FB11099127 ("Invalid action metadata" Apple Notes Action Error)

Updated 08062022-070630

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FB11099127 ("Invalid action metadata" Apple Notes Action Error) https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/11099127

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"Invalid action metadata" Shortcuts Error

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Please describe the issue and what steps we can take to reproduce it:

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Expected Results

When running the attached shortcut with a rich text hyperlink list (copied from Safari's tab groups) on the system clipboard, this Shortcut should (and has, demonstrably, on previous iOS 16 beta builds) correctly create and append said links to an Apple Note.

Actual Experienced Results

When running the attached shortcut with a rich text hyperlink list (copied from Safari's tab groups) on the system clipboard, I am consistently receiving the same error:

Invalid action metadata

Unfortunately, there is nothing Shortcuts can do about this; it is due to a bug in the host app. We'd recommend contacting the maker of that app and letting them know of this problem.

Please see the attached screenshots.