Out & About Speedtest (Mastodon) Thread

Updated 07302023-065339

hilarious that my number one Pro Tip to make your mobile network more consistent in the 5G era is: just turn 5G off.

(5G on vs LTE-only)

(the indicator says LTE in the first one because I forgot to get the screenshot after the test before turning 5G off.)

I love my life.

yeah, I’m just going to keep posting these every time I go out until 5g actually makes sense to me.

not this time, I guess? I’m way earlier though.

ne ver mind lol.


4G LTE vs. 5G.

alright i don’t even know.

here we are tethered to my phone ... from my basement... 4G LTE vs 5G.

this is tethered, on LTE instead of 5g, FROM THE BASEMENT, AFTER having been explicitly notified that I've hit my data cap and am now being throttled.

privileged af. don't talk to me about american networks needing improvement unless you're referring to rural areas.

here's a Gist with export history to date(?). https://gist.github.com/extratone/c7a7d41ab547631366727330efc610af


well I'll be durned... this result seems actually different...

(LTE Left, 5G Right)

(important to mention that I have used almost 80 fucking GB of my "unlimited" data this month which is as high as I can remember going since I started more diligently keeping track.)

@DavidBlue 5G isn't only about bandwidth, it's also about how many simultaneous users can connect to the network. Speed is not a guarantee over 4G/LTE, and can sometimes be slower.

@inference that’s the problem, exactly. in my part of the world, we need range. college football games are (I suspect) the closest we come to a high load. for the midwestern US, it has ALWAYS been range. for a fifth of a century, now lol.

@DavidBlue 5G is actually not 1, but 2, different types of connection. Why these are not logically split into 5G and 5G+ as H and 4G were, I don't know.

5G Sub-6 (<6 GHz) is what you'll find in most 5G situations; this is nothing more than an extension to 4G.

5G mmWave is the ultra-fast implementation which requires small antennas/towers across entire streets and cities etc in very close range of each other (hence its rare usage).

Sub-6 provides the same (or more, if in a low-frequency setup rather than mid-frequency) range as 4G.

@inference why do both of these names sound extremely cool

@neXtTech 5G and 5G+ sound cooler, because they're logical.

Sub-6 should be 5G.

mmWave should be 5G+

That conforms to the same style as H/H+ and 4G/4G+

@inference also sub-6 reminds me of Sub7 lmao

@neXtTech I don't even know what Sub7 is...


@inference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sub7

@neXtTech That's one persistent Trojan...

@inference NetBus is equally evil


@neXtTech Imagine just sitting there, then your optical disc tray just opens.

Another reason it's a good thing discs are dead...

@inference i remember a forum post from ages ago of someone asking for a free cup holder

someone else told him "here, run this exe"

all it did was open the disc tray

@neXtTech That... is awesome.