a-Shell Themer Shortcut

Updated 06142024-095804


I've been working on a Siri Shortcut for comprehensively constructing config commands. I'd very much appreciate any feedback before I publish it.

(Note: requires Toolbox Pro)

A guided experience for creating comprehensive a-Shell style configurations

This Shortcut guides one through the process of creating a complete customization command for a-Shell including: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/toolbox-pro-for-shortcuts/id1476205977

  1. Font (via a-Shell's internal font picker config -n)
  2. Font size
  3. Terminal background color (via Toolbox Pro's Pick Color action)
  4. Terminal text (foreground) color (via Toolbox Pro's Pick Color action)
  5. Terminal cursor and highlight color (via Toolbox Pro's Pick Color action)
  6. Terminal cursor style
  7. Terminal ligature style

Configure fonts, colors, and the toolbar

usage: config [-s font size][-n font name][-b background color][-f foreground color][-c cursor color][-g][-p][-d][-r]

For all parameters: "default" to get the default value currently stored, "factory" to get a-Shell factory defaults (Menlo, 13.0 pts, colors from system).

Colors can be defined by names, RGB triplets "red green blue" or HexStrings "#00FF00"

-s | --size: set font size
-n | --name: set font name. Nothing or "picker" to get the system font picker.
-b | --background: set background color
-f | --foreground: set foreground color
-c | --cursor: set cursor and highlight color
-k | --cursorShape: set cursor shape (beam, block or underline)
-l | --ligatures: normal, contextual, none...
-t | --toolbar: create a configuration file to change the toolbar
-g | --global: extend settings to all windows currently open
-p | --permanent: store settings as default values
-d | --default: reset all settings to default values
-r | --reset: reset all settings to factory default
--show: show current settings

Sample uses:
config -p: make settings for current window the default for future windows.
config -dgp: revert all open and future windows to stored default.
config -b 0 0 0 -f #00ff00: get a green-on-black VT100 look.
