Automatically Adding Public Obsidian Publish URLs to Notes?

Updated 10202023-095230

Automatically Adding Public Obsidian Publish URLs to Notes?

Howdy folks!

I hope I'm not missing something - I've searched the forums, subreddit, etc. off and on for the past few months for any discussion on the matter, but haven't found anything quite directly related enough to get me started on my own solution, so I thought I'd reach out.

I've been playing around with Publish for a lil bit, though I have been putting off investigating methods of customizing how permalinks are published.

To be as succinct as I can, my end goal is essentially just two functions:

  1. The automated addition of a given note's public Publish URL (ex: as a url property in the frontmatter.
  2. Ideally, the ability to add a markdown-formatted hyperlink of the same ([Note Title](publishurl)) at the cursor with a single hotkey.

I feel like it's absurd to think I'm the only one seeking such a function - apologies if this is redundant.


First, search the help docs and this forum. Maybe your question has been answered! The debugging steps can help, too. Still stuck? Delete this line and proceed.

What I'm trying to do

To be as succinct as I can, my end goal is essentially just two functions:

  1. The automated addition of a given note's public Publish URL (ex: as a url property in the frontmatter.
  2. Ideally, the ability to add a markdown-formatted hyperlink of the same ([Note Title](publishurl)) at the cursor with a single hotkey.

Things I have tried

Unfortunately, my search for an existing solution (despite how likely it seems to me one exists) has been protracted over a year+ period in intermittent, disjointed bursts, so I cannot reasonably recall details of the methods. Apologies if this ends up being redundant.