Automation April 2023 Reference

Updated 04152023-122653

I reformatted some of the information provided in this post about MacStories' 2023 Automation April contest for my own reference.

The Categories

  1. Overall Shortcut
  2. HealthKit Shortcut
  3. Productivity Shortcut
  4. Media Shortcut
  5. Mac-specific Shortcut
  6. Everyday Shortcut

The one category change we've made from last year is replacing Best HomeKit Shortcut with Best HealthKit Shortcut, which was a practical choice, since it can be difficult to judge HomeKit shortcuts based on hardware to which some of our judges may not have access.

Itemized Rule List

  1. Your submissions must be shortcuts, although they can incorporate scripts, web APIs, and actions from third-party apps.
  2. All scripts, web APIs, and third-party actions on which your shortcut relies must be listed in the space provided in the contest submission form.
  3. Note any special installation requirements in the description of your shortcut submission.
  4. Your submission(s) must run on the currently released versions of Apple's operating systems and must be submitted as iCloud links.
  5. All shortcuts submitted must also respect the privacy, security, and data of users.

For example, shortcuts that upload user data without their knowledge and consent will be disqualified.

  1. We ask that you provide a brief description of your shortcut, along with an iCloud link, and a list of any script, web API, and third-party action integrations. You've got 500 words to explain to the judges what your shortcut does and what makes it special.
  2. If you submitted a shortcut last year that didn't win, you can resubmit it this year if you'd like.
  3. All submissions must be your own original work in their entirety. It's fine if your shortcut was inspired by a technique you saw somewhere else, but shortcuts that copy the work of others will be disqualified.
  4. If available, please provide links to any blog post, Reddit thread, or other material that supports the originality of your work.
  5. All materials you submit to us in connection with the Automation April Shortcuts Contest are subject to the MacStories Privacy Policy, which was recently updated to address the contest and free Club MacStories accounts.

The Rules

As explained above, your submissions must be shortcuts, although they can incorporate scripts, web APIs, and actions from third-party apps. All scripts, web APIs, and third-party actions on which your shortcut relies must be listed in the space provided in the contest submission form. Please note any special installation requirements in the description of your shortcut submission. Also, your submissions must run on the currently released versions of Apple's operating systems and must be submitted as iCloud links.

All shortcuts submitted must also respect the privacy, security, and data of users. For example, shortcuts that upload user data without their knowledge and consent will be disqualified.

As you'll see from the submission form, we ask that you provide a brief description of your shortcut, along with an iCloud link, and a list of any script, web API, and third-party action integrations. You've got 500 words to explain to the judges what your shortcut does and what makes it special. Among other qualities, our panel will evaluate submissions based on originality, performance, design, user experience, and usefulness. If you submitted a shortcut last year that didn't win, you can resubmit it this year if you'd like.

It should go without saying, but all submissions must be your own original work in their entirety. It's fine if your shortcut was inspired by a technique you saw somewhere else, but shortcuts that copy the work of others will be disqualified. For the same reason, your shortcut should not use the Run Shortcut action to call another shortcut that you didn't create. If available, please provide links to any blog post, Reddit thread, or other material that supports the originality of your work.