Updated 10042022-163241
I apologize for hopping right in and quite informally, but I'm actually very confident many 1Password users other than myself have been seeking a method of deduplicating (imported, mostly) items in their vaults because I have spent significant amount of time searching the web - including 1Password's own official community platforms - for a way to reliably achieve this post-the tools deprecation/removal(?) of the native deduplication tool from the macOS client in recent versions.
If it'd be helpful, I can go back through that browsing history and actually cite some Stack Overflow/forum links.
I know that I, personally, am seeking the most discriminating sort of deduplication - as in, it'd still be very helpful if provided methods only worked with precisely identical matches.
Thank you! If there's a more appropriate place for me to share this request, please do let me know.