built for my freelance business. What I do need is:

Any suggestions?

ooo the way I reacted to this notification suggests I have been actively looking for someone to have an adjacent conversation with regarding Notion for ... a pitifully long time lol.

if you were a client, I'd ask if you wouldn't mind reflecting a bit on your experience with Notion abstractly and telling me about:

Happy to dig in.

I did use Notion as a complete CRM that I built to manage my clients. I tracked payments, due dates, projects, etc. Now that I’m working corporately again, I don’t need all these features.

I do still use Notion to manage my two newsletters and my publication. I have a database with list and calendar views that shows upcoming newsletters that are due, their status, and publish date. Likewise, when a columnist or priority submission comes in (via Google form and Zapier), it adds to the database so I can view it as a to-do. This way, when an interview is scheduled, I know the next open opportunity.

Notion is fine, but I don’t like that everything lives on Notion’s servers. I’m also not a fan that I can’t set reminders or have notifications when things are coming due. Since I’m not in the app daily anymore, it’s possible to miss something. I don’t want to miss something.

Plus, it’s minor but it’s something, it really bugs me that I have to download a third-party app icon to make the Notion app fit in with macOS. It just highlights how non-Mac Notion is.

Sorry that took me so long...

Unfortunately - to my knowledge, at least - there currently isn't really an equivalent that can offer integration with automated services like Zapier along with options for self/local hosting. Especially since it sounds like you've already invested significant time in your Notion setup, I think the best option might just be sitting on it and waiting(?) for someone to create such a thing.