sup. Launch Thread

Updated 08062023-181711

sup. is an open source encrypted fediverse instant messenger, similar to whatsapp, made by pixelfed.

The beta will be launching later this month, and btw most fediverse accounts will work, not just Pixelfed 😉

@dansup really? "instant messenger, made by pixelfed? Why?

@wolf because we have our own IM and I already wanted to abstract it to its own app for various reasons. Why are you asking?

@dansup @wolf Do you have plans to integrate this protocol into fediverse platforms?

@Nuuskis @wolf yes

@dansup @wolf Wow. Outstanding. Thank you.

@dansup Is it XMPP?

@Nuuskis @wolf

@BalooUriza @dansup @wolf @Nuuskis I'm guessing it uses ActivityPub as the protocol, similar to Pleroma's chat.

@dansup @Nuuskis @wolf sweeeeet

@dansup I just don't get the need of another more messenger. There are so many good projects out there…

@wolf Nothing wrong with more options

@gray There absolutely is. It just contributes to more fragmentation of messaging apps. A messaging app is useless if I can't send messages to the people on it. If by "messaging app" you mean another client for existing messaging protocols (ie: Matrix or XMPP) that's fine.

@AudraTran @gray The cool thing is that no one is forcing you to use it. So there’s that.

@raddude12 I don't understand what that has to do with anything.

@AudraTran You’re complaining about something that you don’t have to use. Someone is putting their energy into a project that probably won’t matter one bit in your life and you’re shitting on it.

@raddude12 I think you have some reading comprehension issues because none of that happened.

@AudraTran Stop. You complained about fragmentation. That’s complaining. Are you going to use the app? if not, why whine about fragmentation?

@raddude12 you can insist that it's a "complaining" all you want but it doesn't make it anymore true.

@AudraTran Are you going to use the app?

@raddude12 as for why it concerns me: believe it or not other people's choices affect you. If I use Signal, and my friend uses "Sup." we cannot chat with each other without moving or downloading another app. Now multiply this scenario by the dozens of different chat apps already in existence and you start to get some perspective.

@raddude12 adding another app that adds nothing on top of the hundreds of chat apps already in existence just makes life more complicated and provides nothing.


@raddude12 @AudraTran @raddude12 stop trolling. Everyone is entitled to their view.

@raddude12 @AudraTran the thing is, you can't control what other people you want to chat to are using. So even if I myself will not use sup, I might be forced because my friends/colleagues/whatever do use it. It's called network effect:

@AudraTran It's already an issue and indeed another app only makes it more of a pain.
- Most of my friends are on Discord.
- Some of my friends are on Matrix.
- Some of my friends are on Skype.
- Some of my friends are on Facebook Messenger.
- Some of my friends are on WhatsApp.
- Some of my friends are on Telegram.
- Some of my friends are on IRC.

And well, I'm gonna have to run all those apps unless I wanna cut ties with a bunch of them (which also isn't ideal).


@AudraTran And? Why is that a problem? It’s good to have choices. This is like complaining that your friend likes Diet Coke but you like Diet Pepsi and the amount of diet soda on the market makes drinking soda difficult. it's nothing like that and I've just explained exactly how and why it's a problem. If you can't understand that, I can't help you. Bye now!

@AudraTran Don't say bye unless you intend to disable replies. You know that that is disingenuous, since you'll be notified of any responses to this thread.

@danjones000 (1)( solved this problem for me!

@AudraTran @danjones000 Likewise. It's incredible.

@AudraTran @raddude12 The solution then is to always use Beeper (or at least Matrix in some form) in order to ensure that you can use a bridge.

@raddude12 because fragmentation affects people who don't use the app.

@scubbo How?

@AudraTran @gray Considering there's upcoming MLS standard for decentralized encypted messaging, we can see it get implemented here as well :)

@crse how is this different from Matrix or XMPP?

@AudraTran I don't have technical knowledge to answer that, but this new standard is supported by Matrix, Mozilla, Google, Meta, and more.

@AudraTran @gray No one is forcing you to use it. I'm excited for it. Other people are excited for it. If you're not, then chill and use whatever you feel like. I really don't get what you're getting so bent out of shape for.

@adityainduraj why would anyone be forcing me to use it? That's not the problem.

@AudraTran Of course no one is forcing you to use it. All the more reason why I find it curious that you are ranting about it, given that you're not interested in it at all.
Use what you want and let people use what they want, that's all I'm saying.

@adityainduraj I've already explained why this is a problem, even if you don't use it. Please read that and then don't reply to me anymore.

@AudraTran Posting on social media and asking people not to reply to you. Huh, sure.

@dansup will it use the Signal protocol?

@Yuvalne yes

@dansup @Yuvalne Any the reason you're not going with MLS from the IETF? It seems like the whole industry is going that way because of the Digital Markets Act.

@dansup @Yuvalne Does "the Signal protocol" mean that, like Signal, I have to give someone my phone number? I assume not, but…

@fishidwardrobe I don't think there's any requirement for phone numbers in the (2)( Protocol.

They all sound similar but the Signal Protocol (the technical spec; also used by WhatsApp), The Signal Foundation (the non-profit entity behind Signal), and Signal (the messaging service) are all different things.

@dansup @Yuvalne no, my guess is that it'll use the encryption standards provided by libsignal without using signal's services. so, axolotl encryption, also known as signal/whatsapp/matrix/omemo(xmpp) encryption yeah

@fishidwardrobe @dansup @Yuvalne No, it's used in Skype as well where you're not forced to link it.

@dansup @Yuvalne

Please consider MLS, end-to-end encryption protocol standardized by IETF:

Matrix and some other messengers are going to adopt it, so there's a possibility that we can interoperate with them in the future.

@silverpill @dansup @Yuvalne yeah using MLS would be great and likely more interoperable in the future.

media description:
big title: "sup."
subtitle: "opensource encrypted fediverse instant messanger"


sup? I thought it was for email

@ana Good point, though a point is a dot, and @dansup's sup has a trailing one.

@dansup 🤩

@dansup Oh shit that sounds amazing!!! 🤩

@dansup !!!!
this could be HUGE

@dansup is it decentralized as well?

  1. Beeper  ↩︎

  2. Signal  ↩︎