Stephen Millard's July 2023

Updated 08142023-202238


Given the limited time I had this month, it feels like I've been more active than usual on my usual online forum haunts, and in particular, the Shortcuts influx on the Automators forum was definitely tangible, so much so, that I have split out the conversations I was involved in to a subsection.

As a side note, these are not the only forums I use. I have a handful of others that I drop in on every day or two, but I'm definitely more of a lurker on those right now. After all, I do have a day job and some semblance of a life to fit in.





As noted above, July was very much about my house move. Breaking down and packing technology is certainly a time consuming activity, and it was also something I did with trepidation. For the next few months at least, I will be working out a temporary office space. This is because we plan to convert our garage into an office space. To do that we will need to clear it of a lot of content that is being stored there temporarily, then content that will be intended to go there, and then convert it. Only then will I really be able to unpack all of my technology, and in the interim, I'll be gaining some new technology as I can finally apply a bit more home automation than I could in rented accommodation.

As July closes, my life is starting to calm down a little.Towards the end of July I moved house, and this is obviously quite a stressful undertaking with a family, job, and all the other wonderful elements of daily life that need to continue. We have moved from a rented place we had been in for many years to a home of our own, so whilst the move in took several days, it has taken easily twice that again to do a deep clean of the old house and sort out some issues. As a result, the expectation going into July was that I would be quite limited in my flexible time for helping people and creating stuff as I had more then enough of my own tasks and challenges to fill anyone's day.