Automation April




“Find something you dislike doing.” - Federico

the private practice I work for (which is just my mom and myself) uses a shared Apple Calendar to keep track of appointments so I’m assuming (it’s been like... 2 distinct Using Eras for me since this was taken and I’ve since switched to Fantastical) that number is total stored appointments. nowadays my Dumb Huge badge number is in Fantastical notifications from that same calendar lol

since the actions first appeared in the Tot beta, Tot shortcuts are pretty much all I’ve been thinking about lol. 10 published so far and a good portion of those are just sync-ish ones.

I’d bet my most unique contribution, actually, (and something I wish I had realized immediately) is exemplified in this one, which stores Dots as keys in Data Jar dictionary. I realized that - instead of 7 actions for 7 dots - you can just use a Repeat action 7 times and use the index as the dot variable.

Marco! (Clean) Submission



iCloud Link


This shortcut is designed to be called by “Hey Siri!... Marco!” in the event of a lost device. Since the first day I discovered shortcuts back in iOS 12 beta, I considered this my best and most original idea. It took me until last year to manifest it, which I wrote a bit about on my blog.

Here's a step-by step overview of its actions:

  1. Turn Low Power Mode OFF
  2. Turn Airplane Mode OFF
  3. Turn Wi-Fi On
  4. Turn Bluetooth On
  5. Set brightness to 100%
  6. Turn Do Not Disturb OFF
  7. Turn appearance Light
  8. Set playback destination to iPhone
  9. Set volume to 89%
  10. Vibrate device (Not currently working.)
  11. Play my voice saying “Polo!” + a few other items
  12. Toggle (flash) the flashlight 5 times (odd number leaving your flashlight on constantly unless it was on before the Shortcut was triggered)
  13. Simultaneously (in the same repeat action) plays three separate classic Mac sounds 5 times.

Spy Kids 3 Spam


iCloud Link


It feels blasphemous to say so, but I believe I may have actually outdone the Original Masterpiece, Bee Movie Spam...

This shortcut sends the entirety of the Spy Kids 3 screenplay, line-by-line to a specified phone number or iMessage email address via Messages.

By my count, the screenplay text totals 6937 words in 1559 lines, which means 1559 messages total. I've tested it once all the way through just to confirm the cycle will complete, but didn't think to set a timer. It was more than 10 minutes, less than 30, I'd say.

I left my own phone number - +15738234380 - in the Default Number field of the Ask for Input action very much on purpose - I promise it'll make my day if you use me as a test subject.