David Blue‘s Drafts Configs

Updated 08042024-193526


Where Text Starts™ and David Blue Ends.


This is my repository for AgileTortoise's Drafts, of which I've been a customer/user for the majority of my adult life.

Please feel free to use/distribute anything in here - including original content - as per the terms of "The Unlicense, Dave Edition."



Telegram Group (New!)

Drafts Cult Telegram

I have long pondered creating an unofficial chat-format space for the Drafts community and finally decided to just have a go! @draftsapp is a public Telegram Group for anyone and everyone to discuss Drafts. See its corresponding issue in this repo for more details.

Written Work on Drafts

Siri Shortcuts

David Blue on the Drafts Action Directory

David Blue’s Drafts Action Directory Contributions

Unlisted Drafts Directory Links



Action Groups




Main Preview
Main Preview

Windows Eternal


A celebration of The Winders™ Aesthetic. Based on one of my favorite Telegram themes.


ENCOM Span CDCD8EEA-8046-4D2B-A302-AA5A29A06544


Greyhound 2.0 Grid - iPad Pro
Greyhound 2.0 Grid - iPad Pro
Greyhound 2.0 Grid - iPhone 12 Pro Max
Greyhound 2.0 Grid - iPhone 12 Pro Max

A dark theme inspired by Greyhound for Telegram. More details can be found at its corresponding GitHub Issue.

Drafts Directory

Windows Iowa

Windows Iowa - iPad Pro
Windows Iowa - iPad Pro
Windows Iowa
Windows Iowa

Drafts Directory Link

(A variant of the “BSOD” theme by kimonostereo.)

Color radicalized version of the source inspired by a fictional alpha version of Windows (Windows Iowa.)

See: “Windows Iowa Startup Theme

The Theme's Issue on my iOS GitHub Repo

The Psalms

Four Portrait
Four Portrait

Replicating the reading experience of bilge.world.

Drafts Directory Link

Drafts Version: 26.2.4 Drafts Subscription: Pro Device: iPhone Operating System: iOS OS Build: 14.5

Version 0.1

I did not originally intend to share this theme, but I sortof accidentally ended up with a configuration I’m extremely happy with.

Drafts Autocompletes
Drafts Autocompletes

Autocompletes #31

This is a collection of my personal “Autocomplete Suggestions” (identical to what TextExpander calls “snippets”) for Drafts, and they are installable, if you’d like.

Definitely read Tim Nahumck’s work on this feature if you’re curious about it.


The hyperlinks on the expansion triggers will take you a corresponding plain text file containing the installation URL (which is, of course, the entire contents of each, encoded in a string.) Copy the full text of the URL, paste it in your web browser, and tap/click “Go” (or your equivalent)/key RETURN or ENTER. Regardless of platform, you should receive a prompt asking if you’d like to open it in Drafts.

Here’s a wee demo video:

[David Blue‘s Drafts Configs](drafts://open?uuid=38A942A2-33C4-4630-9CDE-B005989F4E3A)

<video controls>
  <source src=“”>
<audio controls>
  <source src=“”>
<script src=".js"></script>

[GitHub Issue](https://github.com/extratone/bilge/issues/)
<!-- [[u:38A942A2-33C4-4630-9CDE-B005989F4E3A]] : EMBED -->

Drafts Keyboard Shortcuts

Updated 10112022-132400

Action Command
@NeoYokel Twitter Search ⇧⌃Y
~ Town Copy HTML ⇧⌃⌥C
✪ #- ⇧⌘
Action Search ⌘/
Add to Letterboxd Watchlist ⇧⌥⌘L
Add to Letterboxd Watchlist ⇧⌥⌘L
Alexis ⌥⌘A
Anecdote ⇧⌃⌥A
App Store Search ⇧⌃/
App Store Search ⇧⌥⌘
Append to Selected Lines ⇧⌃⌥→
Better Tab
Blink Selection ⌃B
Capture with Bear ⇧⌃⌥B
Capture with Bear ⇧⌃⌥B
Cardhop Selection ⇧⌃⌥H
Case toggle ⇧⌃+
Clear Clipboard ⌥⇥
Clipboard… ⌥C
Club MacStories Search ⇧⌃M
Club MacStories Search ⌥M
Code Block (```) ⌃`
Convert YAML to JSON ⌘Y
Copy as Rich Text ⌃⌥C
Copy as Rich Text ⌃⌥C
Copy Draft Link as MD link ⇧⌃C
Copy Draft Link ⇧⌥⌘C
Copy Draft Open Link ⇧⌘E
Copy Tags ⌃⌥T
Copy UUID ⌃⌥⌘C
Copy WTF Markdown Link to Clipboard ⇧⌃⌥F
Copy WTF URL to Clipboard ⇧⌥⌘F
Copy ⌃C
Correspondence Workspace ⌘4
Create Gist ⇧⌃⌥G
Create Redirect ⇧⌥⌘R
Current Draft Info ⌃I
Current Work Draft ⌥1
Current Work Notes ⌥2
Dashboard ⌥0
**Discord Spoiler Tags ( )** ⌥H
Documentation Workspace ⌘3
Download Selected URL ⌃⌥⌘D
Draft to /drafts as UUID.html ⇧⌃⌥↑
Draft to Apple Note ⌥A
Drafts Things ⌥⌘T
DraftsHex (Decode) ⇧⌥⌘H
DraftsHex ⇧⌃H
DraftsImage ⇧⌃I
DraftsImageSmall ⇧⌃⌥I
Drakesville ⌃M
Duplicate Line ⇧⌘D
Edit in External Editor ⌃⌘E
Eight ⇧⌥2
Eileen ⌥⌘E
Eleven ⇧⌥5
Email (Custom) ⌃⌘M
Encode... ⇧⌥⌘E
Event in Fantastical ⌃⌥⌘F
Export Psalms Drafts ⇧⌃⌥D
Export Psalms Notes ⇧⌃⌥N
Fetch URL Content to New Draft ⌃⌥↓
Fifteen ⇧⌥9
Five ⌥5
Four ⌥4
Fourteen ⇧⌥8
GitHub Search ⌃⌥/
Gladys URL Item from Selection ⌃⌥⌘G
Go To Bookmark ⇧⌃
Google Search ⌥G
Hole Workspace ⌘9
HTML Comment ⇧⌥C
Indent ⌘]
Indent ⌘]
index.html ⇧⌥I
Inline Code(`) ⇧⌃`
Insert DavodTime™ timestamp. ⇧⌃⌥T
Insert Highlight ⇧⌥H
Keyboard Shortcuts Export ⌃⌥⌘K
Leonard Workspace ⌘5
Lookup in Terminology ⇧⌃D
Mark Done ⌘D
Mark Done ⌘D
Markdown Bold (**) ⌘B
Markdown Emphasis (*) ⌘I
Markdown Emphasis (*) ⌘I
Markdown Footnote (Variation) ⌃F
Markdown Footnote (Variation) ⌃F
Markdown Header (#) ⌃⌘H
Markdown Link ⌘K
Markdown List ⌃L
Markdown Quotation (>) ⌃Q
Move Line Down ⌥↓
Move Line Up ⌥↑
NeoCities HTML Preview ⌥⌘P
New Draft with Safari Tabs ⇧⌥⌘+
New Draft with Template ⇧⌘N
New Linked Draft ⌃N
Nine ⇧⌥3
Notion-Create Page ⇧⌥⌘;
Open NeoCities Workspace ⇧⌃N
Open pushed /drafts file by UUID. ⇧⌃⌥↓
Open URL (Chrome Incognito) ⌃⌥O
Open URL (Firefox) ⇧⌃⌥O
Open URL (Firefox) ⇧⌃⌥O
Open URL (Microsoft Edge) ⇧⌥⌘O
Open URL (Microsoft Edge) ⇧⌥⌘O
Open URL ⇧⌃O
Outdent ⌘[
Outdent ⌘[
Post to Mastodon ⇧⌃⌥M
Post to Medium ⌃⌥M
Post to Micro.blog (with Title) ⇧⌥⌘M
Post to WordPress ⇧⌥⌘W
Post to Writeas Blog ⇧⌥⌘↑
Post to Writeas Blog ⇧⌥⌘↑
Preview MMD ⌘D
Print Text ⌃⌥P
Query Web Archive ⌥⌘/
Quick Open ⌃↓
Raindrop Selection ⌃⌥⌘R
Raindrop Text ⇧⌃⌥R
Random Draft ⇧⌥⌘]
Refresh TextExpander Snippets ⇧⌘R
Refresh Theme or Syntax ⌥⌘R
Reminder ⇧⌃R
Replace URLs by MD links ⇧⌘U
Rose Note in Telegram ⌃R
Run Shortcut ⇧⌃↓
Run Shortcut ⇧⌃=
Save to Clipboard folder as MMddYYYY-HHmmss.txt ⌃⌥⌘S
Save to Written folder as .md ⌥⌘S
Save Version ⌥S
Search Drafts Directory ⇧⌃⌥/
Search Drafts Directory ⌃⌥
Search iCloud Keychain ⇧⌥⌘K
Search on Letterboxd ⇧⌃.
Search on Letterboxd ⇧⌃.
Search RoutineHub ⌃⌥⌘
Search RoutineHub ⌃⌥⌘
Search Web Archive ⇧⌥⌘A
Search Web Archive ⇧⌥⌘A
Send to Obsidian Folder ⇧⌥⌘I
Send to Saved Messages (Telegram) (copy) ⌃G
Seven ⇧⌥1
Share as File: Markdown ⇧⌃S
Share as File: Markdown ⇧⌃S
Share as Markdown File ⇧⌃⌥S
Share Selection ⌥U
Simplenote ⇧⌃W
Six ⌥6
Snap.as Upload ⇧⌥⌘U
Store Page URLs ⇧⌃U
Store Snippet ⇧⌥
Stream with VLC ⇧⌃⌥V
Stream with VLC ⇧⌃⌥V
Stream with VLC ⇧⌃⌥V
Strikethrough ⌃S
Synonym ⌃⌥S
TAD-Deduplicate All (Lines) ⇧⌘-
TAD-Display Base64 Decode Selection ⌃⌥6
TAD-Duplicate Draft and Load ⌃D
TAD-Load New Draft from Selection ⌃⌥N
TAD-Preview Full Log ⇧⌃⌥L
TAD-Sort All - Alphabetic ⇧⌃A
TAD-Toggle Last Two Modified Drafts ⇧⇥
Tasks ⌃T
Telegram Bot Post ⇧⌃G
Telegram Bot Post ⇧⌃G
Templates Workspace ⌘8
Ten ⇧⌥4
Text Modifier… ⇧⌃t
TextExpander Snippet ⇧⌥⌘T
Things Update ⌃⌥⌘T
Thirteen ⇧⌥7
Three ⌥3
To Repo at Path ⇧⌥⌘B
Toggle Link Mode ⌘U
Toggle numbered lists ⌃⌥L
Toggle Tasks ⌥⌘R
Toggle Theme ⇧⌃L
Tot5 Draft Link as MD link (Shortcut) ⇧⌃E
Trash ⌃-
Tweet Selection ⇧⌃⌥P
Tweetbot Selection (Private) ⌃⌥⌘P
Tweetbot Selection ⌥P
Twelve ⇧⌥6
Twitter Publish Tool ⇧⌃B
Twitter Publish Tool ⇧⌃B
Ulysses Sheet ⇧⌥⌘S
Version Cycle ⇧⌘S
versions ⇧⌘V
Vocabulary Workspace ⇧⌃V
Written Workspace ⌘2
Zalgos ⇧⌃Z


External Drafts Keyboard Shortcuts
External Drafts Keyboard Shortcuts
Action Command
Actions->Manage Actions... A

Template Drafts