Using native Apple Text Replacement in Place of TextExpander's Sunsetting iOS/iPadOS Integration

Updated 09162022-204839

Apologies if this has already been addressed publicly, but - regarding "saying goodbye to in-app support for TextExpander" on iOS/macOS - are you able to provide any more details about the sunsetting?

To be honest, my personal ideal configuration (after testing for the past month) would involve both versions of the iPadOS app being installed. Losing the legacy app immediately would legit set my day-to-day workflow back in a big way, but I'm sure I'm very much an outlier, there.

Thanks for your time! :)


Just for kicks... did anyone ever bother writing a script for converting .textexpander xml into natively-importable Text Substitutions.plist files??? I know there's no economic incentive to answer that one but 1.) I'm very curious and 2.) I'm probably going to end up writing one myself, if not, and it's inevitably going to take some headbashing lol
