The nuances of authority's inverse relationship with originality | final V3

Updated 09012024-152636

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If there's one thing specifically that seems really fucking hard to figure out for me, it's the idea of how you would make a racing game in current climate that doesn't suck shit and is not just a rehashed version of an idea that has already been done.

And I have been thinking about this for a long time because racing games as a genre is probably the game genre I am most familiar with and have the most experience engaging with.

And you'd think that that kind of intimacy would lead to like inspiration and ideas.

And in fact, it's done the polar opposite because I have seen so many people do so many interesting things that I'm beginning to think we're running out of things to do.

I know that's a silly thing to say and I don't actually mean it, but that's how it feels to me right now.

Name a thing that you could do with cars as a video game concept.

I can point you to somewhere that's been tried.

And I can probably tell you if it's any good.

I mean, two things.

One, yeah, absolutely.

It's a thing where when you know a lot about a space, it becomes hard to think creatively about it because you have more reasons to shut down ideas than you have to explore them.

And so you never get to the third or fourth step where you end up somewhere new because you already knew why step two wouldn't work.