Jon Edlund (@Win7Guru) Direct Messages

Updated 11082022-210821

I realized that I should have sent this directly Hey David I made some alterations and now your wonderful shortcut works from the share sheet. Could you please credit me for the changes if you upload a separate version :)

Of course! Which shortcut?

The App Store Reviews one

I posted in Apple Shortcuts group on Twitter

Ah! i see now. sorry, i've been fairly absent from Twitter recently.

That is okay, I have been absent from that text replacements post for a while. I get it :)

Anyway, I worked on it for at least 2 hours and got the share sheet mechanics working. I am really proud, considering I was listening to a book while tinkering.

Well I appreciate your work! That's exciting!

Thank you, likewise about your work. You make some pretty amazing shortcuts too.

I'm glad you think so! on that note - have you tried RoutineHub at all? I'm not a paid spokesperson or anything but I *am* a paying member and very excited about its future.

I am on RoutineHub but I have not uploaded any shortcuts yet. I believe in its future too.

Hello David, I just saw your Markdown to Day One shortcut and it is great. Since there is a limit to how many images I can add to each entry, I thought I would have it do the same thing in Ulysses, but I can't seem to gather images […]


Hm. I've been messing around with it. The `Get Images From Webpage` action doesn't appear to be gettin the images I'd actually want it to (it's just gathered all the symbol images from like captchas and stuff lol.) The easiest solution - in theory - would be a third party app's shortcut action but I've yet to come across one personally that does that competently.

Well thanks for playing around with it Here is a shortcut that I got help with from the Ulysses team. It converts a link from share sheet to markdown. I added the truncation (I wish there was a native way to truncate text in shortcuts), but the problem is that the images gathered don't have the full path, it is usually something like […] but the main site path before / is removed. Sure I can manually copy paste the site from another place in the sheet to each partial path, but that would require Textastic as Ulysses doesn't support this easily […] []

Sorry I have not been updating my blog, I have been very active on the shortcuts discord. I hope you understand.

Hey David I made a PoC called Get URL of Image (Safari) In this, I have three options to 1. Copy Host 2. Copy Host and Path 3. No Copy, just display full url I plan to improve upon that shortcut that lets me export webpages to Ulysses and resolve the partial urls for images. I might need your help if you have time. Here is that Web Page to Ulysses ✪ shortcut […] Get URL of Image (Safari) […]